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Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 1. Pitch Definition: How high or low a note sounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 1. Pitch Definition: How high or low a note sounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 1

2 Pitch Definition: How high or low a note sounds

3 Beat Definition: The steady pulse in music

4 Beat Vs. Count BEAT is the steady pulse in the music and COUNT is how we measure the beat in the music.

5 Music Staff A music staff has FIVE lines and FOUR spaces A music staff is what the notes go on

6 Grand Staff A GRAND STAFF is when the treble and bass clefs are joined together.

7 Grand Staff When the treble and bass clef are combined, everything stays the same! C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C

8 What words are spelled using notes on the Grand Staff? Grand Staff BEEF ACED B E E FBEEF A C E DACED

9 Bar Line Definition: A vertical line that separates music into measures

10 Measure Definition: area between bar lines

11 Double Bar Line Definition: Two lines that mark the end of a piece

12 Note Durations Note Name: Eighth Note (Barred) Note Duration: 1/2 (+) 1/2 = 1 Note Name: Eighth Note (Flagged) Note Duration: 1/2 count

13 Note Durations Note Name: Quarter Note Note Duration: 1 Count Note Name: Half Note Note Duration: 2 Counts

14 Note Durations Note Name: Dotted Half Note Note Duration: 3 Counts Note Name: Whole Note Note Duration: 4 Counts

15 Rest Types Rest Name: Eighth Rest Rest Duration: 1/2 count Rest Name: Quarter Rest Rest Duration: 1 count

16 Rest Types Rest Name: Half Rest Rest Duration: 2 counts Rest Name: Whole Rest Rest Duration: 4 counts

17 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 2

18 Time Signatures Definition: Two numbers that tell us how many beats per measure and what note gets the beat.

19 Top Number = How Many Beats per Measure Time Signatures Top Number = 4 = Top Number = 3 = Top Number = 95 = 4 Beats Per Measure 3 Beats Per Measure 95 Beats Per Measure

20 Time Signatures Bottom Number = What note gets the beat __1__ 4 __6__ 8 __2__ 2 Quarter NoteEighth NoteHalf Note

21 Common Time – Another way of writing 4/4, our most COMMON time signature Time Signatures

22 = 4 Beats Per Measure = Quarter Note gets the Beat = 3 Beats Per Measure = Quarter Note gets the Beat

23 Time Signatures = 6 Beats Per Measure = Eighth Note gets the Beat = 9 Beats Per Measure = Eighth Note gets the Beat

24 Rhythm Definition: The patterns of long and short sounds and silence in music.

25 Dotted Quarter Note Adding a DOT to a note: A dot after a note takes half the note’s value and adds it to the original note, making it that much longer.

26 Dotted Quarter Note Note Name: Dotted Quarter Note Note Duration: 1 ½ Counts

27 Rhythm Counting 1_+_2 + 3_+_4 + 1_2_3_4 When counting dotted quarter notes, you connect all three counts with underscores 1 +_2_+ (3) + 4 (+) It will look like a sandwich with either numbers or and signs sandwiching something in the middle

28 Rhythm Counting 1 2 +_3_+ (4) (1_2) 3_+_4 +

29 Major Scale Definition: A series of notes based on musical steps

30 Solfege Definition: A series of syllables that match the notes of the scale

31 DO RE MI FA SOL LA TI DO Solfege for a Major Scale





36 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 3

37 Dynamics Definition: How loud or soft you sing

38 English Word Very Very Loud/Strong Very Loud/Strong Loud/Strong Medium Loud/Strong Medium Soft Italian Word Fortississimo Fortissimo Forte Mezzo Forte Mezzo Piano Dynamics

39 English Word Soft Very Soft Very Very Soft Gradually get louder Gradually get softer Italian Word Piano Pianissimo Pianississimo Crescendo Decrescendo Dynamics

40 English Word Very Very Loud/Strong Very Loud/Strong Loud/Strong Medium Loud/Strong Medium Soft Symbol fff ff f mf mp Dynamics

41 English Word Soft Very Soft Very Very Soft Gradually get louder Gradually get softer Symbol p pp ppp < > Dynamics

42 Piano – White Keys CDEFGAB

43 To find C… First you find a set of TWO black keys, the note to the left of the two black keys is C. Piano – White Keys

44 1. Find a set of two black keys

45 2. Go to the note directly to the left of the black keys. Piano – White Keys THIS IS C!

