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Using reading activities to build self-determined behavior

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1 Using reading activities to build self-determined behavior
Literature Circles Using reading activities to build self-determined behavior

2 Why have literature circles?
Circles can help students develop crucial self-advocacy skills such as: Public speaking Assertive behavior Leadership and teamwork Active listening Decision-making Problem resolution

3 Why else? Circles get kids involved in meaningful discussion about a book. Circles help expand knowledge of events, feelings, language, culture. Circles provide the opportunity to link learning in the book to a higher level of learning.

4 Planning ahead Read the book, or find a reliable summary on the internet. Discussion groups must be carefully thought through. Groups can’t be too large (a student can get “lost’), and can’t include too many students who will dominate the discussion, or put others down. Don’t use a circle to solve other classroom problems.

5 Roles Roles should be assigned the first time. Once kids are used to the process, they can alternate roles with new books. Teacher should facilitate a discussion of each role and ask students to think about the responsibilities.

6 Suggested Circle Roles
Director, reporter, recorder, timekeeper. Questioner (person who asks a question related to the reading), Clarifier (clarifies words or concepts for others), Summarizer (short verbal summary), Predictor (what happens in next chapter), Artist (creates a picture related to the story).

7 Suggested roles… Discussion Director: assumes leadership of the group, guides discussion and generates questions. Literary Luminary (Passage Master): selects important passages for discussion and read alouds. Connector: helps everyone makes connections with text, self, and the world. Illustrator: draws to help others make a response to the group.

8 The Circle process Teacher introduces book ahead of time to get students thinking about larger issues prior to reading. Pre-reading activities might include journaling. If the theme is struggling to fit in, students could write about a time when they didn’t fit in, etc. Journaling can continue while reading the book. Students can react to characters, passages, and make predictions. Students can share journal entries with their group.

9 The Circle discussion Discussions within circles should include:
- the book - the reading process - connections - group processes and social issues.

10 Circle process… Teachers might want to have students write personal reading goals for each book and chart their progress. To aid comprehension, students can focus on one character and discuss events from their point of view. Students could read all dialogue of that character; they can “be” the character.

11 Process… Teacher should facilitate interpretation: define roles, cue students to role requirements, and encourage participation by all. Students should support others in the group in their roles, and encourage participation. Students should challenge each other: Why do you feel that way? I had a different interpretation. Students should be prepared to defend their positions and thoughts within the group. Students should relate happenings in the book to their own lives.

12 Literature Circle Example
How? Assertive behavior * Public speaking skills * Leadership and teamwork skills * Active listening skills * Decision-making skills * Problem resolution skills * Legal and Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities* Transition Planning Goal Setting and Attainment * Using Community Resources Communication, negotiation, and compromise * Nothing But the Truth by Avi Why? Using a Literature Circle in a Social Studies Classroom Self-Determination: Instructional and Assessment Strategies Wehmeyer and Field, 2007

13 Literature Circle Roles
Jake Barlow—Talk Show Host Dr. A. Seymour—Superintendent of Schools Student and Dr. Palleni Dr. Doane and Intercom Voice Miss Narwin Philip Malloy

14 Expand your Circles Teacher can provide several book choices and students can make a selection, set up circles, and determine learning outcomes. Initially, everyone can read the same book, but later, the teacher could offer theme related genres (learning disabilities, social skills, etc.). The teacher can find titles and students can make their selection.

15 Expand circles… Consider offering books centered on learning in other classes (history, health, math). Consider non-fiction, or fiction based on fact. Use the internet to visit booktalk sites. Create booktalks and a booktalk kiosk. Students record a video booktalk (through Windows Media) and post it the kiosk where others can view it.

16 Resources (provides forms) (provides forms) (provides forms)

17 Resources – Book Talks

18 Shaping Up a Review! Draw a square, a circle and a triangle!
What are some things you heard that squared with your beliefs? What questions are still going around in your head? What are 3 points you want to remember?

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