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Presentation on theme: "1900.1901.1902.1903.1904.1905.1906.1907.1908.1909.1910.1911.1912.1913.1914.1915.1916.1917.1918.1919.1900.1901.1902.1903.1904.1905.1906.1907.1908.1909.1910.1911.1912.1913.1914.1915.1916.1917.1918.1919.1900.1901.1902.1903.1904.1905.1906.1907.1908.1909.1910."— Presentation transcript:

1 1900.1901.1902.1903.1904.1905.1906.1907.1908.1909.1910.1911.1912.1913.1914.1915.1916.1917.1918.1919.1900.1901.1902.1903.1904.1905.1906.1907.1908.1909.1910.1911.1912.1913.1914.1915.1916.1917.1918.1919.1900.1901.1902.1903.1904.1905.1906.1907.1908.1909.1910.1911.1912.1913.1914.1915.1916.1917.1918.1919.1900.1901.1902.1903.1904. 1905.1906.1907.1908.1909. By Elizabeth Neils, Jane Eisenhardt, Lucy Pawliczek, and Haley Kramer 1900-1919

2 ArtArt

3 Music A popular style of music in the early 1900’s was jazz. Jazz was sometimes called “Dixieland”. A few famous songs from this time were: ”St. Louis Blues” Another famous style of music was Italian opera tenor. One famous singer for this type of music was Enrico Caruso. He is considered to be one of the most significant singers of his time and even after his time.

4 Classic Literature During our time period, many books were written that are still enjoyed today. Some of the books are: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter.

5 Medicine and Scientific Advances During our time period there were many medicine and scientific advances that have helped made life the way it is today. Thomas Edison invented the carbon microphone, record player, motion pictures (aka movies), and the perforated 35 mm film. The zipper and paper clip were invented in 1900. In 1903 ford invented one of the first cars. The Wright brothers invented one of the first airplanes in 1903. In 1905 Einstein came up with his theory of relativity. 1910 radon was discovered. 1 st electric self car starter was made in 1911. 1911 was also the year the air conditioner was invented. The first cinemas started in our time period.

6 Major National and International Events During our time period one of the most exciting international events occurred. DUN DUN DUNNN ! The titanic ! The titanic was a giant boat that hit an ice burg and began to sink. Many people died, some survived but it was one of the most tragic stories out at sea. It happened in 1912. Some other events that occurred were : The Spanish Influenza epidemic during 1918-1920 were 20-100 million people died. There was also the Typhoid fever occurred from 1900-1907. Child labor was still an issue in our time period and so was racism.(where African Americans and Caucasians did not get along).

7 Immigration In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were from – Almost six million from Germany Almost five million from Italy Over four and a half million from Ireland Over four million from Austria and Hungary Over four million from Britain, (England, Scotland, and Wales) Over two million from Scandinavia, (Norway, Sweden, Demark, and Finland) From 1820 to 1930 more than thirty – seven million people immigrated to America, this was the largest movement of people in the history of the world, and in 1907 a record number of 1,285,349 immigrants were processed at Ellis Island. Of these 1,004,756 were admitted


9 1902 – Death of Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1906 – Death of Susan B. Anthony 1909 – Carrie Chapman Catt organizes the Woman Suffrage Party 1910 – Washington passes women’s suffrage 1911 – California is won as a Woman’s suffrage state 1912 – Alice Paul founds the Congressional Union for Women’s Suffrage, later called National Woman’s Party 1913 – Ida Wells - Barnet and her contingent of African American women are segregated at a Washington D.C., suffrage march 1917 – New York passes women’s suffrage 1918 – The federal amendment passes the House of Representatives 1919 – The federal amendment passes the Senate 1920 – The Nineteenth Amendment becomes law


11 Camp Dix “Fort Dix has been serving America's Army since July 18, 1917, when its predecessor, Camp Dix, was officially established as a training and staging camp for troops destined for the battlefields of Europe during World War I. Camp Dix rapidly became one of the nation's largest military reservations as the 78th, 87th and 34th Divisions and many smaller units trained for the war. Because of its proximity to Hoboken, New Jersey, the principal embarkation port for the Doughboys, hundreds of thousands of men from other divisions would pass through Camp Dix on their way to France.” -


13 Would You Like To Dance? During our time period events called “balls” were very popular. A famous ball took place in Chicago which is formally known as The Hunt Ball.


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