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1 learning development institute AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 1 11/08/01 The Use of Innovative Strategies in Computer Science Curricula Association for Educational Communications and Technology Atlanta, GA, November 8-10, 2001

2 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 2 Presenters Ray J. Amirault Florida State University Learning Development Institute Yusra Laila Visser Learning Development Institute Florida State University

3 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 3 Why Try Innovative Strategies to Teach Computer Science? oIncreasing complexity of subject matter oIncreased learning demands on students oRapid change of technology oGiant metaphor change: procedural to object-oriented technology

4 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 4 The Role of Instructional Design in Computer Science oBuilding base competency in novice (i.e., beginner) learners oDeveloping learner strategies for coping with change oImproving problem solving skills oResponding to motivational needs of learners and improving retention

5 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 5 Present Day Situation: Computer Science Body of Knowledge* 1.Discrete Structures (DS) 2.Programming Fundamentals (PF) 3.Algorithms and Complexity (AL) 4.Programming Languages (PL) 5.Architecture and Organization (AR) 6.Operating Systems (OS) 7.Net-Centric Computing (NC) 8.Human-Computer Interaction (HC) 9.Graphics and Visual Computing (GV) 10.Intelligent Systems (IS) 11.Information Management (IM) 12.Software Engineering (SE) 13.Social and Professional Issues (SP) 14.Computational Science and Numerical Methods (CN) * Association of Computer Machinery, February, 2001

6 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 6 The Recommended Curriculum: ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula 2001 oSet of recommendations on Computer Science curricula oRevised every few years based on task force recommendations oDescribes curricular models, professional practices, characteristics of CS graduates, and other pertinent information

7 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 7 CourseOfferedRequiredElective Analysis of Algorithms (AA)55 (87%)36 (57%)20 (32%) Architecture (AR)59 (94%)44 (70%)17 (27%) Artificial Intelligence (AI)60 (95%)2 (3%)58 (92%) Compiler Construction (CC)58 (92%)14 (22%)44 (70%) Database Management Systems (DB)62 (98%)14 (22%)49 (78%) Ethical, Social Issues (ET)40 (63%)35 (56%)6 (10%) Graphics (GR)63 (100%)- Human-Computer Interaction (HC)25 (40%)2 (3%)23 (37%) Networks (NW)63 (100%)11 (17%)53 (84%) Operating Systems (OS)63 (100%)57 (91%)12 (19%) Parallel Computing (PC)34 (54%)1 (2%)33 (52%) Programming Languages (PL)59 (94%)49 (78%)14 (22%) Robotics (RB)19 (30%)- Software Engineering (SE)62 (98%)41 (65%)22 (35%) Simulation (SI)25 (37%)-25 (40%) Theory of Computation (TH)52 (83%)36 (57%)18 (29%) VLSI Design (VL)17 (27%)3 (5%)14 (22%) Actual Curricula (1999-2000)* * technical report CoC/CS TR# 2000-9-1, Department of Computer Science, College of Charleston and is available in HTML at

8 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 8 Specific Case: How is Programming Typically Taught? 1.Presentation of syntax and grammar rules 2.Presentations of variables, functions, and data structures 3.Simple programming assignment 4.Presentation of more advanced concepts 5.More difficult programming assignments 6.Tests on programming concepts

9 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 9 Questions oIs this method the best way to teach a programming language? oHow do children acquire natural language? oIs the knowledge building-block approach the way people actually learn an applied skill?

10 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 10 Purpose of Inquiry To develop a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of innovative instructional strategies applied in the computer science discipline. Research results with positive effects on: oCognitive reasoning oMetacognitive strategies oPost-test performance oAttitudes (ARCS)

11 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 11 Research Approach oThe Challenge: l“Students in CS must extend beyond programming ability. The responsibilities and challenge of this lie with the universities. Students must understand why the programming of a system is not the real problem.” (Robillard, 1996) oInitial Responses to the Challenge: lReview of existing research literature on instructional practice in Computer Science (1996 – present) lReview of CS curricula features and orientations

12 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 12 Data Sources Computer Programming Software Engineering Articles from Refereed Research Journals 2627 Articles from Non- refereed Research Journals 153 Professional Conference Reports 125 Edited Book Chapters 1113

13 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 13 Research Focus Selective research orientation on innovative strategies: 1.Reviewed pool of educational research in computer science 2.Reviewed policy and research recommendations for change in teaching practices 3.Identified documented instances of research that followed recommended changes 4.Selected innovative strategies with positive impact on variables of interest

14 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 14 Teacher-Centered Instruction o“Inverted” course structuring: Focus on integrated understanding hardware/software, programming and computer language, performance setting o“Attached” instruction: Relate all instructional content directly to final product development oIncremental pragmatic approach (scaffolding) : Begin with notions of classes, objects, inheritance – use of hybrid programs)

15 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 15 Situated Learning Environments oProblem-based learning lStudent-generated problem situations lInstructor generated problem situations oProject-based learning lAuthentic performance contexts lSimulated contexts

16 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 16 Performance-Based Learning Environments oWork-based learning “Students will learn to use the best tools available to them to accomplish the projects, and if the projects add real value to the world, such as solving problems in the local community or gathering data that contribute to the real progress of science, so much the better.” (Spohrer, CTO, IBM Venture Capital Relations Group)

17 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 17 Limitations of current response to the challenge o“The sequential mindset” oAssessment/feedback oMeasuring integrated knowledge state oDetermining efficiency/effectiveness in thinking and problem solving processes

18 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 18 Our Propositions oUnderstanding expert performance oUnderstanding the role of the teacher in complex and flexible learning settings oUnderstanding the higher order thinking processes and attitudes oMethods for learning to acquire structural knowledge oStrategies for learning to learn/generative knowledge building

19 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 19 Expert Performance in Programming oWhy do some people develop expert levels of performance in programming? oWhat differentiates the novice programmer from the expert-level programmer? oWhat criteria can be used to determine who is performing at expert programming levels? oHow was this expert performance attained?

20 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 20 What We Know: Classic Studies in Expertise Research oFitts and Posner (1967) - model with three phases and for acquiring acceptable (not expert) performance oSimon and Chase (1973) - theory of expertise acquisition where time spent leads to acquisition of patterns, chunks, and increasingly-complex knowledge structures oEricsson and Smith (1991) - expert performance must be studied with individuals who can reliably and repeatedly demonstrate superior performance oEricsson, Krampe, & Tesche-Romer (1993) - expert levels of performance are acquired gradually over time through use of deliberate practice and are mediated by mental representations developed during the deliberate practice period

21 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 21 Expert Performance Continuum Time Performance Level Expert Levels Deliberate Practice Period Arrested Development Everyday Skills Initial Instruction

22 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 22 How Can We Research the Question of Language Acquisition? oIdentify superior programmers based on real-world skills, not abstract measures oInvestigate how these performers acquired superior abilities oCompare these methods to methods employed by “average” programmers oDetermine the implications for ISD oImplement findings in an instructional intervention

23 learning development institute 11/08/01 AECT-Atlanta-2001: Instructional Strategies in CS 23

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