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Chapter 8 Protists and Fungi.

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1 Chapter 8 Protists and Fungi

2 Protists Protist- one or many celled organism that lives in moist/wet surroundings. Eukaryotic cells Asexual reproduction by cell division or sexual reproduction with meiosis

3 Plant-like Protists Algae- plant like and contain chlorophyll
Diatoms- found in fresh or salt water Dinoflagellates- have 2 flagellum, or long whip like structures for movement Euglenoids- have characteristics of plants and animals Red algae- contain chlorophyll but produce red pigment and can live 200m deep in ocean Green algae- contain large amounts of chlorophyll Brown algae- chlorophyll and brown pigment. Found in cool, saltwater environments. Important food for fish Ex: kelp

4 Animal-like Protists Protozoans- one celled, animal like protists
Ciliates- have cilia to move around. Flagellates- whip long flagella to move Pseudopods- move and feed using temporary extensions of cytoplasm

5 Diseases Protozoans that cause disease can be transmitted by flies or biting insects or found in contaminated water

6 Importance of Algae Produce oxygen during photosynthesis
Are a food source for many organisms

7 Slime Molds Fungi-like protist that forms delicate, weblike structures on the surface of their food supply Usually found on decaying logs Often brightly colored

8 Water Molds and Downy Mildews
Fungi-like protists that lives in water or moist places Grow as mass of threads over plant or animal; Some are parasites, decomposers

9 Importance of Fungi-like Protists
Break down dead organisms Cause diseases in animals/plants Lesions in fish Caused the Irish Pot ato Famine during the 1840s

10 Fungi Many celled Hyphae- when body of fungus is mass of many celled, thread like tubes Saprophytes- organisms that obtain food by absorbing dead or decaying tissues of other organisms Grow best in warm, humid areas

11 Fungi Reproduction Asexual and sexual reproduction use production of spores Spore- waterproof reproductive cell that can grow into new organism

12 Classification Classified into 3 groups
Club fungi spores produced in club-shaped structure called basidium Sac fungi yeast, molds, morels, truffles. Spores produced in a little, sac like structure called ascus Zygote fungi produce spores in a round spore case called sporangium on tips of upright hyphae

13 Lichens An organism made of a fungus and either a green algae or cyanobacterium Relationship where both benefits Cyanobacterium or algae get moist, protected place to live Fungus gets food made by green algae or cyanobacterium Important food source for animals like caribou and musk oxen Help weather rock to create soil

14 Fungi and Plants Fungi interact with plant roots to form network of hyphae and roots called mycorrhizae Fungus helps plants absorb more of certain nutrients from soil, while plant provides food and nutrients to fungi

15 Importance of Fungi Food source (but can be poisonous!)
Used to make cheese Yeast creates bread, alcohol (remember fermentation!) Can cause disease that destroys crops or affects humans (athlete's foot, ringworm) Can produce antibiotics like pencillin Decompose organic materials and return nutrients to soil.

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