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Concepts Related to Subdivision of the Rock Record
Stratigraphy Concepts Related to Subdivision of the Rock Record
Basin Analysis Use stratigraphic methods to work out sequence and timing of deposition of rocks usually sedimentary Synthesis of data from multiple disciplines sedimentology to determine environment of deposition paleontology to get time Used to be main objective Petroleum industry
Modern Stratigraphy Still focuses on synthesis
Has evolved to include many new techniques + deep marine realm many of the advances are driven by need to have very precise age control Can resolve: events in some section to the order of < 20 ky patterns of events within a basin (regional) patterns by correlating between basins (need more than 1 data point) (global)
Stratigraphy Initially used informally Now, governed by
North American Stratigraphic Code International Stratrigraphic Code
History of Stratigraphy
Based on idea that strata (layers of sediment) are deposited one on top of another oldest at bottom and youngest at top, over long period of time (ky - my) (1000s to 1,000,000s of years) Relatively recent concept
History of Stratigraphy
Greeks and Romans Recognized world was ever changing and thought of it as eternal Fall of Rome and Rise of Church Developed idea of world based on literal interpretation of bible Attributed variations to Noah’s flood e.g., seashells high in Italian Appenines (near Florence) Either Noah’s flood brought them or God’s mystery
History of Stratigraphy
Renaissance and age of Reason Began to move away from extreme views and began to develop scientific principles Da Vinci ( ) Suggested rivers had carried the shells down from the Alps Mix of mud and fossils turned to stone, uplifted wrong, but significant in that it showed beginning of change in thought
Da Vinci’s Insight In 1500 C.E. Leonardo Da Vinci recognized that fossil shells in the layered rocks represented ancient marine life Observed that many fossil rich layers were separated by unfossiliferous layers thereby repudiating the concept of one flood Had the idea that seasonal events responsible
History of Stratigraphy
Nicolaus Steno Niels Stensen ( ) famous for Stenos’ laws Worked near Tuscany First to suggest IN PRINT that rocks enclosing fossils had at one time been soft Sharks’ teeth convinced him Noticed living sharks had teeth identical to ‘tonguestones’ Petrified tongues of dragons and snakes Realized shark’s teeth were deposited in mud, which encased the teeth and then hardened
History of Stratigraphy
Steno’s Laws Original horizontality Original continuity Superposition Provides set of rules for organizing or ordering strata into relative ages Idea caught on but was derailed by the Neptunians
History of Stratigraphy
Neptunians Arduino Ordered same Tuscan rocks as Steno into 4 groups Primitive (Schists, basalts, granite cores of mountains) Secondary (ls, shale; fossiliferous sedimentary rocks) Tertiary fossiliferous sedimentary rocks found in hills Not universally applicable!
History of Stratigraphy
Werner Rocks form from flood and then precipitated in flood (goofy, but not that unreasonable!) Primitive Transition Stratified Alluvial
History of Stratigraphy
Plutonists Fought for fiery, volcanic rock Hutton Father of Geology! Uniformitarianism No begninning and no end Saw Earth as an engine 1795- published the Theory of the Earth “anti- church”; not easy to read Lyell Took extreme view to defend plutonisms against neptunists Actualism (uniform natural laws and processes) Gradualism (uniform RATES of change)
History of Stratigraphy
William Smith Engineer; surveyor (late 1700’s) Analyzed rocks exposed in mines, canals of England Realized rock units had distinct fossils and could use them to recognize rock units, and named them Law (Principle of ) Faunal Succession Can divide rock record based on fossils Cuvier 1769 – 1832 Also recognized faunal succession but didn’t use it like Smith for correlation (Focused on Paris Basin)
William Smith, Father of Stratigraphy
The Map that Changed the World, Simon Winchester 1796 wrote “wonderful order and regularity with which nature has disposed of these singular productions [fossils] and assigned to each its class and peculiar stratum” 1815 Publication of the 1st geologic map of England intended for the development of canals, quarries and mines as well as natural resources
William Smith’s "Strata Identified by Organized Fossils"
Soon after the first issue of his great geological map of England in 1815, William Smith published the Strata Identified by Organized Fossils. It was intended as a kind of geological users manual with illustrations to identify fossils. But Smith’s work went beyond the mere illustration of fossils. Smith had deciphered the hieroglyphics of nature-the distinctive inscriptions borne by the different strata. With the Strata Identified and its colored plates in hand, anyone would be able to compare the plates with fossils collected in the field and immediately identify the strata from which they came. The strata once identified, their place in the orderly succession of the strata-which lay above and which lay below, as Smith had determined it - was then known. All this, Smith wrote, "without the necessity of deep reading, or the previous acquirement of difficult arts."
