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February 19, 2014. Laura Tekrony The Goal: Why we are here tonight Keep Aldie Elementary open to preserve our community, village and history. Aldie has.

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Presentation on theme: "February 19, 2014. Laura Tekrony The Goal: Why we are here tonight Keep Aldie Elementary open to preserve our community, village and history. Aldie has."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 19, 2014

2 Laura Tekrony

3 The Goal: Why we are here tonight Keep Aldie Elementary open to preserve our community, village and history. Aldie has been at risk of closure for 2 decades. Continued residential growth in Aldie and future plans for new Elementary schools puts the school at risk of closure.

4 History of Aldie Elementary First school in Aldie was established in 1858. Current school was built in 1928 and was renovated in 1950 and 1963. Facility has evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of the community.

5 Objectives of Expansion: Fill the need for half a school in the Dulles South area Offload adjacent schools that will be overcapacity (Arcola and Buffalo Trail) Provide a home school for smaller developments in the Transition Policy Area Save the county money by expanding an existing paid for asset Leverage a community school that is strategically located in the heart of the village Preserve the Village of Aldie and heritage

6 First Task / Objective

7 What the SAVE ALDIE ELEMENTARY CAMPAIGN has done so far Options analysis (Charter or Expansion) Draft plat for expansion Scope of work with specs for new wing Conceptual renderings of new wing Projected capital cost of wing

8 Why Not Charter? Charter Schools have restrictions – Under current state law, one-half of all charter schools within a district are required to serve “at-risk students” — a requirement that could be an obstacle to the effort to convert two western schools to charter (Middleburg and Hillsboro). Adding Aldie Elementary would not be feasible. – Enrollment is open to any child within the school division through a lottery process on a space-available basis. Students currently enrolled in Aldie Elementary would not be guaranteed a spot in a charter. Proximity to Middleburg would make it challenging to fill two charter schools.

9 Why Choose Expansion? Aldie Elementary is in a different cluster (John Champe High School) than other small schools in western Loudoun. John Champe cluster is located in the suburban east and has residential growth.

10 Our S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths Aldie Elementary is a high performing school. Offers a quality education. – A long list of Awards Committed PTA, parents, teachers and principal Strong community support for the school Weaknesses Shortage of parent volunteers Lack of dedicated funding for initiatives outside of PTA

11 S.W.O.T. Analysis continued Opportunities Residential growth both within and adjacent to Aldie Elementary’s boundary Enrollment projections show Buffalo Trail and Arcola Elementary overcapacity in 2019/2020 Aldie School has an interesting and evolving history and community is willing to protect this history New Superintendent in July

12 S.W.O.T. Analysis continued Threats Closure continually recommended during operating budget review by LCPS administration and school board Turnover of school board with different agendas. Majority believe small schools are inefficient. Policy of cookie cutter school design New Superintendent in July

13 Timeline & History of Threats 2008―Combination classes in 4 schools designated by the school board as under-enrolled (Aldie, Middleburg, Hillsboro and Lincoln). Aldie was scheduled to have combination classes in grades 1-3 in the 2008-2009 school year. Dr. Hatrick warns that next year’s budget will be worse and closure of Aldie or Middleburg may be considered. 2009―Aldie, Middleburg, Hillsboro and Lincoln proposed for closure in the 10% and 15% operating budget cuts (Tier 2 and 3 reductions).

14 Timeline & History of Threats continued 2010―Small school principals reduced to ½ time at Middleburg, Aldie, Hillsboro and Lincoln. School closure was not listed in Option 1 Reduction List but threat was made during budget reconciliation in April. Small schools given the opportunity to attract more students with Open Enrollment Policy. Aldie Elementary reaches out to Lenah Run parents with an Open House.

15 Timeline and History of Threats continued 2011―Plat of potential expansion is donated by a parent. Aldie Elementary meets with School Board members and LCPS Director of Construction to discuss long-term strategy. 2012―New School Board. Aldie Elementary meets with three school board members and Blue Ridge Board of Supervisor to discuss expansion efforts. First Aldie Town Hall in October to begin discussing expansion with the community.

16 Timeline and History of Threats continued 2013―Charter or bust warnings from school board. Applies to all western Loudoun County. Bill Fox said, “The only way to remove closure threat permanently is for community to take responsibility for the school.” Concepts for the wing are donated by a parent. Peach Orchard and Braddock Road east attendance zones are moved to Buffalo Trail Elementary during boundary change for Cardinal Ridge Elementary.

17 Timeline and History of Threats continued 2014―Small schools were singled out in a Community Budget Priorities Survey generated by LCPS administration and the Chairman of the school board. Keeping the small community schools open was ranked last in the priority list by the 10,000 respondents. Middleburg Elementary submitted a charter school application and decision will be made by School Board February 25 th. Aldie Elementary begins “Expand and Save” Campaign to move forward on long-term strategy.

18 Rich Sutphin

19 Conceptual Vision Create a wing completely separate from the main building with two additional classrooms per grade (12 rooms total), new library, combined art and music room, special education classroom and health clinic. – Two story building design with an elevator. – Unique design possible because the school is located in the historic overlay district. Construct a walkway from the wing to the main building between the cafeteria and the library. The main building would accommodate one classroom per grade, cafeteria, gymnasium, computer classroom and offices.




23 Site Improvements Parking lot – 60 parking spaces with drive aisles – Parent drop-off and pick-up loop Bus loop – Loop for 7.5 buses Regrading of fields below existing parking lot and basketball court to allow for more parking. Existing basketball court may need to be removed. Potential road improvements to Meetinghouse Lane



26 How YOU can help NOW Make a donation to the cause to cover materials and expenses associated with this campaign. Attend School Board Meeting on March 11 – Wear Aldie branded items – Sit together with us – Volunteer to speak – we can help you with “Talking Points” LIKE us on FACEBOOK – Our Facebook page and others as specified on the handout Sign & Mail the Letter we have provided for you and add your own comments at the bottom Remember to also Email your comments Volunteer for a Specific Task

27 Specific Volunteer Tasks

28 Next Meetings

29 Q & A THANK YOU for Joining Us This Evening!

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