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NICARAGUA NEXUS. The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua In March 2007, 18 Babcock students and their faculty began a business education seminar for.

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Presentation on theme: "NICARAGUA NEXUS. The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua In March 2007, 18 Babcock students and their faculty began a business education seminar for."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua In March 2007, 18 Babcock students and their faculty began a business education seminar for Managuan entrepreneurs during winter and spring breaks. Participation grew from 20 to 40 business in just one year. Now seeking ways to quantify the impact of the seminars on the local businesses and community. NICARAGUA NEXUS

3 The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua NICARAGUA NEXUS

4 The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua NICARAGUA NEXUS

5 The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua A graduate two years later… Owns a small bakery Implemented bookkeeping system Added equipment and personnel Tripled volume Nets 20% return on revenue NICARAGUA NEXUS

6 The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua NICARAGUA NEXUS

7 The Beginning… …Babcock’s Project Nicaragua NICARAGUA NEXUS

8 The Potential… …for the University Academic programs Short-term in duration Non-traditional in nature Service opportunities Volunteer work Educational programs Research activities For faculty and students Across disciplines and schools NICARAGUA NEXUS

9 The Place… …Managua Fast facts: Population: Approximately 1.7 million Almost one-half of the city lives in poverty First capital in Central America to end illiteracy Ranked safest capital in Central America Considered Central America’s greenest metropolis NICARAGUA NEXUS

10 The Place… …Managua NICARAGUA NEXUS

11 The Place… …Managua NICARAGUA NEXUS

12 The Place… …Managua NICARAGUA NEXUS

13 The Place… …Managua NICARAGUA NEXUS

14 The Place… …Managua NICARAGUA NEXUS

15 The Progress… …2008 Service-Learning Program A summer program in which students spent one week of class on campus, then three weeks in Managua taking two courses: “Social Enterprise Leadership in a Developing Country” (taught by Holly Brower in the Business Schools) “The Writer and Society in Central America” (taught by Jane Albrecht in Romance Languages) The classroom curriculum was combined with meaningful service experiences through teaching, learning, and reflection. NICARAGUA NEXUS

16 The Progress… …2008 Service-Learning Program NICARAGUA NEXUS

17 The Progress… …2008 Service-Learning Program NICARAGUA NEXUS

18 The Progress… …2009 Service-Learning Program Steve Giles in Communications and Gary Miller in Health and Exercise Science offered two service-learning courses during Summer 2009 The courses focused on Global Health Issues and Health Communication, and included service projects and clinical work in Managua. Students spent two weeks on campus before going to Nicaragua for three weeks. NICARAGUA NEXUS

19 The Progress… …2009 Service-Learning Program NICARAGUA NEXUS

20 The Progress… …Spring 2009 Biology Class Last spring, the Biology department offered a course titled, “Tropical Conservation.” The class met the first half of the semester on campus, then traveled to a biological field station in Nicaragua for a week of field study during Springbreak that completed the course requirements. Faculty hope to offer the course again in a future semester. NICARAGUA NEXUS

21 The Progress… …Spring 2009 Biology Class NICARAGUA NEXUS

22 The Progress… …Spring 2009 Biology Class NICARAGUA NEXUS

23 The Prospects… …Environmental Sciences Research Robert Browne in the Environmental Sciences visited Nicaragua last spring to explore opportunities for teaching and research in the field. Given the focal areas of the faculty in the Environmental Sciences are Marine Life and Dry Tropical Forests, they see potential for scholarly activity in the region. NICARAGUA NEXUS

24 The Prospects… …Medical School Opportunities Manna Project International, Project HOPE, and Centro of Social Studies and Promotion (CEPS) recently opened a “teaching” clinic in Ciudad Sandino, outside of Managua. Their goal is to reduce maternal and infant mortality in Nicaragua through continuing education of medical professionals. NICARAGUA NEXUS

25 The Prospects… …Medical School Opportunities NICARAGUA NEXUS

26 The Prospects… …Medical School Opportunities NICARAGUA NEXUS

27 The Prospects… …Medical School Opportunities NICARAGUA NEXUS

28 The Prospects… …Medical School Opportunities NICARAGUA NEXUS

29 The Prospects… …Medical School Opportunities Opportunities exist for the WFU Medical School to provide medical training, conduct research, and offer learning experiences for its students through the clinic. Last November, two doctors from the Med School visited the clinic to assess these opportunities. They also met with the dean of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma Medical School in Leon to consider possible service and research opportunities at the school. NICARAGUA NEXUS

30 The Prospects… …Divinity School Opportunities The Graduate Certificate in Spirituality and Health offered by the Divinity School includes an Experiential Learning/On-site Observation in Travel Courses. If the Medical School becomes involved with continuing education at the clinic and/or the Universidad Nacional Autónoma Medical School, Nicaragua could serve as a destination for graduates pursuing this certificate. NICARAGUA NEXUS

31 The Prospects… …Graduate School Opportunities The Graduate School currently is exploring ideas for involvement. One focal area might be Global Health Disparities. NICARAGUA NEXUS

32 The Prospects… …Additional Opportunities Last month a team of faculty and administrators from across the College and School visited Nicaragua to renew and explore relationships. Possibilities range from programs for high school students, research collaborations at universities, internships with organizations, consulting for businesses, continuing education for professionals and academicians, and service projects with NGOs. NICARAGUA NEXUS

33 The Plans… …of the Programming Steering Committee To develop a rubric for assessing potential partners To determine the best fits given our mission, values, strengths, and interests To form an advisory board of Nicaraguans To serve as a clearinghouse for new and ongoing initiatives To maximize utilization of the property NICARAGUA NEXUS

34 The Property… …A Future Training and Conference Center Tom and Karyn Dingledine have donated property in Managua for training and conference center with housing accommodations. Plans are now underway for completing the interior of the house and re-purposing the space for conference facilities. In the long term, “casitas” are planned to accommodate visitors to the center. NICARAGUA NEXUS

35 The Property… …A Future Training and Conference Center Fast facts Approximately five acres of land 6660 sq. ft. home (interior unfinished) Fenced/Walled perimeter Planned design/construction Center: Conference room, library/study, dining room/patio, reception hall, faculty suite, lounge, and basement apartment Casitas: Four two-story units for up to 32 people located behind the Center NICARAGUA NEXUS

36 The Property… …A Future Training & Conference Center

37 NICARAGUA NEXUS The Property… …A Future Training & Conference Center

38 NICARAGUA NEXUS The Property… …A Future Training & Conference Center

39 The Property… …A Future Academic Center NICARAGUA NEXUS

40 The Property… …A Future Training & Conference Center

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