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Chapter 1.1 Government and the Public Good “In order to remain sovereign, governments must promote the public good.” Agree or Disagree.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1.1 Government and the Public Good “In order to remain sovereign, governments must promote the public good.” Agree or Disagree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1.1 Government and the Public Good “In order to remain sovereign, governments must promote the public good.” Agree or Disagree

2 How do governments of sovereign states establish rules in their society? Laws –A set of rules, made and enforced by government –You are legally bound to follow the law. What does that mean?

3 Types of laws Natural law –System of justice derived from nature rather than from the rules of society Right to defend yourself Criminal laws Murder Theft Assault Battery Civil laws Speed limits Divorce Paying back college loans

4 Just how many laws are there? Hundreds of thousands!!! –Organized in groups called public policies laws that government make in a particular area of public concern. –Example: Traffic safety »Includes laws that set speed limits »Require the use of seat belts »Establish rules for issuing driver’s licenses.

5 Origins of Government Ancient Greece –Established a democratic form of government that lasted almost 1,000 years!!! Finally defeated by the Romans around 100 BC

6 Government in Greece Greece was divided into many small city- states –Controlled by local governors –Largest city-state was Athens, Greece. –each city-state felt it was better than other city-states in Greece This caused turmoil.

7 Some Greek City-States Sparta

8 Some Greek City States Troy

9 How did Greece survive so long if they fought all the time? They held a common identity in their style of government. –All governors had a single vote for “common law” What are “common laws”? –Laws that would be universal anywhere in Greece. »What do we call these today?

10 The Roman Empire Lasted from 45 BC to around 1450 AD –started by Emperor Julius Caesar –Finally gets defeated by invaders who establish own nations based on monarchy. Mostly Attila the Hun.

11 Roman Government Emperor –Had total control over military Meant he controlled everything by force –Could not make laws Who could? The Senate –50 elected men who met and made laws for Roman empire

12 Roman Architecture

13 Roman Empire

14 End of an empire…birth of a monarch! Emperors are no more…now we have kings! –What are kings? Rulers who claim to have been given power to rule by some “higher being” –Known as divine right of kings –Kings = absolute power!!

15 Long live the King! How do you know who is supposed to be king? –It stays in the family This makes it legitimate Legitimacy –Rightful authority over its citizens –Who gives kings authority??

16 Should people allow a “King” to rule? 17 th century England –Two theories eventually emerge Thomas Hobbes’ social contract John Locke’s natural laws

17 Thomas Hobbes People give up their individual rights in exchange for the kings protection against invaders. –Fair deal, right? –Written in book called Leviathan

18 John Locke’s Natural Rights from book Two Treatises on Government Locke’s belief: –PEOPLE MUST GIVE CONSENT!! –If no consent, rebel!!! –Why? All people are born with natural rights that they are born with! –Life –Liberty –Pursuit of property!!!

19 How does a king stay in power? Maintain order and listen to the public –Birth of politics People participate with their leaders to bring changes to laws Provide services –Take care of sick and elderly –Make sure there is food in winter Promote values –Basic principles by which people act and live their lives. Do what is best for the public good –Public interests or well being

20 One Huge Castle….

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