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Early People of the Aegean Minoan Civilization Minoan Civilization –Migrated from the Island of Crete Named them after Minos, legendary king of Crete.

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Presentation on theme: "Early People of the Aegean Minoan Civilization Minoan Civilization –Migrated from the Island of Crete Named them after Minos, legendary king of Crete."— Presentation transcript:


2 Early People of the Aegean Minoan Civilization Minoan Civilization –Migrated from the Island of Crete Named them after Minos, legendary king of Crete Named them after Minos, legendary king of Crete –Success through sea trade –Rulers lived in the palace at Knossos –Disappeared by 1400 BC Volcanic eruption Volcanic eruption Earthquake Earthquake Tidal Wave (Tsunami) Tidal Wave (Tsunami) Invaders (Mycenaean) Invaders (Mycenaean)

3 Art of the Minoans

4 Rulers of Mycenae First record of Greek-speaking people First record of Greek-speaking people –1400 BC to 1200 BC –Sea traders –Warrior-king built a thick-walled fortress Ruled surrounding villages Ruled surrounding villages Lots of treasure, especially gold ornaments Lots of treasure, especially gold ornaments

5 Art of the Mycenaean

6 Trojan War Around 1250 BC Around 1250 BC –Economic rivalry between Mycenaean and Troy (a city now in Turkey) –Troy controlled the Dardanelles Strait (narrow water passages) that connect the Black Sea and Mediterranean sea.




10 Who Is This Person?

11 The Age of Homer Homer Homer –Lived around 750 BC –Blind poet –Wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, two famous historical epic poems Iliad is a major source for the Trojan War Iliad is a major source for the Trojan War Odyssey describes how Odysseus returned home to his faithful wife, Penelope, after the fall of Troy Odyssey describes how Odysseus returned home to his faithful wife, Penelope, after the fall of Troy –Both provide insight to the values of ancient Greeks such as honor, courage, and eloquence

12 The Real “Homer”

13 The Rise of Greek City-States Small city-states developed (30,000 - 100,000) Small city-states developed (30,000 - 100,000) Sailors traded: Sailors traded: –olive oil –wine –marble –metals By 750 BC, rapid population growth forced many Greeks to uproot, bringing their ideas and culture with them By 750 BC, rapid population growth forced many Greeks to uproot, bringing their ideas and culture with them The Rise of Greek City-States

14 The Polis Unique version of the city-state, developed after 750 BC Unique version of the city-state, developed after 750 BC –Built usually on a hilltop (acropolis) – Temples dedicated to gods and goddesses –Included homes, theater, and an agora (marketplace)



17 Early Governments 750-500 BC, different forms of government evolved: 750-500 BC, different forms of government evolved: –Monarchy Ruled by King or Queen Ruled by King or Queen –Aristocracy Ruled by wealthy landowners Ruled by wealthy landowners –Oligarchy Rule by middle-class farmers, merchants, and artisans Rule by middle-class farmers, merchants, and artisans

18 Example of a Phalanx

19 American Football is based on the “phalanx” formation

20 Changes in Warfare Military technology increased power of the middle class Military technology increased power of the middle class –Iron weapons and tools replaced bronze Made helmets, shields, and swords Made helmets, shields, and swords –Phalanx Heavily armed soldiers in rows Heavily armed soldiers in rows

21 Sparta: A Nation of Soldiers Were part of the Dorians’ culture Were part of the Dorians’ culture –Great soldiers –Conquered people into slaves called helots –Brutal system of strict control—executions –Government: 2 kings and a council of elders Citizens approved all major decisions Citizens approved all major decisions Citizens were male, native-born Spartans over the age of 30 Citizens were male, native-born Spartans over the age of 30 –Assembly elected 5 ephors or officials who held the real power and ran day-to-day affairs.

22 Where Is Sparta?

23 –From birth, Spartans were part of a military state Healthy babies lived; sick or weak babies were left to die Healthy babies lived; sick or weak babies were left to die –At 7, boys were sent to the barracks (military training) –At 20, they could marry, but had to live in the barracks –At 30, they took their place in the assembly –Spartans isolated themselves from other Greeks and forbade their citizens to travel

24 Athens: A Limited Democracy Government evolved from a monarchy to an aristocracy Government evolved from a monarchy to an aristocracy –Ordinary people were discontent (dissatisfied) –Athens moved toward democracy (government by the people) Only male citizens could participate in government Only male citizens could participate in government

25 Where Is Athens?


27 Women Sparta Women Sparta Women –Trained to produce healthy sons for the army or else… –Obey fathers and husbands –Could inherit property Men were occupied with war, so some women were in charge of entire estates Men were occupied with war, so some women were in charge of entire estates Athens Women Athens Women –No share in public life –Guided by men –Lived in seclusion (lonely) –Managed the entire household Spun, wove, cared for their children, and prepared food.

28 Forces of Unity Shared a common Greek culture Shared a common Greek culture –Same language Greek Greek –Same gods Polytheistic (belief in many gods); Zeus was the most powerful Polytheistic (belief in many gods); Zeus was the most powerful –Same heroes Hercules; Jason and the Argonauts; Perseus; Odysseus Hercules; Jason and the Argonauts; Perseus; Odysseus –Same festivals Olympic games Olympic games


30 Victory in the Greek World The Persian Wars (Athenians vs. Persians) The Persian Wars (Athenians vs. Persians) –Greeks rebelled against Persian rule in 499 B.C. Pe rsian emperor, Darius, sent a huge force to attack Pe rsian emperor, Darius, sent a huge force to attack –Force landed in Marathon 490 BC Greeks sent Pheidippides to carry news to Athens; he sprinted 26.2 miles and died. Marathons today are 26.2 miles. Greeks sent Pheidippides to carry news to Athens; he sprinted 26.2 miles and died. Marathons today are 26.2 miles. –Greeks defeated Persians Athens emerged as the most powerful city-state in Greece Athens emerged as the most powerful city-state in Greece

31 “Golden Age of Athens” Pericles Pericles –A noble statesman –Economy thrived –Government became democratic –460 BC to 429 BC is often called the “Age of Pericles” –Rebuilt the Acropolis –Athens became the cultural center of Greece –Paid salaries and enabled poor men to serve


33 Peloponnesian War 431-404 B.C. Athens vs. Sparta 431-404 B.C. Athens vs. Sparta –Athens attacked by sea –Sparta attacked by land Plague broke out, killing 1/3 of the population, including Pericles Plague broke out, killing 1/3 of the population, including Pericles 404 B.C. with help from the Persians, Sparta captured Athens 404 B.C. with help from the Persians, Sparta captured Athens Democratic government suffered Democratic government suffered –Corruption and selfish interests ran rampant

34 Recall (You May Use Your Notes) What are 3 aspects from the Ancient Greece presentation that interest you the most? Aspect 1: Aspect 2: Aspect 3:

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