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E-mobility in Prague Frida Lönnqvist Agnes Kremer Madeleine Bjørnestad Veronika Brabcova Vladimir Zejda.

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Presentation on theme: "E-mobility in Prague Frida Lönnqvist Agnes Kremer Madeleine Bjørnestad Veronika Brabcova Vladimir Zejda."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-mobility in Prague Frida Lönnqvist Agnes Kremer Madeleine Bjørnestad Veronika Brabcova Vladimir Zejda

2 100 years ago the E-car was more popular than both the gazoline-driven car and the steam-driven car 1899: the E-car was the fastest on the market reaching 106km/h 90% of the cabs in New York were electrical What happened? E-mobility in Prague


4 E-mobility Today  EVs a tiny fraction of the vehicle market  Pilot projects in Amsterdam, London, Munich, Stockholm and USA  The dutch government helps private homes with an EV install the charger  Porsche 918 Spyder Hybrid already launched E-mobility in Prague

5 Prague Today  7 th richest region in Europe  One of the worst noise levels in Europe  Ca. 1.2 m inhabitants  big enough for E- mobility  Ca. 1200 diesel busses  Pilot project  20 charging points  20 EVs  400 000€ in support from the Prague region E-mobility in Prague

6 Part 1: Is E-mobility the Future? E-mobility in Prague

7 Drivers of E-mobility Political-Dependency on oil Economic-Rising/Volatile oil prices -New economic opportunities -Cheaper in the long run Social-Urbanization -Better health Technological-First mover advantage Environmental-Emissions reduction -Noise reduction Legal-Governmental policies E-mobility in Prague

8 Challenges Economical-Need of big investments: Charging stations, Infrastructure -Government investments needed -Electricity prices may also be volatile Technological-Risk of other, better disruptive technologies -Need of battery-technology development -Need for sound adjustments Legal-Permits for installing chargers -Appriopriation of private property E-mobility in Prague

9 Part 2: Experience from Abroad E-mobility in Prague

10 Sweden  Research: Car made by composite material as both the battery and body of the car  Volvo  Artic Whisperer Volvo 7700 Hybrid Bus  V60 hybrid  Volvo C30 E-mobility in Prague

11 Volvo C30 Volvo V60 Hybrid E-mobility in Prague

12 Germany  Goal: 1M EVs and hybrids by 2020, 0.5M FCVs, 5M by 2030  National Innovation Program: EUR 1.4 billion  2011 legislative: free parking, bus lanes  Pilot project in the Stuttgart region  RWE public charging infrastructure  The Cologne study on grid stability  Leader in EU charging standartization process E-mobility in Prague

13 USA  Goal: reduce gas emissions by 83% by 2050 1M EV by 2015  $3 billion to EV and hybrid technologies  EV purchase incentives in 23 states  $10M to communities encouraging the shift to EVs  San Francisco and California projects  Private projects (Walgreens, Ikea,…)  Leader in technology innovations  Tesla Motors – first car with Lithium-ion battery  4,000 US army electromobiles E-mobility in Prague

14 Part 3: Proposal of Strategy - The Prague Solution- E-mobility in Prague

15 Energy and car industry support The green movement in Prague A big enough city A wealthy region No long-term plans Cost of the EV Current infrastructure EU subsidies and strategy Becoming a leader in the region Tourist attraction Clusterisation Political cycle and unstability Competing concepts Lobby Electricity prices No centralized approach Car as a symbol SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats

16 Expectations from the Government  Set goals and develop politicial frameworks  Support technology and market entry  Educate citizens Create a long-term strategy with support from all stakeholders E-mobility in Prague

17 ✓ Governmental involvement ✓ Creating a vision and a long-term strategy ✓ Testing of first EVs in real life ✓ Introduction of eBuses ✓ Infrastructure development (PPP) ✓ Implementation of the incentive programs ✓ Marketing to public ✓ EV = car ✓ Changing people’s behavior Process of the «E-mobilisation» in Prague E-mobility in Prague

18 EV Sales Prediction B2C B2B Businesses Municipalities eBusesIndividuals BusinessesMunicipalities eBuses Source: CEZ First EV Customers (B2B)EV Mass Market Customers (B2C/B2B) E-mobility in Prague

19 1. Market monitoring 2. Testing of first EVs in real life 1. Cooperation betwen providers 2. Marketing to public 3. Testing EVs 1. Improving the infrastructure 2. Testing the best technologies on the market 1. EV = Classic cars 2. Improving infrastructure 3. Expand E- mobility to the whole country Process of the «E-mobilisation» in Prague E-mobility in Prague

20 EV Sales Prediction B2C B2B Businesses Municipalities eBusesIndividuals BusinessesMunicipalities eBuses Source: CEZ First EV Customers (B2B)EV Mass Market Customers (B2C/B2B) E-mobility in Prague

21 Conclusion E-mobility in Prague

22 The near future  Smart meters, but not smart grids  Government-driven development  Electric-powered buses  Introduction of the incentives programs  Minor changes to the infrastructure  Slow expansion of EVs among individual users E-mobility in Prague

23 The far future  Long term plan implementation  Major infrastructure development  Smart grid  Induction charging  Boom of EVs among the citizens  New business opportunities  Major changes to the transportation means portfolio and the way people travel  Cleaner, quieter city E-mobility in Prague

24 Thank you for your attention!

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