46 To find F… First you find a set of THREE black keys, the note to the left of the three black keys is F. Piano – White Keys

47 1. Find a set of THREE black keys

48 2. Go to the note directly to the left of the black keys. Piano – White Keys THIS IS F!

49 Piano – White Keys G B

50 A flat changes a note by making it a 1/2 step… LOWER Piano – Flat Keys

51 Flats only happen when we are descending (going down the scale) Piano – Flat Keys


53 Piano – Flat Keys Gb Db

54 A sharp changes a note by making it a 1/2 step… HIGHER Piano – Sharp Keys

55 Sharps only happen when we are ascending (going up the scale) Piano – Sharp Keys


57 Piano – Sharp Keys F# C#

58 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 4

59 Sixteenth Notes Note Name: SIXTEENTH NOTE Note Duration: ¼ Count

60 Counting Sixteenth Notes 4 sixteenth notes = 1 beat 1 e + a =

61 Rhythm Counting 1 e + a 2 e + a (3_4) 1 e + a 2 + 3 e + a (4) 1 e + a 2_+_3 + (4) 1 e + a 2 +_3_+ (4)

62 Tie Definition of Tie: Curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch to indicate that the note values should be combined to create a new value. 1 + 1 = 2

63 Tie 1_2_3 + 1 + (2) + (3) 1 + 2 +_1 (2)

64 Tie 1_2 e + a 3 + (4) + 1 +_2_+ 3_4

65 Mixed Meter Definition of Mixed Meter: When two or more time signatures are used in one song.

66 Mixed Meter 1_2 1 2 1 2 +_3_+ 4 (1_2) 3_4

67 Mixed Meter 1_2 3 +_4_+ 1 2 + (3_4) 1 e + a 2_3 (1) 2 +_3 +

68 Mixed Meter 1_2_3 (4) (5)+ (1_2) 3_+_4 + 5+ 1_2_1 (2) 1 +_2_+

69 Mixed Meter 1 +_2_+ 1_+_2 + 1 e + a (2) 3 e + a (1) + 2_1_2

70 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 5

71 Interval Definition: The distance between two pitches

72 Interval Note Names: G and A 1 and 2 Interval is: SECOND

73 Interval What do you notice about the notes in an interval of a second?

74 Interval Note Names: G and B 1 and 3 Interval is:THIRD

75 Interval What do you notice about the notes in an interval of a third?

76 Intervals and Solfege DOREMIFASOL LA TIDO What solfege syllable is a second above DO? RE What solfege syllable is a third above DO? MI CDEFG A BC What letter name is a second above C? D What letter name is a third above C? E What solfege syllable is a fourth above DO? FA What letter name is a fourth above C? F

77 Octave Definition: Two pitches of the same name, but eight steps apart.

78 Octave


80 Unison Definition: When everyone is singing the same thing at the same time Example: The choir began the song singing in unison.

81 Harmony Definition: When different voice parts are singing different pitches at the same time Example: The song the director gave the choir required them to sing in harmony.

82 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 1 Week 6

83 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? UNISON

84 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? OCTAVE

85 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? THIRD

86 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? FOURTH

87 Stems on the Grand Staff TREBLE CLEF: Stems pointing up = Sopranos Stems pointing down = Altos BASS CLEF: Stems pointing up = Tenors Stems pointing down = Bass Only one stem = Baritone

88 Interval Identification TRUE OR FALSE: The baritones sing in octaves with the altos for the entire third measure.

89 Interval Identification TRUE OR FALSE: The baritones sing in octaves with the altos for the entire third measure. FALSE

90 Interval Identification What is the interval being sung between the baritones and the sopranos & altos on the words "to where you"?

91 Interval Identification What is the interval being sung between the baritones and the sopranos & altos on the words "to where you"? THIRD

92 Interval Identification In which measure do the altos and sopranos sing in seconds?

93 Interval Identification In which measure do the altos and sopranos sing in seconds? MEASURE 3

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