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Notes: The first 3 commandments tell how we should treat God

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2 Notes: The first 3 commandments tell how we should treat God
The last 7 commandments tell us how we should treat one another. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai.

3 That means that nothing is more important than God
The 10 Commandments I am the Lord your God, you shall have no strange gods before me That means that nothing is more important than God

4 How can we make sure God is # 1 in our lives?

5 We can keep God first through prayer
Page –64 and 65 in text

6 What are the 4 types of prayer?
T P S P Thanksgiving Praise Sorrow Petition

7 Look to Saints as examples

8 Homework page 66 Due wednesday

9 Answer the following questions:
What is your first name? How did your family choose your name? Is it a name that others in your family have? What do you like about your name Do you have any nicknames What do you like about your nickname What do names have to do with the 10 commandments?

10 Don’t use God’s name carelessly or bad words
2)You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain Don’t use God’s name carelessly or bad words

11 Ten Commandment Boogie

12 I say my prayers every morning and night.
1. The First Commandment: "I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me." We must believe in God, our Father. We must love Him, hope in Him, and pray to Him with loving hearts. Under the First Commandment, we must pay special attention to praying or talking with God in prayer everyday. When you wake up, bless yourself and thank God for the day. Ask Him to help you in all you think, do, and say. Remember to pray before eating and thanking God for your food and all your blessings. How our good Jesus loves a thankful heart! Kneel down next to your bed each night and pray to God before sleeping. All these are called our daily prayers. To not talk or pray to God and decide not to make Him a part of your day is a sin against the First Commandment. We are not putting God first. We must always try to put God first in our lives. When you are praying, you should always try to keep your heart with God. Offer God the pure love for Him in your heart. There might be times when your mind wanders off and you think of other things but as soon as you remember, bring your thoughts back to Jesus. To become distracted or forgetful is not a sin. Just keep trying to keep your mind and heart with Jesus. Speak to Him as you would speak sweetly to your very best friend. Jesus loves to hear from you! Jesus knows you better than you know yourself. Did you ever think about that? He loves you so much. Always try to keep your mind and heart with Him as you pray. Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pray. Not paying attention in Religion class or not doing your Religion lessons can also be a sin against the First Commandment if you are not trying to learn about what Jesus would like to teach you through your parents, teachers, or priests. Always try to do your very best for Jesus who gave His very best for you because He loves you so much! I say my prayers every morning and night. I praise and adore God. This is how I keep God’s First Commandment.

13 The Second Commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain."
I speak of God and of the Saints and of holy things with respect and reverence. This is how I keep God’s Second Commandment. We are told in the Second Commandment to speak with respect when we talk about God, anything that has to do with God, or about things that are holy. Never use lightly the holy Name of Jesus. There are other words, that when we speak of them, we must say with respect such as Mother Mary, the Cross, the Saints, the Blessed Sacrament, His Precious Blood... Sometimes God’s holy Name is spoken lightly, "Oh my God, how did that happen?" If a person is in a habit of using God’s name in this way, they need to break this habit. We must always say God’s Name with love and respect. A more serious sin against the Second Commandment is if one says the name of God in moment of anger. This is called cursing. If we are in a store or a place where we hear someone curse God’s holy Name, we can immediately pray for that person and tell Jesus we are sorry that His Name was said without love. We can whisper His Name with love. This is called "reparation." Under the Second Commandment, then, we must always speak of God or His holy things with love and respect.

14 Sunday’s Gospel Matthew 22:15-21

15 3) Remember to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
Go to Mass on Sunday and spend time with your family

16 What day is the Lord’s for Christians??

17 Holy Days

18 Easter

19 Christmas

20 Assumption of Mary August 15

21 All Saints Day

22 Immaculate Conception December 8

23 Jan. 1: Mary, Mother of God

24 Ascension Thursday

25 Sunday Things we should do: Things we should not do:

26 4 – Honor your Father and your Mother
Listen to our parents and show them respect


28 Can anyone think of a specific time when Jesus listened to his mother?

29 The Wedding Feast of Cana
Two days later there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited. When the wine had all been used, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no wine." Jesus answered, "What is that to me? My time has not yet come." His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." Six stone water-jars (such as the Jews used in washing) were there; each jar would hold about twenty gallons.              Jesus said, "Fill up the jars with water." So they filled them to the brim. Then Jesus said, "Pour some out, and take it to the one in charge of the feast." And they did so. When the one in charge of the feast tasted the water which had become wine, he did not know where it came from (although the servants who had poured out the water knew), so he called the bridegroom and said to him, "Every one serves the good wine first, and the wine that is not so good after men have drunk freely; but you have kept the good wine until now."              This the first of his wonderful signs, showing his power, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee; and his disciples believed in him

30 Situation writing assignment
Small groups Answer questions

31 Scenario 1 Sam’s parents have asked him to come home directly after school everyday this week to spend time with his grandmother who is visiting. Today, Sam’s friend, Kevin invites him over after school to see his brand new puppy! Sam really wants to go to Kevin’s house. What should he do?

32 Scenario 2 Late one night Jane realizes that she needs more poster paint to finish her school project due the next day! She is very anxious to get the materials. Jane’s mother has offered to go out and get her paints even though it is raining and storming heavily outside. How can Jane show appreciation to her mother?

33 Reflect Can you think of a time when one of your parents did something special for you? How can you show appreciation to you parents. What is one thing you will do this week to honor your father and mother.

34 5th Commandment You shall not kill
Care for ourselves and others because life is precious

35 The Good Samaritan

36 1) Why do you think Jesus told us about the good Samaritan?
2)Why do you think the Samaritan helped the wounded man when they were suppose to be enemies and the first two men who were Jewish just like the wounded man passed him by? 3)How does this story relate to the 5th Commandment?

37 The 6th Commandment You shall not commit adultery
Keep the promises that you made to your husband or wife when you got married

38 7th Commandment Thou shall not steal
You should always be honest, don’t cheat or take things that don’t belong to you

39 7th Commandment tells us
To respect others property Take care of things Use God’s gifts the right way

40 Think About It The big science test is coming up and you forgot to study the parts of the eye. You know that you will never remember them on your own and your teacher won’t help you because it’s a test. Do you think if you copy your friend’s paper it would be breaking the 7th commandment?

41 Think About It You forgot your copy of Indian in the Cupboard so a friend who has already read the chapter lends your theirs. As you read you make some scribbles in the book and rip at the bottom of the pages. Do you think that you broke the 7th commandment

42 Think About It A friend in the class had a birthday celebration at school. They brought in doughnut holes for the class. Everyone gets three. The person who sits next to you is in the bathroom. You eat your three and are still hungry. You know that your friend in the bathroom doesn’t like the chocolate kind anyway. Would you be breaking the 7th commandment if you took the chocolate doughnut hole?

43 Do not lie or gossip about people
The 8th Commandment You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor Do not lie or gossip about people

44 Dominic’s Test Why do you think the other boys let Dominic be punished? How do you think they felt when he was punished? Do you think Dominic did the right thing? Some children like to tattle on children who have done something wrong. Why isn’t this always the right thing to do?

45 Be pure of heart and faithful to those we love
The 9th Commandment . MM You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife Be pure of heart and faithful to those we love

46 10th Commandment You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor Be satisfied with what you have and not jealous of what others have

47 The 10th Commandment Covet means desire Review commandments page 128

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