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Published byCassandra Fisher Modified over 9 years ago
1 A firm foundation: better seed, practices and food R. M. Trethowan A firm foundation: better seed, practices and food R Trethowan
2 1. Creating the genetic potential for better food - stepwise exploitation of genetic diversity - efficient breeding strategies - collaboration 2. Realizing the genetic potential for better food - exploiting genotype x crop management x environment interactions Wheat as an example
More food first: wheat production areas with high (P > 50%) to low probability (P 50%) to low probability (P < 20%) of occurrence of drought stress High Intermediate Low Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food CIMMYT (2006)
4 Adapted cultivars Landraces Related species (crossable) Alien species Stepwise exploitation of genetic resources Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food
ChromosomeNumber of significant markers linked to yield 1A3 1B1 1D4 2A6 5A2 5B4 6A12 6D3 7A20 7D6 5 More food first: genetics of wheat yield potential in northwestern NSW Atta et al 2013 Association analysis of a commercial wheat breeding program Based on 300 parents & derived progeny tested in multi-environment trials over 3 years
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food Crown rot in wheat Complex inheritance of resistance Plenty of genetic variation in the gene pool Low heritability Symptoms exacerbated under moisture stress Shriveled grain impacts processing quality Marker assisted recurrent selection Combine resistance QTLs in each population Yield testing in paired plots (+/- inoculation) Off season symptom testing 6 More food first: improving WUE through root health GRDC supported
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food Significant Markers - CSCR16/2/2-49/CUNNINGHAM//KENEDY/3/SUNCO/2*PASTOR(1RDRN#44 ) Symptom expression of season (controlled conditions) 1AL, 1BL, 1DL, 2AL, 2BL, 2BS, 3AL, 3DL, 4AL, 4BL, 4DL, 4DS, 5AL, 5AS, 5BS, 5DL, 6AL, 6BL, 6DL, 7AS, 7BS Field 1AL, 2BL, 3AL, 3B(?), 4BL, 4DL, 5BL,6BL 7 More food first: Recombination of positive gene effects for crown rot resistance
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food 8 More food first: Yield of MARS progeny & best commercial crown rot resistant cultivars, Narrabri
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food 9 Genotypes of an Indo-Australian parental set (180 genotypes; 1636 polymorphic clones) More food first: a bilateral international collaboration to exploit genetic diversity ACIAR supported
More food first: Yield (t/ha) of Indo-Australian progeny in northern NSW Australian parent Indian parent DBW16/Sunstate Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food
T. dicoccum or durum A. tauschii AABBDD DD + AABB More food first: synthetic wheat as a source of genetic variability Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food
12 Synthetic/Cunningham Spitfire Atta et al., 2013 More food first: improved WUE (3-year mean) at Narrabri, NSW
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food Cultivar Glu-A3Glu-A1Glu-B3Glu-B1Glu-D3Glu-D1Rmax (BU) Ext (cm) Silverstar 1 bahbba31020.8 Silverstar 2 cahbba27020.3 Silverstar 3 bahbbd38320.2 Silverstar 4 cahbbd34319.8 Silverstar 5 bahiba30020.7 Silverstar 6 cahiba26120.2 Silverstar 7 bahibd36920.1 Silverstar 8 cahibd32919.7 13 Better processing quality: making better crosses through prediction of dough quality based on alleles at 6 glutenin loci (Wang et al 2005)
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food 14 Higher mortality Higher morbidity Lower cognitive ability Lower work productivity Impaired growth Impaired reproduction 5% annual loss in GDP in South Asia An estimated 3 billion people suffer from Vitamin A, Fe & Zn deficiencies world wide (Graham et al., 2001) More nutritious food: the consequences of micronutrient malnutrition globally
FAO data, 1999 % Change in Cereal & Pulse Production Between 1965-1999 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 Cereal ProductionPulse ProductionPopulation India Pakistan Bangladesh India Bangladesh Pakistan Developed Developing
