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Provo, 16 Aug 2007 LMF meeting 1 Lexical Markup Framework: ISO-24613 Provo meeting Gil Francopoulo.

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Presentation on theme: "Provo, 16 Aug 2007 LMF meeting 1 Lexical Markup Framework: ISO-24613 Provo meeting Gil Francopoulo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Provo, 16 Aug 2007 LMF meeting 1 Lexical Markup Framework: ISO-24613 Provo meeting Gil Francopoulo

2 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting2 schedule Brief history & sum up where you are Future

3 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting3 Brief history and sum up We started in 2003 The document is currently in DIS status. The NBs have until December to express their comments. We have to produce the FDIS for the end of February 2008 LMF will be published in September 2008. With the help of AFNOR, we will produce a version in French.

4 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting4 Objectives LMF is a specification for interchange and representation of lexicons For MRD and NLP lexicons For all types of NLP applications For all languages

5 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting5 Structure of the document A document of 86 pages A good section on definitions (we spent a lot of time on this part) A core section based on UML 18 small annexes with many examples in many languages

6 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting6 Sum up of the model LMF specifies the structure of a lexicon All attribute adornment is made from data categories taken from the DCR LMF is defined by a UML specification for the classes and relations between the classes Many sub-parts are optional: only the core package is mandatory

7 Core package

8 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting8 Various packages

9 Morphology = representation in extension of the morphology of the entries

10 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting10 Small example

11 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting11 Same data serialized in XML

12 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting12 The future Looking for a successfull ISO standard STEP-1 define the specification => well advanced STEP-2 communicate STEP-3 We’d like LMF to be used

13 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting13 Some comments as clues for the future In a presentation in Tubingen this Spring, a person in the conference room asked me: the model looks fine, well defined and powerful but, as a lexicographer it’s no use for me because I don’t have any tool.

14 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting14 Provide a tool As a first version: a simple tool, that (may be) will not implement the whole model. A stand alone version. Something free, open source

15 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting15 Provide other external formats Due to the fact that an ISO document is basically a text document of limited length, we could not produce some formats. And also because of time constraints. An RDF specification An ODD specification

16 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting16 Provide guidelines & studies An LMF user guide with examples that we did not had space to insert in the LMF document A full technical study on how to map all famous lexicons in our field

17 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting17 Publish the data categories usable in an LMF lexicons Taken from the three DCR profiles: - morpho-syntax - syntax - semantics

18 Provo, 16 Aug 2007LMF meeting18 Any other ideas ??? We already have a list dedicated to LMF, but we could have a web site Keep on publishing

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