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Terminology of Medical Disciplines To understand disease causes, effects, prevention, and treatment... it is necessary to understand the language!

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Presentation on theme: "Terminology of Medical Disciplines To understand disease causes, effects, prevention, and treatment... it is necessary to understand the language!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terminology of Medical Disciplines To understand disease causes, effects, prevention, and treatment... it is necessary to understand the language!

2 The “Ologies” and More 1. Anatomy the structure of living things 1a. Gross Anatomy the study of features observed with the naked eye 1b. Histology the of anatomical features with the assistance of a microscope

3 The “Ologies” and More 2. Physiology the activities of living things; how they occur 3. Embryology the development of the embryo in-utero

4 The “Ologies” and More 4. Microbiology study of microscopic organisms –4a. Bacteriology –4b. Virology

5 The “Ologies” and More 5. Electronmicroscopy study of organisms using a electron micro. 6. Immunology study of immunity and it factors

6 The “Ologies” and More 7. Pathology study of disease 7a. Gross pathology = unaided eye 7b. Histopathology = disease of tissues 7c. Pathophysiology = mechanisms of disease production 7d. Clinical pathology = disease causes utilizing certain laboratory methods

7 Important Medical Terminology

8 Medical Terms Disease ‘not at ease’; deviation from the norm Etiology study of the cause of the disease Diagnosis determine the nature and cause of disease

9 Medical Terms Prognosis forecast of “probable” outcome or results of having a disease Morbidity ratio of sick animals to well (%age) Mortality death rate (%age)

10 Medical Terms Pathogen disease causing agent Pathogenesis development of the disease, “process” Prophylaxis prevention of disease

11 Medical Terms Pathognomonic an alteration that indicates “without doubt” the cause of a particular disease i.e. Negri bodies in the hippocampus Lesion a morphologic change in tissue caused be a disease process

12 Medical Terms Necropsy the examine a dead animal (Post Mortem) Symptom a clinical sign “evidence” (lameness, swell) Acute a rapid onset with sever pain Chronic persisting over a long period of time

13 Medical Terms Idiopathic of unknown cause Iatrogenic disease caused by erroneous treatment

14 The Body as a Whole Cells Tissues Organs Systems Organism

15 General Body Compartments Cranial cavity Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity (peritoneum) Pelvic cavity

16 The Systems

17 Digestive System converts substances to simpler ones Contains... Digestive tract Salivary glands Liver (Hepatic) Pancreas

18 Respiratory System provides oxygen so energy can occur Nasal or Oral cavity Pharynx Trachea Bronchi Alveoli

19 Circulatory System carry products of digestion and respiration all over the body Heart Arteries Capillaries Veins Tissue fluid Lymphatic fluid

20 Excretory System removes waste Kidneys Ureters Bladder Urethra Lungs Skins

21 Nervous System specialized to coordinate body activity CNS –Brain –Spinal cord PNS –cranial nerves –spinal nerves

22 Reproductive System responsible for perpetuation of species Pituitary hormones Gonadal hormones Sexual parts Endocrine System –not a “system”, but works together via hormonal action from ductless glands to coordinate activities with nervous system –What is Endocrenology?

23 Introduction to Terminology of Prefixes and Suffixes

24 Prefixes and Suffixes A, An Ab Aero Ambi Anero Angio Ante Anti Arthro Auto Bi Brady Broncho Carcino Cardio Cephalo

25 Prefixes and Suffixes Cide Cutaneous Cryo Crypto Cyte Derm Dys Ecto Emia Encephalo Endo Entero Epi Galacto Gastro Glyco

26 Prefixes and Suffixes Hema Hepato Hetero Histo Homo Hyper Hydro Hypo Inter Intra In-utero In-vitro In-vivo Iso Itis Leuco

27 Prefixes and Suffixes Lysis Macro Mal Mania Mast Metri Micro Myco Myo Necro Neo Nephro Neuro Non Ology Oma

28 Prefixes and Suffixes Opthalmo Os Oscopy Osis Osteo Otomy Paresis Partum Pathy Per os Peri Phage Phobia Pnea Pneumo Poly

29 Prefixes and Suffixes Post Pre Pulmo Pyelo Pyo=purulent Renal Rhino Septic Sero Stasis Stoma Sub Thermo Tox Tracheo Uni

30 Prefixes and Suffixes Uria Vaso Verm On to vet school...

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