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food 16 More nutritious food: enhancing levels of essential micronutrients in food Kapfuchira 2014
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food Fructan and phytate not correlated with Yield (Kapfuchira 2014) 17 More nutritious food: targeting enhancers of micronutrient bioavailability
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food 18 ›Phytate and Fructan grain concentration are independently inherited. ›No common marker associated with Fe & Zn grain concentration TraitChromosomeSNP Marker Source of High AlleleLOD Score Phytate 2B1279272IDO 637 2.52 Phytate 3A2346126IDO 637 3.31 Phytate7B 1111547IRS 812.9 7.17 Fructan 2B1252182IRS 812.9 5.91 Fructan7A 2373159IRS 812.9 12.00 Fructan 7B2294143IDO 637 4.77 Fe1B 2278693IRS 812.9 11.36 Fe 3A1089315IDO 637 3.73 Fe 6B1222885IDO 637 4.25 Zn3B 1860597IDO 637 8.74 Zn 6B1298803IRS 812.9 4.82 Zn 7B1104316IRS 812.9 6.93 More nutritious food: QTL analysis of key nutrients in wheat Kapfuchira 2014
Genetics & higher quality, more nutritious food 19 More nutritious food: effect of phytate/fructan level on broiler weight gain (BWG) and food intake (FI) up to 14 days age
Realizing the genetic potential for better food 20 USA 26m Brazil 25m Argentina 20m Canada 13m Australia 12m Paraguay 2m Exploiting G x M x E: adoption of conservation agriculture globally 105 m ha under conservation agriculture (FAO, 2010)
Realizing the genetic potential for better food CropGenotype x Tillage Literature Wheat+/-Gutierrez (2005); Cox (1991); Wilkes et al (2010); Trethowan et al (2012) Barley-Ullrich & Muir (1986) Sorghum-Francis et al. (1985) Maize+/-Newhouse (1985); Brakke et al (1983); Newhouse & Crosbie (1983) Rice-Melo et al (2005) Soybean-Elmore (1990); Pfeiffer (1987) Other pulses?NA Exploiting G x M x E: published evidence of genotype x tillage interactions
Five crosses among lines with contrasting responses under zero-tillage Always selected under zero- tillage Always selected under conventional tillage Advanced lines from both selection regimes evaluated under both zero and conventional tillage Sayre & Trethowan Exploiting G x M x E: can a genotype x tillage practice interaction be designed? Realizing the genetic potential for better food
a a a a a b b a a a Exploiting G x M x E: 3-year mean performance in Mexico
Genotype x tillage practice trials on two soil types at Narrabri Exploiting G x M x E: QTL mapping of plant response to management regime at Narrabri : Realizing the genetic potential for better food
Krichauff Berkut Exploiting G x M x E: yield difference between zero-tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT) over two sites and two years at Narrabri
Realizing the genetic potential for better food ChrIntervalTreatmentSoil typeAdditive effect % Allele 1B gwm268/wPt-3475 CTGrey v8K 1B wPt-1313/gmw140 CTGrey v10K 1D cdf19/wmc216 CTRed k10K 2D wPt-3728/cfd44 ZTGrey v9K 2D gmw484/wmc27 ZTRed k9B 5A cfa2155/wPt1370 ZTGrey v25B 5A cfa2115/wPt1370 CTGrey v14B 5A cfa2115/wPt1370 CTRed k9B 5B wmc99/wPt2373 ZTGrey v12B Trethowan et al. 2012. Exploiting G x M x E: significant QTLs for yield under contrasting tillage regimes
Realizing the genetic potential for better food 27 Exploiting G x M x E: variation in total grain protein with genotype, soil and tillage regime (Wilkes et al 2010) CT ZT CTZTCTZT CTZTCTZT CT ZT
Realizing the genetic potential for better food Total Protein % Insoluble Protein Soluble Protein StarchAmyloseFlour Swelling Power Genotype (G)*** ns****** Soil (S)*** *****ns*** Tillage (T)***ns****** G x S*****ns *** G x T*** ns **ns S x T*** ns ***ns G x T x S*** ns **ns 28 Exploiting G x M x E: grain quality implications from genotype x tillage trials, Narrabri *, **, *** are P<0.05, 0.01, 0.001 respectively Wilkes et al, 2010
29 Genotype x crop management x environment interactions are highly complex but can be manipulated to enhance both the quantity and quality of our food supply
Acknowledgements Funding: GRDC, ACIAR, Generation Challenge Program & the Wheat Research Foundation Collaboration: Colleagues across the PBI Australia’s wheat breeding groups & companies Indian Council for Agricultural Research CIMMYT & ICARDA scientists Veterinary Science, Camden 30
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