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Goals for this SPC Meeting SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 1 Main goals for this meeting: -summary of the PAC’07 program and conference -agree on EPAC’08.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals for this SPC Meeting SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 1 Main goals for this meeting: -summary of the PAC’07 program and conference -agree on EPAC’08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals for this SPC Meeting SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 1 Main goals for this meeting: -summary of the PAC’07 program and conference -agree on EPAC’08 program time and schedule (distribution between sessions & sharing between ‘invited’ and ‘contributed’) -agree on the invited talks and speakers for each session -generate a proposal for topics and speakers for the ‘opening’, ‘closing’ and entertainment talks -fix next meeting place and time

2 Schedule and Next Steps SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 2 Next steps after this SPC meeting: -presentation of the finalized program to OC meeting in Valencia -invitation of invited speakers after program approval by OC in Valencia -deadline for response by invited speakers ???? -October 2007 ? Publication of program and call for abstracts -January 2008: deadline for abstract submission ??? -February 2008: choice of ‘opening’, ‘closing’ and ‘entertainment’ talks; contributed oral contributions and session chairs at OC / SPC -April 2008 subcommittee for poster numbering (CERN?) -23-27 June: EPAC’08 in Genoa

3 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 3 Venue: -Not easy to get to from Europe: most flights took a total of 20h+ from Geneva to Albuquerque! -City not very attractive in terms of strolling through the streets at night (at least in the vicinity of the venue). -Conference center had nice layout and meeting rooms (and cost only 22 k$!!!!!) -Poster halls had good size and were close to auditoriums -Internet café was well dimensioned -No WiFi in auditoriums was a great idea -Auditoriums were too big for the number of visitors (more than half empty rooms: between 40 to 100 people in large auditorium [1000]!) -In general one got the impression it was a small conference in spite of the published large number of registration (1434!) -WiFi in rest of the Venue was not very good (slow and not always available) -some people complained about missing power outlets for computers

4 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 4 Sunday Student Poster Session: Feedback from students and visitors who attended the session: very good initiative much appreciated and should be repeated at EPAC’08 What could be improved for next session -better advertisement -consideration of all posters for price selection Price session: -2 EPS /APS cash prices and 2 recognition awards

5 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 5 Monday Plenary Session: -Un-inspiring ‘opening presentations’ (Lyn on LHC and Bari-Barish on ILC) -No ‘mobile’ microphones for questions in the audience (a good job for the students who received a grand!)  no questions -smaller than expected conference (I counted a few hundred [ca 600] people in the audience during opening session)  no clear how this fits with the large number of registered participants!?!

6 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 6 Parallel Oral Session: -Two of the three conference rooms featured two screens. Since the speaker can point only on one screen with a laser pointer the second screen was rather useless.  can one organize an electronic pointer that shows up on both screens for the EPAC’08 parallel sessions? -Bad lighting made it hard for the chairmen in the main auditorium to spot questions in the audience  another job for students? -There were no screens for the chairmen  it was not easy for the chairmen to follow the presentations on the big screens. -The conference featured a speaker ‘practice’ room  seems to be a good idea (even though I had no chance to test it).

7 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 7 Parallel Oral Session: -scientific program of the parallel sessions was very interesting -nice social side programs (foot tasting) -However, some of these events were badly announced (only announced in one of the sessions  lack of attendance) -some sessions featured ‘last minute’ changes to the agenda  unacceptable with 3 parallel sessions!!! -some days featured parallel session of the same classifications.  potential conflict of interest  but it was easy to change from one room to another

8 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 8

9 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 9 Poster Sessions: -the 2 poster halls were well placed and it was easy to change from one room to the other -2 h long poster sessions parallel to oral sessions  many posters were un-manned, was difficult to get discussions going in front of posters (fill between presentations) -posters in each Main Classification were often scheduled together in the same session  poster presenters had difficulties to visit other posters and to learn about work done by other labs. -many poster slots were empty in spite of listing in program (I would estimate ca. 15%) -the conference program was missing an Index that allowed one to find the contribution of colleagues

10 PAC’07 Summary SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 10 General impressions: -nice conference Website -nice social events during conference (Margarita & foot tasting) -apparent absence of any official organizers e.g. the chairman cocktail was very nice (room, foot and drinks), but started without any official opening. OC chair arrived only 1 hour after opening. -some social events were strangely organized  free Mexican foot tasting right before conference dinner? and a ‘cash bar’ at the cocktail reception?!? -very nice Companion program: e.g. visit to Taos and Santa Fe -new APS fellows were invited to the conference and announced at the conference price ceremony  nice option for new EPS fellows -However, the award ceremony was quite long and some people complained about the number and length of speeches by senior delegates  can we make this more lively for EPAC?

