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Geologic History Video Quiz 10 Questions-50 Pts. Question #1: The Earth is approximately_______old: A. 46 million years old B. 460 billion years old C.

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Presentation on theme: "Geologic History Video Quiz 10 Questions-50 Pts. Question #1: The Earth is approximately_______old: A. 46 million years old B. 460 billion years old C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geologic History Video Quiz 10 Questions-50 Pts

2 Question #1: The Earth is approximately_______old: A. 46 million years old B. 460 billion years old C. 4.6 billion years old D. 46 trillion years old E. none are correct…

3 Question #2: Two periods of time scientists use to measure the age of Earth are: A. Essential time B. Absolute time C. Magnetic time D. Relative time E. A and C, only F. B and D, only G. B and C, only

4 Question #3: Place in descending order from latest to earliest: A. stegosaurus, woolly mammoth, trilobite B. woolly mammoth, trilobite, stegosaurus C. trilobite, woolly mammoth, stegosaurus D. trilobite, stegosaurus, woolly mammoth E. woolly mammoth, stegosaurus, trilobite F. none of these choices are correct

5 Question #4: True or false-The layers of Earth farthest from the crust are the newest and youngest layers: A. true B. false

6 Question #5: Uranium decays into___so scientists can tell the age of the rock: A. pumice B. argon C. silver D. talc E. lead F. plutonium

7 Question #6: ‘All living things contain a radioactive isotope known as’: A. Hydrogen 11 B. Carbon 12 C. Oxygen 13 D. Carbon 14 E. Nitrogen 15

8 Question #7: Varves in lakes caused by ______are also used to determine rock age: A. Mountain ranges B. Volcanoes C. Glaciers D. Earthquakes E. None of them are correct

9 Question #8: 65 million years ago, it was assumed that a ___________destroyed 75% of life: A. a major volcano B. a huge comet like Halley’s C. the removal of O2 from the atmosphere D. a huge meteorite crash landed on Earth E. none of them seem correct

10 Question #9: True or false: sometimes fossils of plants and animals are found together: A. True B. False

11 Question #10: Put these time periods in descending order from latest to earliest: A. Precambrian, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Cenozoic B. Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian C. Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian D. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian E. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

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