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Muon Spectroscopy Koji Yokoyama School of Physics and Astronomy, QMUL (on behalf of Dr. Alan Drew) MRI Spectroscopy Workshop 29 th May, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Muon Spectroscopy Koji Yokoyama School of Physics and Astronomy, QMUL (on behalf of Dr. Alan Drew) MRI Spectroscopy Workshop 29 th May, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muon Spectroscopy Koji Yokoyama School of Physics and Astronomy, QMUL (on behalf of Dr. Alan Drew) MRI Spectroscopy Workshop 29 th May, 2014

2 What is muon? ~1 muon every second on the size of a palm Charge ±e 200 times heavier than e - 1/9 of proton mass 2.2 μs lifetime μ + for muon spectroscopy

3 Producing muons

4 Muon beam 100% spin polarized Opposite to propagation Monochromatic, kinetic energy of 4 MeV Pulsed or continuous beam source ISIS: 2,500 μ + /pulse “Surface” muon beam

5 Implanted muons in sample Stopping range: 100 mg/cm 2 Thin sample, but probe of bulk material (Thermalisation)

6 Final form of muons In insulator, often Mu In metal, usually bare muon μ +

7 Muon decays Preferentially emits positron in the direction of its spin Positron penetrates through e.g. sample holders

8 Muon spectroscopy Muon time spectrum: F B spin μ If no relaxation, A(t) is just flat:

9 μSR Muon Spin Relaxation Rotation Resonance

10 An example of detecotor: CHRONUS Three Helmholtz coils for Longitudinal Transverse Zero Field Changing Ts, Bs Sometimes with excitations: RF, Light

11 μSR Muons at ISIS Chronus

12 Example 1: Ion diffusion Lithium ion battery: cathode material is a crucial part for battery performance Li x CoO 2 Layered structure: TMO || Li || TMO || … Self-diffusion coefficient D of Li ions J. Sugiyama et al. PRL 103, 147601 (2009)

13 Example 1: Ion diffusion Implanted muons bind to oxygen atoms Muons are sensitive probes of local internal fields Muons feel random nuclear magnetic fields of Li

14 Example 1: Ion diffusion Spin relaxation in isotropic internal field with Gaussian distribution (no external field) Kubo-Toyabe function describes its behavior First proposed as a “Toy” problem Turned out to be quite useful in μSR Dynamic KT function to include fluctuation in field Time

15 Example 1: Ion diffusion Ion hopping ν: dynamic contribution From T-dependence ν(T) the ion diffusion coeff D is determined

16 Example 2: Level Crossing Resonance Low field relaxation rates are a superposition of several different relaxation rates from different Mu states Difficult to interpret low field relaxation rates ALC resonances, on the other hand, are on individual Mu state

17 Example 2: Level Crossing Resonance Consider Mu in condensed matter B-field |+ +> |+ −> |− +> |− −> |e - μ + > Polarization The magnitude of the hfcc is characteristic of the binding site

18 Example 2: Level Crossing Resonance Muonium substituted free radicals Addition of Mu to unsaturated hydrocarbons Unpaired electron distributed over the molecule Hyperfine interactions with the muon and nuclear spins

19 Example 2: Level Crossing Resonance What if the molecule is in the excited state? Can we see any change in the ALC signal? How about its dynamics? … Project MuSES may discover the answer !

20 More applications Inorganic magnetism Superconductors Organic magnetism Hydrogen studies of semiconductors Charge transport and diffusion Chemistry and molecular studies

21 2 calls per year (deadlines 16 April and 16 October) All submissions via ISIS website ~50 proposals submitted per round Oversubscription ~1.8 6 weeks after the deadline, the selection panel meets Results a few weeks after that (with comments) Instrument scientist will then ask for preferred dates Schedule produced, local contacts assigned Run experiments! The Proposal Process 2 pages proposal

22 Other types of Proposals Rapid Access For rapidly-moving science areas, new sample discoveries, other urgent studies Proposals can be submitted any time Rapidly reviewed by FAP Chair and one other FAP member If awarded time, scheduled as soon as possible Must be a clear case as to why the measurement is urgent Xpress Access For initial characterisation of samples or feasibility checks on samples for future beamtime Proposals are short, and can be submitted any time Reviewed internally Awarded up to 5 hours of beamtime on either MuSR or EMU. Users need not come for the measurement – can send the sample in Further details on website


24 Many thanks to: Prof. Roberto De Renzi Dr. Adrian Hillier Dr. Jamie Peck Dr. Martin Mansson

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