11 PAC’07 Lesson for EPAC’08 SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 11 -Sunday poster price session is very good -schedule only two parallel sessions at a time -separate oral and poster sessions -social side program is very important for conference atmosphere -avoid too empty auditoriums -organizer presence adds value to conference -there will only be a discussion after the presentation if the chairman can see the audience and if the microphones are mobile -the award ceremony should either be more entertaining or shorter

12 Time Allocation for Sessions at EPAC’08 SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 12 Summary of discussion at Hamburg: Hamburg meeting concluded to assign for the moment a target time allocation of 4 hours for each session and to fine tune the time allocation at the next meeting (SPC in Valencia)  Requires ca. 32 hours plus time for the opening, entertainment and closing talks (ca. 36 h total)

13 Time Allocation EPAC’06 SPC meeting in Valencia; July2007 13 Time distribution from EPAC’06 (old session classification): Classification123456789 EPAC’06 Invited Oral 3*30 3*20 2.5h 4*30 3*20 3h 5*30 2.5h 6*30 1*20 3.3h 5*30 1*20 2.9h 4*30 2h 5*30 2.5h 5*30 2.5h 4*60 4h EPAC’06 Contrib. Oral 3*20 1h 3*20 1h 3*20 1h 2*20 0.6h 5*20 1.6h 3*20 1h 6*20 2h 3*20 1h 0 Oral total3.5h4h3.5h4h4.5h3h4.5h3.54h 35.5h total with approximate equal share between sessions 5h Monday, 10h Tuesday & Wednesday, 8h Thursday, 3h Friday = 36h 1 = Circular Accelerators 2 = Synchrotron Light Sources and FELs 3 = Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and new Aceleration Techniques 4 = Hadron Colliders 5 = Beam Dynamics and EM Fields 6 = Beam Instrumentation, Controls, feedback and Operational Aspects 7 = Accelerator Technology Main Systems 8 = Application of Acelerators, Technology Transfer and Relations with Industry

14 Time Allocation Hamburg SPC meeting in Valencia; April 2007 14 Hamburg proposal for distribution for first iteration for EPAC’08: 37 h Classification Conference 123456789 EPAC’08 Invited Oral 677655654 EPAC’08 Contrib. Oral 333363430 Oral total4h4.5h 4h4.5h3.5h4.3h3.54h 1 = Circular Accelerators (< 10% EPAC’06) 2 = Synchrotron Light Sources and FELs 3 = Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and new Aceleration Techniques 4 = Hadron Colliders 5 = Beam Dynamics and EM Fields (23% at PAC) 6 = Beam Instrumentation, Controls, feedback and Operational Aspects 7 = Accelerator Technology Main Systems (23% of contributions in EPAC’06) 8 = Application of Acelerators, Technology Transfer and Relations with Industry (< 10% EPAC’06)

15 Time Allocation for Sessions at EPAC’08 SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 15 (Christine from SPC/2 notes)

16 Classification Statistics SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 16 Classification Counts using data from EPAC’06 and PAC’07: Classification Conference 123456789 EPAC’06 total 81 6.7% 188 15.54% 133 11% 159 13.1% 197 16.2% 124 10.3% 280 23.1% 44 3.64% 4.33% EPAC’06 Invited Oral 6 7.4% 7 3.7% 7 5.3% 6 3.8% 5 2.5% 5 4% 6 2.1% 5 11.4% 4.33% EPAC’06 Contr. Oral 3 3.7% 3 1.6% 3 2.3% 3 1.9% 6 3.1% 3 2.4% 4 1.4% 3 6.8% 0 0% PAC07 total 94 5.2% 228 12.5% 223 12.2% 196 10.8% 385 21.1% 233 12.8% 405 22.2% 58 3.2% 2 0.1% PAC07 Invited Oral 11 11.7% 8 3.5% 22 9.9% 15 7.7% 18 4.7% 7 3% 15 3.7% 23 39.7% 2 100% PAC07 Contr. Oral 9 9.6% 7 3.7% 14 6.3% 18 9.2% 21 5.5% 7 3% 21 5.2% 3 5.2% 0 0%

17 Time Allocation for Sessions at EPAC’08 SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 17 Summary of discussion at Hamburg Proposal to reduce time allocation for Sessions 1 and 4 (Circular Accelerators and Hadron Colliders) and to increase the time allocation for Sessions 2 and 6 (Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology) Pro: distribution of speaker time reflects better distribution of contributed papers (should that be our goal?) Con: reduction on Circular and Hadron Collider sessions during LHC start-up, White paper approval (LINAC4, PS2, LPSPL) and SNS performance ramp-up (new LHC schedule!!!  beam before EPAC’08 unlikely)  discuss this point after summary of invited talks per session

18 EPAC’06 Synoptic Program SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 18

19 Time Allocation for Sessions at EPAC’08 SPC meeting in Valencia; July 2007 19 Summary of discussion at Hamburg

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