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September 16, 2014. Through group advisement, we have given each senior a folder with information about the college application process and a notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "September 16, 2014. Through group advisement, we have given each senior a folder with information about the college application process and a notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 16, 2014

2 Through group advisement, we have given each senior a folder with information about the college application process and a notebook to help keep them organized– if you haven’t seen it yet, please look at it! Especially the FAQ pages! They also gave us an email address that we will use at least once a month with important information. Through individual advisement, we have started seeing students via senior conferences, to discuss their after high school plans

3 What does your child need to know to apply to colleges? What college is right? Applications Transcripts Letters of recommendation Essays SAT/ACT Scores Senior Athletes What do you need to know about paying for college? Financial aid Scholarships

4 Hopefully, they have visited some college campuses Do they want close to home or far away? Do they want small town or big city? Do they want public or private? Do they know what major they are planning on? Have they considered going in as “undecided”? Have they talked to the college about what this means? Hopefully, they have researched the GPA and SAT/ACT requirements The “best fit” is a realistic one We always encourage a “safety school” and a “reach school” has a “matching assistant”

5 Community college is a great option for students who want a 2-year degree or want to save money by going there for 1-2 years (complete their basic courses) and then transferring to a 4-year university Requirement: High School Diploma $69-72 per credit hour If they are interested in transferring to a four year University, be sure to talk to the community college about the “transfer program” RCCC, CPCC, Stanly CC- Medical Assistant, Dental Hygiene, Culinary, Automotive, Heating and Refrigeration, Welding, etc.

6 The minimum GPA required for a public NC college/university is a 2.5 After researching and visiting colleges, your child hopefully has an idea of what colleges are realistic for them

7 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 16 of our seniors went to Carolina last year Clemson University StudentGPA Class Rank SAT Scores (r/m) 14.637 of 287650/650 24.3233 of 287660/710 34.3543 of 334640/600 Students can get scholarships ranging from $500 to in-state tuition rates at Clemson, University of South Carolina and various other out of state schools. Usually, recipients of academic recruiting scholarships have an SAT score of at least 1370 in R/M (ACT 31) and rank in the top 10 percent of their senior class. StudentGPAClass Rank ACT Score 1 4.827 th of 33228 2 4.4335 th of 33225

8 Student GPAClass Rank SAT Scores (r/m) 15.04321 of 227740/780 StudentGPAClass Rank SAT Scores (r/m) 14.71645 of 283730/730 24.842 of 287630/720 Davidson College Duke University StudentGPAClass Rank SAT Scores (r/m) 13.834871 of 338520/590 24.168438 of 338550/680 34.253129 of 338570/550 44.57147 of 338590/570 54.1571 of 287670/680 North Carolina State University StudentGPAClass RankACT Score 1 3.15195 th of 33226 2 3.41168 th of 33222 3 3.53148 th of 33218 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Colleges in North Carolina accept both SAT or ACT scores.

9 We recommend applying to 3-5 colleges, if the student can afford the college application fees If your child is on free/reduced lunch and got a fee waiver for the SAT, they can have up to 4 college application fee waivers This year, collegeboard will send college application fee waivers to those students who had an SAT fee waiver last year. If your child does not receive them through collegeboard, just ask your counselor for those.

10 Must fill out the Transcript Request Form (online, in their folder, or in the guidance office) One filled out per college If student is under 18, you have to sign; if they are 18 or over, they need to sign the request form Give Ms. Galloway 48 hours to process Student will receive a note that says “Your transcripts are ready to be picked up” – you put postage on the envelope and mail it County Policy: First 3 are FREE and after that $5 each

11 Students can send transcripts electronically if they prefer through for Be sure your child checks their “transcript manager” on CFNC to see if the transcript has been received Common App and SendEdu are also ways some colleges may ask for transcripts to be sent electronically (they count as one of the 3 for free) The student has to put their counselor’s email address in and it notifies us they need a transcript.

12 Students can apply to colleges online through a variety of ways: Preferred method by some colleges: the college’s own website (wolfpaw for NCSU, Future 49er for UNCC, etc.) for any and all colleges in North Carolina – fill out application once and then it self populates for additional colleges Be sure to complete any supplemental forms for each college The Common Application-Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington, etc. (

13 Login Screen

14 Some colleges require them, some are optional and some do not look at them Give the teacher or counselor 2 weeks to write a good letter Fill out the letter of recommendation request form and make copies of it (PDF on student services website or in their folder) If using or common app, be sure to look at “supplemental forms” for each college It will be given back in a sealed envelope (student waives their right to see it) You put postage on it and mail it

15 Some schools have them and some don’t Most importantly, be sure your student gets someone to PROOFREAD the essays Writing a good essay includes: Don’t write a “generic” answer – it should reflect the student! Tailor the essay to the school’s mission – you need to show that you will fit in at that college Spell correctly! Don’t count on spell check alone

