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Advocated for Diverse Abilities March 3 rd Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Advocated for Diverse Abilities March 3 rd Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advocated for Diverse Abilities March 3 rd Meeting

2 HUGE EVENT THIS SEMESTER!  Disability Awareness Week!  April 13 th -17 th  Partnering with Student Organization Best Buddies!

3 Monday, April 13th  1/3 bottom of Bascom Hill is ours!  9am-5pm  200 sign holders, need HELP making signs!  Include disability statistics, esp. on campus!

4 Tuesday, April 14th  East Campus Mall –”Language Usage Day”  Tables outside of the SAC  12pm-4pm  Signature Banner to “End the Word(s)”  Hand Outs  Selling DAW t-shirts

5 Wednesday, April 15 th  Question & Answer Panel at School of Nursing  4pm-6pm Cooper Hall

6 Thursday, April 16th  ADA’s Day!  Art Show!  Working on placement-Possibly SAC all week and Thursday would be reception night (food and speakers)  Looking for artwork from individuals on campus and in the community-disability related  ADA Committee-Nichole & William  Looking for more HELPERS!

7 Friday, April 17th  Handicap This! Production (funded by ASM)  4:30pm-10:30pm Humanitites  FG_eKHXM FG_eKHXM

8 Sunday, April 19th  ADA Tabling at ASK LISTEN SAVE Suicide Prevention Walk  12pm-3pm Sellery Backyard

9 Reminder:  Dues $5 per semester (some may have already paid $7 for whole year)  Pins & Bracelets: $3 each or 2 for $5  T-SHIRTS NOW $10!!! GET ONE WHILE THEY’RE HERE!

10 Donut Fundraiser: March 11th  8am-Noon in Psychology  Please check e- mail for doodle poll sign-up  $2 per donut!  ADA Facebook Event-Invite your friends!

11 So cool that it is happening again..TECH NIGHT!  Sunday, March 8 th in Smith Residency Hall  7 p.m.  Some new and some old!  Come to see more interesting technology and strategies to assist in day to day life!  Bring friends!

12 Next General Member Meeting:  March 17 th  Right here in Educational Sciences  Deaf Awareness Night!

13 Our Speakers Tonight:  Anna from Employment Resources, Inc.  Employment for people with disabilities  Heather Stelljis-McBurney Specialist  Self-advocacy

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