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How to show what you know Solve problems or answer questions related to: - Fourier’s Law of heat conduction - Lithostatic pressure gradients - Isostasy.

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3 How to show what you know Solve problems or answer questions related to: - Fourier’s Law of heat conduction - Lithostatic pressure gradients - Isostasy - Coulomb equation - Hillslope diffusion, soil flux - Landsliding Using words and/or diagrams describe the following: - Lithosphere, asthenosphere, continental and oceanic crust, mantle - Force vs. stress - Normal stress vs. shear stress - Chemical weathering reactions - Detachment vs. transport limited - Effective normal stress and fluid pressure - Cohesion vs. internal angle of friction By midterm, you should also see: - Groundwater flow, Darcy’s law, controls on water table surface - Hydrographs, fluvial processes and resulting landforms, fluvial seds and critical shear stress - Glacier ice flow, mass balance, profile of a glacier, glacial erosion and landscapes - Geologic cross sections - Geologic maps - Rule of V’s

4 (1) Lithosphere, asthenosphere, continental and oceanic crust: Draw a schematic cross section of the upper few hundred meters of the earth showing the relative position and thickness of the - continental and ocean crust - mantle - lithosphere and asthenosphere Label the important boundaries on the diagram and explain what they represent.

5 (2) Fourier’s Law of heat conduction Fourier’s Law of heat conduction describes the relationship between the heat flow and temperature gradient in a material: Q= - K dT/dz or Q= - K DT/Dz Q is heat flow, K is thermal conductivity (watts/ m/ degrees Kelvin, or W m -1 K -1 ), T is temperature, z is the length coordinate. (i) What are the units of Q? (ii) If K has a value of 2 W m -1 K -1 and we measure a temperature of 5 degrees at the surface of the Earth and a temperature of 25 degrees at the bottom of a mineshaft 1, which is 1 km deep, what is the expression for heat flow at the surface?

6 (2) Fourier’s Law of heat conduction (iii) If identical temperature measurements were made in a second mineshaft located 5 km away from the first (5 degrees at the surface of the Earth, 25 degrees at the bottom, 1 km down), what is the horizontal heat flow between points A and B? A and B are located at the same depth beneath the surface. (Hint: Draw the temperature information given in the problem on the diagram) (iv) Is heat flow the same from A to C as it is from A to B? Why or why not? Mineshaft 1Mineshaft 2 A B C

7 (3) Lithostatic pressure gradients The lithostatic pressure due to overburden is given by the following expression: P lithostatic = r g z Where r is the density of overlying rock, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m s -2 ), and z is the thickness of the overlying rock. Unit A has a density of 2700 kg m -3 and thickness of 10 km. The rocks in unit B have a density of 3300 kg m -3, and unit B is 8 km thick. What is the lithostatic pressure exerted on the gray plane?

8 (ii) Give a possible lithologic description of A



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