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Intellectual Capital in Romania: A Case Study Constantin BRATIANU Simona VASILACHE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest.

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Presentation on theme: "Intellectual Capital in Romania: A Case Study Constantin BRATIANU Simona VASILACHE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intellectual Capital in Romania: A Case Study Constantin BRATIANU Simona VASILACHE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

2 Agenda Intellectual capital in transition economies Intellectual capital in Romania Case study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Conclusions

3 Intellectual Capital Human Capital Structural Capital Relational Capital Static structure for the organizational IC

4 Human Capital Knowledge IntelligenceValues Operational structure of the human capital

5 Individual Knowledge Knowledge Structure Explicit Knowledge Tacit Knowledge Rational Mind Non-Rational Mind Knowledge Transfer Process Direct Experience

6 Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Linguistic intelligence Logical-mathematical intelligence Musical intelligence Spatial intelligence Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence Naturalist intelligence Personal (intrapersonal and interpersonal) intelligence Existential intelligence

7 VALUES Values = Deeply held ideas of members about what is right or wrong, fair or unfair – anything that has personal worth or meaning We are living in a given culture, which is defined by a set of fundamental values We learn these values through education in family, school, church and society Values constitute the reference system of our decisions

8 Structural Capital Knowledge IntelligenceValues Operational structure of the structural capital

9 Relational Capital Knowledge IntelligenceValues Operational structure of the relational capital

10 Intellectual Capital Human Capital Structural Capital Relational Capital KIVKK I I V V

11 Intellectual Capital Human Capital Structural Capital Relational Capital KnowledgeIntelligence Values

12 Organizational Knowledge Organizational Intelligence Organizational Values Tacit Explicit Cognitive Emotional Business Social Organizational Intellectual Capital Intellectual Capital

13 Organizational Knowledge Organizational Intelligence Organizational Values Tacit Explicit Cognitive Emotional Business Social Intellectual Capital ?

14 Knowledge Intelligence Values INTEGRATORS Organizational Intellectual Capital

15 Integrators An integrator is a powerful field of forces capable of combining two or more elements into a new entity, based on interdependence and synergy. These elements may have a physical or virtual nature, and they must poses the capacity of interacting in a controlled way.

16 KnowledgeIntelligenceValues Integrators IC KnowledgeIntelligenceValues Tacit Explicit Cognitive Emotional Business Social Individual level Organizational level

17 Intellectual capital in transition economies Transition from planned to market economies in CEE countries Organizational restructuring Organizational learning

18 TRANSITION: HOW ? State propertyPrivate property Controlled prices Liberalization of prices Planned economy Free market economy

19 A TRANSITION PROCESS Time Change Initial state Final state Known Unknown

20 The production process Management Workers Union Communist Party Organization

21 Intellectual capital in Romania Barriers to intellectual capital development: The ideology barrier Manual workers versus knowledge workers (“We are working, not thinking”) Reminiscences of this “activist” mentality – “don’t think, act!” Hard-to-die proletarian mentality - “the way we do things over here”

22 Intellectual capital in Romania Barriers to intellectual capital development The inertial barrier Forces which block change Structural inertia of Romanian organizations These “core rigidities” are intangible, which makes them difficult to identify.

23 Intellectual capital in Romania Barriers to intellectual capital development: The controlling barrier Hypertrophy of the control function Applied to people, not to processes Irrelevant information resulted from the control process.

24 Intellectual capital in Romania Initiatives: Workshops and training programs in KM KM lectures in master and PhD programs Research centres in Intellectual Capital

25 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Created in 2007, taking as a model the Research Centre for Intellectual Capital at the InHolland University, lead by professor Daan Andriessen Initiated and coordinated by professor Constantin Bratianu Includes experienced researchers, as well as young PhD candidates, in the field of intellectual capital

26 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Barriers: Most research centers exist only virtually, as appendices of the respective chairs and departments No legal and financial independence Research equipments, acquired by research grants by the members of the centres, enter the “public domain” and are used, in a socialist manner, by all the members of the department, irrespective of their research involvement.

27 Mixture of teaching & research activity lack of specialized personnel Inertial forces of academic management Limitations to collaboration, as professors teaching in a certain department will almost automatically be affiliated to the corresponding research centre One faculty member can belong to one and only one research centre Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital

28 Affiliation: UNESCO Chair for Business Administration The Head of the Chair is also Director of the Research Centre

29 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Mission: knowledge generation through basic and applied research, technological development and innovation in the field of intellectual capital, knowledge to be disseminated by publications, courses and conferences

30 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Key priorities: organizational intellectual capital, strategic management, knowledge management, organizational learning, organizational intelligence, all connected with the requirements of a knowledge economy, as set on the Lisbon Agenda

31 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Structure: Director:Professor Constantin Bratianu, PhD Director’s assistant: Assist. Simona Vasilache Members:Professor Nicolae Al. Pop, PhD Assistant Professor Mihaela Prejmerean, PhD Assistant Professor Adriana Agapie, PhD Assistant Professor Alexandru Agapie, PhD Assist. Ionela Jianu Assist. Anca Mandruleanu Assist. Corina Pelau

32 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital STRENGHTS - visionary leadership, an inspiring mission statement; - young, dynamic team, with growth potential; - international visibility of the experienced researchers in the centre; - involvement in six on-going national projects, and in one international, FP 7, project; - internal recognition in the university; - good correlation with the university curriculum, having a course in Knowledge Management at the master level; - papers accepted and presented at some important international conferences;

33 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital STRENGHTS (cont’d) - direct involvement in editing an international journal on Management & Marketing, with a strong emphasis on Intellectual capital; - direct involvement in organizing an annual international conference on business excellence, with a dedicated workshop on learning organizations; - integration of teaching and research, since professor Nicolae Al. Pop is the dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, and professor Constantin Bratianu is head of the Chair UNESCO for Business Administration.

34 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital WEAKNESSES - not enough national and international recognition, due to its newness; - low managerial decision power due to the university research management structure and traditions; - working in a bureaucratic system; - not having a good web page yet, independent of that of the faculty; - not enough financial power to enlarge our international participation to conferences dedicated to this field of research;

35 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital OPPORTUNITIES - European projects; - new frameworks for research; - the possibility to get accredited by the National Research Council, which creates better awareness; - collaboration with similar research centres, at national and international levels; - involvement of undergraduate and post-graduate students in the centre’s activities; - good cooperation with the Research Centre for Intellectual Capital, INHolland University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; - international conferences on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management.

36 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital THREATS - the attractiveness of the topic, which makes researchers without any tradition in the field to claim rights in this domain, and to mystify its concepts and methods; - the economic crisis which is propagated from USA to Europe.

37 Case Study: Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Doctoral research themes: Intellectual capital evaluation in universities Organizational learning development strategies in teaching and research hospitals Integrators for organizational intellectual capital

38 Conclusions Realistic mission of the Research Centre for Intellectual Capital Emerging initiatives in the field in Romania Collaborative opportunities Still, significant inertia and mentality gaps between East and West.





















59 Thank you for your attention!

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