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Weathering, Soil, and Mass Wasting Chapter 4:

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1 Weathering, Soil, and Mass Wasting Chapter 4:
Guided Notes Print out in note form with 3 or 4 to a page. Do this by downloading PowerPoint, opening it, clicking on File, clicking on Print, clicking on Print What Handouts 3 to a page or 4 to a page (on a mac first click on pull down menu that gives option of powerpoint ) Use to guide your notes as you read, fill in and answer questions and add your own notes in the margins

2 Earth's external processes
Weathering – ____________________ __________________________ Mass wasting – the transfer of rock material downslope under the influence of gravity Erosion – the incorporation and trans-portation of material by _____________________________

3 Weathering Two kinds of weathering Mechanical weathering
definition _____________________ Processes of mechanical weathering ________ wedging: Unloading: ____________ activity:

4 Explain this process Figure 4.3

5 Explain this process Figure 4.4 B

6 Weathering Two kinds of weathering Chemical weathering
Definition: _______________________ _________________________________ Most important agent is___________ Oxygen dissolved in water __________materials Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in water forms _____________and alters the material

7 Weathering Two kinds of weathering Chemical weathering
Weathering of granite Weathering of potassium feldspar produces_____________, soluble salt (potassium bicarbonate), and silica in solution _________remains substantially unaltered Weathering of silicate minerals produces insoluble iron oxides and clay minerals

8 Rates of weathering Advanced mechanical weathering aids chemical weathering by________ ______________________ Important factors Rock characteristics Mineral composition and solubility, as solubility increases, rate of weathering _______________ Physical features such as joints: as jointing increases, rate of weathering _________

9 Explain Figure 4.2

10 Rates of weathering Important factors Climate
___________ and __________are the most crucial factors Chemical weathering is most effective in areas of____________________ Mechanical weathering is most effective in areas of ______________________

11 Rates of weathering Differential weathering
Caused by variations in___________________ Creates unusual and spectacular ___________________________________ for example: ________________

12 Explain this picture in terms of weathering
Figure 4.7 A

13 Soil An interface in the Earth system: explain:
Soil is a combination of ______________, ______________, _______________, &_______________

14 What is this a pie chart of?
Figure 4.12

15 Soil Soil texture and structure
Texture refers to the proportions of different particle sizes Sand (large size) Silt ________(a mixture of all three sizes) is best suited for plant life

16 What is the name of a soil with 30% clay, 40% sand, 30% Silt?
Figure 4.13

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