16 All juniors took the ACT last year at least once Hopefully, students also took the SAT—they would have signed up through Our transcripts do not have ACT/SAT scores listed Students must go to and/or and tell them what colleges should receive scores -- when registering for the test you get 4 free – after the test, it costs a fee of approximately $11 per Most colleges look at the best score in each category for the SAT (even if students took it multiple times)

17 ACT Composite ScoreSAT CR+M (Single Score) 361600 351560 341510 331460 321420 311380 301340 291300 281260 271220 261190 251150 241110 231070 221030 21990 20950 19910 18870 17830 16790

18 If your senior wants to play a sport at college, they need to be registered with the NCAA clearinghouseNCAA clearinghouse There are GPA and SAT/ACT requirements for Division I and II schools – know your requirements NCAA looks at only “core classes” including English, Math, Science, Social Studies and World Languages This website also contains an informational video about the requirements for Division I and II schools

19 Complete online college applications Including writing/proofreading essays (if applicable) Ask teachers/counselor for letters of recommendation Sometimes schools/scholarships will want a “community recommender” – consider the student’s boss, church youth group leader, etc. Send ACT or SAT scores to all colleges that you are applying to Send in transcripts either by paper or electronically Be registered with NCAA (if trying to play a sport in college)


21 Financial Aid comes from the Federal Government in the following forms: Grants: Funds that usually do not have to be repaid. An example would be the Pell Grant Student Loans: Funds that do have to be repaid. Some of these are subsidized by the Government (they pay the interest while the student is in college) Work Study: these are government funded jobs on college campus

22 Direct Costs: Tuition Books Room/Board Meals Required Fees Indirect Costs: Transportation to and from home Personal Computer Loan Fees

23 FAFSA –Free Application for Federal Student Aid – (notice it is not!) You can’t fill out the FAFSA until January of your senior year, but you can begin researching the process – predicts what funds you could be eligible for based on last year’s income Go ahead and get a PIN number Issued to an individual and is a “signature” for Federal Student Aid purposes Faster than using paper signature PIN is valid for years Parent’s PIN may be used for multiple children Each student must have own PIN Obtain PIN from Results available online in 48 hours and to the institutions you list on the FAFSA

24 EFC---Expected Family Contribution EFC is the end result after submitting a FAFSA It is the determination of the amount per year a student’s family can pay toward their child’s college education The higher the EFC, the lower the chance a student will have to receive “free” money from the government Calculating Your Financial Need Cost of Attendance (COA) – Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need

25 Significant change in your family… Unemployment of a parent Death in the family Change in parents’ marital status Medical expenses not covered by insurance Student cannot obtain parent information Notify the financial aid office at your college of any special circumstances. Be prepared to provide documentation of any change, including the financial impact of the change.

26 Subsidized Loans are available to undergraduate students with financial need and they do not accrue interest while the student is in school. Unsubsidized Loans are available, even without a financial need, and they DO accrue interest while the student is in school.

27 Check to see if the school you will be attending requires an additional application. Hundreds of schools require students to complete the CSS PROFILE, an online application that is more extensive than the FAFSA. Your school will let you know if the form is required when you apply for aid. Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and Davidson are just some colleges that require the PROFILE Financial Aid Video from CFNC

28 College Foundation of North Carolina Federal Department of Education Student Financial Aid for North Carolinians The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid

29 Merit Based: given primarily based on grades, SAT scores, rank, GPA, etc. Need Based: scholarships that consider a family’s financial need for money to pay for college Criteria Based: given based on criteria such as a desire to study Nursing or Accounting (a specific major). They usually have a merit component We send to the students, via email, a listing of scholarships for that month and the next at the beginning of each month (Senior Notes)(Senior Notes)

30 “The scholarship is guaranteed or your money back.” No one can guarantee your scholarship before it is awarded. “Come to our free seminar and we’ll show you how to get more financial aid.” This is a sales pitch. Don’t pay for information that you can get elsewhere for free. “The scholarship requires a small fee.” Never pay a fee to get a scholarship. “You are a finalist” for an award you never applied for. If you did not apply, it is not a legitimate offer. “You can’t get this information anywhere else.” Everyone has access to the same information.

31 September 23, 2014 from 6 to 7:30 pm Cabarrus County Schools is hosting an annual College Fair at the Cabarrus Arena Come prepared to speak to college admissions officers Get on their mailing lists (your address label) Be sure to stop by the HRHS table and sign in There will be two county wide Financial Aid Nights (more information to follow) November 10-14, 2014 College Application Week – certain colleges will waive their application fee if you apply during this week College Application Week FAFSA DAY: February 28, 2015 9 to 12 noon

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