Georges Cuvier and Alexandre Brongniart- Paris Basin
Development of geologic map of Paris Basin The strata of the Paris Basin were close to horizontal. As of 1811, Cuvier and Brongniart employed fossils but only in the few instances where more obvious evidences of sequence were absent. The title of their work was Géographie Minéralogique by which they meant the distribution of what Werner had called the "external" characteristics of the mineral and fossil contents, shapes, colors, and textures of the strata within the Paris basin. Today call this lithology. They determined the order of the strata from their superposition, their lithology and by tracing them across the basin Cuvier firmly established the fact of the extinction of past lifeforms
History of Stratigraphy
Time Scale A way of formally organizing rocks and time Artificial division of time Evolved as workers began to apply scientific principles to the study of rocks Smith, Cuvier, others Named rocks Rock names became basis for time scale
Subdivision of the Rock Record
Lithostratigraphy – Study of the physical relationship among rock units; No time connotation other than superposition Physical properties and stratigraphic position relative to other lithostratigraphic units Chronostratigraphy – Integrated approach to establishing the time relationships among geologic units
Chronostratigraphy: Integrated Approach to Establishing the Time Relationships Among Geologic Units
Biostratigraphy Study of the fossil record with emphasis on faunal succession to establish relative time relationships The correlation web Magnetostratigraphy Study of the magnetic properties of rock units for the purpose of correlation using magnetic polarity reversals Allostratigraphy Study of rock units defined by unconformities and other features generated by base level change Geochronology Various techniques, especially isotope geochemistry, to establish the absolute age of rock units
Stratigraphic Correlation
Types of Stratigraphy Each has separate role
Ultimate goal is integration and better interpretation (more refined) Additional divisions of stratigraphy Stratigraphic Code Divided into sub-disciplines based on physical limits or geologic age
Lithostratigraphy Definition
Study of the sequence and interpretation of layered rock sequences, based on PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (lithology) of the rocks Essentially, study of TIME Allows us to ORDER events!
Lithostratigraphy 2 uses of term lithology
Study and description of physical characteristics of rocks Especially hand specimen and outcrop e.g., investigate the lithology Term that refers to these physical characteristics e.g., lithology of a stratigraphy unit- such as sandstone
Lithostratigraphy Divide rocks on basis of lithology Stratotype
Designated type unit of readily accessible rocks in natural outcrops, mines or bore holes. Type section Formal designation Lithosome Masses of rock with uniform character Dissolve away all other rock Sloss (1963) Informal designation
Lithostratigraphy Some generalizations about lithostratigraphic units
Sedimentary, extrusive igneous, meta-sedimentary, meta-volcanic Generally conforms to law of superposition Commonly stratified (layered) and tabular in form Identification is based on observable rock characteristics Boundaries can be either sharp and clear, or gradational
Uses of Lithostratigraphy
What lithostratigraphy can do for you Place unit in geologic framework Establish stratigraphic relationship with units above and below Aid in correlation between other LITHOLOGIC units What it CAN’T do for you Denote time
Units of Lithostratigraphy
Lithostratigraphic classification and nomenclature System for standardization Fundamental unit Formation Lithologically distinctive stratigraphic unit that is large enough in scale to be mappable at the surface or traceable in the subsurface. May be just 1 lithosome or multiple Subdivision of formation
Lithostratigraphy Other formal lithostratigraphic units
Smaller than a formation Member Subdivision of a formation Bed Smallest formal lithostratigraphic unit Collections of formations Group 2 or more adjacent formations that have some unifying lithological and/ or genetic features Supergroup Groups of groups e.g., Newark Supergroup
Stratigraphic Contacts
Plane or irregular surfaces between different types of rocks Separate units Conformable Unconformable
Types of Contacts Conformable boundaries Abrupt or gradational
Conformable strata form unbroken depositional sequences Layers are deposited by ~ uninterrupted deposition Abrupt or gradational Abrupt Sudden distinctive changes in lithology Often, local change Gradational Gradual change in depositional conditions with time progressive gradual contact One lithology grades into another e.g., ss becomes finer upsection until it becomes a siltstone
Types of Contacts Intercalated contact Laterally adjacent contacts
Increasing number of interbeds of another lithology Laterally adjacent contacts Pinch-outs Inter-tonguing Progressive lateral gradation
Geometry of Facies/Lithostratigraphic Relationships
Unconformable Break in deposition Unconformity: Diastem Interpretation
Strata do not succeed 1 another as a continuous whole Separated by an unconformity Lack of continuity in deposition Unconformity: Surface of erosion or non- deposition separating younger strata from older rocks Represents a significant hiatus Diastem Minor interruption in depositional conditions Interpretation Period of non-deposition, weathering or erosion Such processes may occur sub-aerially (exposed to air) or sub-aqueously (under water)
