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K: Plantae = The Land Plants. What is a plant? Multicellular autotroph? With complex tissues?

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Presentation on theme: "K: Plantae = The Land Plants. What is a plant? Multicellular autotroph? With complex tissues?"— Presentation transcript:

1 K: Plantae = The Land Plants

2 What is a plant? Multicellular autotroph? With complex tissues?

3 And blue pigment, phycocyanin

4 From green algae - early clues Chlorophylls Carotenoids & other pigments Starch Cellulose

5 Alternation of generation

6 From Charophycean green algae 1. rosette terminal complexes (RTCs) in plasma membrane for making cellulose 2. Special peroxisomal enzymes for toxic oxygen products

7 chlorophytescharophytes/land plants From Charophycean green algae 3. Type of flagellar root base 4. phragmoplasts (for cytokinesis) (4 bundles) microtubules

8 Charophycean algae retain zygote

9 Alternation of generation mitosis

10 Walled spores made in sporangium/ia Gametes made in gametangium/ia Male: antheridium/ia Female: archegonium/ia

11 Apical meristems 33-6 33-7


13 Non-vascular plants

14 Moss life cycle

15 Plants (gametophytes) can be hermaphroditic/bisexual monoecious dioecious Plants (sporophytes) can be homosporous heterosporous

16 Cuticle with flavonoids Rhizoids Air pore Major innovations

17 P: Bryophyta = mosses Sphagnum

18 P: Hepatophyta = liverworts

19 P: Anthocerophyta = hornworts

20 Seedless vascular plants xylem phloem

21 P: Lycopodiophyta

22 stems rhizoids Early vascular plant (fossil): Rhynia

23 First leaves

24 P: Lycopodiophyta Lycopodium = ground pine/cedar homosporous


26 Selaginella = spike moss heterosporous

27 heterosporous too

28 P: Pteridophyta = ferns Azolla = mosquito fern

29 Fern life cycle indusium

30 Innovations/ changes

31 “Big” leaves

32 croziers = fiddleheads


34 Horsetails = scouring rushes

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