Unconformities Types of unconformities Angular unconformity
Nonconformity Disconformity Erosional surface between // units Paraconformity (obscure)- // units with no obvious erosional surface b/n the units use obscure traits to identify it
Following Stratigraphic Code
Unconformities Hiatus
Total interval of geologic time represented by missing strata At a specific position along a stratigraphic sequence Don’t confuse syndepositional variations with post-depositional alteration of beds Groundwater changes color (Fe) or resistance (cementation)
Vertical/lateral variations in rock
Recognition of lateral variation Because rocks are not constant through space, you get a variation in lithology within one unit. Initially people didn’t recognize this- Thought Noah’s flood left layer cake layers of strata that extended to ends of Earth without change in lithology or thickness Began to trace beds walked them looked at how the rocks between the boundaries changed realized fallacy of idea We retain layer cake to describe stacking pattern; not infinite nature
Walther’s Law of Correlation of Facies
Relationship between vertical and lateral variations The fact that there is lateral variation in facies leads to vertical variation in facies Walther’s Law of Correlation of Facies Lateral variations are expressed in the vertical due to the succession of facies
Walther's Law of Correlation of Facies
“Only those lithofacies which are a product of sedimentary environments found adjacent to one another in the modern can be occur superimposed in continuous, uninterrupted stratigraphic succession.”
Walther’s Law: Transgression-Regression
Landward movement of shoreline (progessive deepening) Stand on beach Over time, you would be under water as shoreline moved landward Regression Seaward movement of shoreline (progessive shallowing) Results in lateral and vertical changes
Transgression Geometric relationship of "graded, shore parallel facies belts“ Fining Upwards Sequence:FUS More basin-ward facies overlie more landward facies Compared to depositional systems models
Transgression and Regression
Shallowing upwards, shoreline moves basinward through time--> Regression sea level drop +/- uplift +/- sediment supply Progradation excess sediment supply relative to accommodation space Forced Regression Relative sea level drop and formation of erosion surfaces: Unconformity (surface of subaerial exposure) Soils; kaolinitized, clay-rich layers Angular discordance with underlying units (disconformity) Plant remains, rooted zones Non-genetic stratal relationships: basinward shift in sedimentary facies Strata across lithologic boundaries NOT in accordance with Walther’s law
Regression Geometric relationship of "graded, shore parallel facies belts“ Coarsening Upwards Sequence: CUS More landward facies overlie more basin-ward facies Compared to depositional systems models
Transgression - Regression
What drives transgression/ regression? can’t tell from this information! sea level change has so many components relative = local eustatic = global sediment supply can drive a regression/ transgression ONLY KNOW that shoreline has shifted position multiple factors responsible for sea- level change Say sea level rise or fall and you are WRONG! Say transgression or regression!
Causes of Sea Level Change
Relative Change Eustatic Change
Sea Level Cycles 1st Order Cycles 2nd Order Cycles 3rd Order Cycles
100’s my 100’s of meters 2nd Order Cycles 10’s my 3rd Order Cycles 1-10 my 10’s of meters Falling Rising
Transgression and Regression/ Relative Sea Level
Preservation potential of rocks that are deposited
Majority of sediments in fossil record marine Most sub-aereal environments erosional WHY? Accommodation space! Space available controls accumulation no place to put it, then no deposition base level balance between erosion and deposition
base level of aggradation
Base level of erosion level below which erosion cannot occur ( = sea level) not strictly true! you do get erosion below sl. storms = erosion on shelf downcurtting = canyons on slopes deep sea currents = erosion of sea floor base level of aggradation level above which sediments cannot accumulate permanently most marine sediments dominate record rise in sea level tends to result in increased preservation of seds high rate of erosion explains why there are “more gaps than record” in geol. record.
Correlation Lithostratigraphic Correlation PROCEDURE Match Correlate
match lithologies Correlate link units of similar lithology and stratigraphic position PROCEDURE identify environments of deposition (use simple depositional model) draw lines of correlation between adjacent facies make interpretation- trans/ regression/ no change
Actualism and "Genetic Stratigraphy"
Recognition of Uniformitarianism the relationship between modern processes of sedimentation and the rock record
Actualism and "Genetic Stratigraphy"
Sediments with distinct lithologic aspect are deposited in only limited areas in a given time period. This results from the limited lateral extent of contiguous depositional environments. Distinct depositional environments migrate in space, through time so that lithofacies units are inherently diachronous (variable in age throughout)
Diachronous Stratigraphic Units
Diachronous Stratigraphic Units
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