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The Maryville University Flavor!. Presenters Ying Lin Electronic Resources & Information Literacy Maryville University Mary Ann Mercante.

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Presentation on theme: "The Maryville University Flavor!. Presenters Ying Lin Electronic Resources & Information Literacy Maryville University Mary Ann Mercante."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Maryville University Flavor!

2 Presenters Ying Lin Electronic Resources & Information Literacy Maryville University Mary Ann Mercante Assistant Dean/Head Tech Services Maryville University

3 Maryville University Background – 2,568 FTE – Undergrad and graduate programs – Liberal Arts, Business, Education, Health – On May 7, began two nationwide online graduate Nursing programs (MSN & DNP)

4 Maryville Library Background – 104 databases, 84,559 unique e-journal titles – Approx. 41,000 eBooks & 101,000 physical holdings – Beginning a small PDA project with EBSCO for Nursing titles (109 records) – 4 Full-Time librarians (1 Dean, 2 Ref, 1 Tech Services) – 4 Full-Time staff & 3 20hr staff

5 Why Use Discovery? Goal: Simple, for students to use library more. Problem: Students, especially first time users, do not know how. Thinking: Learning vs. Convenience Content vs. Infrastructure Proposal: Make the searching easier but maintain the quality of searches Solution: a discovery like interface

6 Why EBSCO? We are deeply invested in EBSCO The familiar interface for our users

7 Discovery – from the Patron’s point of view


9 Discovery – from the reference librarian’s point of view Much faster compared to Integrated Search Cover images for books Enriched results compare to Integrated search Higher quality of article-level results EBSCO eBooks full text searching and table of content display EBSCO eBooks full text searching and table of content display Catalog Record Display Very powerful for the “Right Users”, both easy and complicated Next

10 Discovery Vs. Integrated Search Back

11 Article Level results Back

12 Enriched eBooks Results Back

13 Catalog Record Displayed in Discovery Back

14 Discovery – from the system and tech service librarians’ points of view Questionnaires – EBSCO Branding and Customization – EDS Content Questionnaire – Library Catalog & Discovery

15 EDS Content Questionnaire

16 The Library Catalog & Discovery 1.Preplanning & catalog cleanup (you should be so lucky!) 2.Providing information to EBSCO on your catalog 3.Setting up initial and ongoing record transfers from your catalog for inclusion in Discovery 4.Planning for ongoing maintenance issues

17 Library – MCO Relationship Need to open Help Desk Ticket Need to get quote for services and “approve” the quote MCO’s assistance in preparation for a “discovery” service and subsequent initial and ongoing record file transfers to “discovery” vendor (or scriptwriting for you to do this) is a billable service

18 Preplanning & Cleanup Are there records in your catalog you would not want found in Discovery? Are there obsolete item location codes that still have item records carrying them? Are your itypes and location codes “in synch”? Are you consistent about coding for materials, especially eBooks, audio-books, full-text?

19 Library Catalog Info for Discovery EBSCO Custom Catalog Database Questionnaire Purpose is to tell EBSCO where to find info and what codes mean/how they should display Some questions need MCO assistance Good idea to send completed questionnaire to MCO for review prior to sending to EBSCO

20 Catalog Linking Info for Discovery “Please provide the URL syntax that can be used to link directly to records in your OPAC along with the field/subfield in your data files that corresponds to the various URL parameters.” Original response: ***Needed to update EBSCO at time of server migration to

21 Catalog Metadata Info for Discovery “Please list the language(s) of your raw MARC data (not Language of Item). “ MARC21

22 Catalog Metadata Info for Discovery “What is the MARC field/subfield that represents a persistent, unique identifier for your records (i.e. 001, or 907 $a)? “ 907 $a (This is the bib record #) Note: this value will be used by EBSCO to generate accession numbers and persistent links for items in your catalog

23 Catalog Metadata Info for Discovery Important: When vendor asks for information as to where information is stored in your records, they are asking where the information will reside in the exported record, not in the record as you see it within Millennium

24 Catalog Metadata Info for Discovery Important for you to know that the exported records sent to EBSCO will be bib records with your item and/or checkin record information and other info, such as bib #, in 9xx fields on the bib record Attached records (items, checkins, orders) are not exported as records themselves

25 Export Table There are export tables that determine which fields are output in the exported records MCO will work with you on the Export Table(s)

26 Sample Exported Record – 907 Field

27 Catalog Information for Discovery – Yours May Be Different Holdings InformationMARC field & subfield From Exporter Table Call Number945 $a & 945 $b Call Number Added Information (eg, vol or copy number) 945 $d is vol. & 945 $u is copy Library Location 945 $l [lower case alpha character] Shelf locationnone Barcode or copy identifier 945 $i

28 Sample Exported Record – 945 Field

29 Catalog Information for Discovery “EBSCO supports eBook and Audiobook icons. In order to display the correct icon, please tell us how EBSCO can identify a record as either an Audiobook or eBook:” MARC fields, subfields, and/or values eBook998 $d 2 Audio book In Bib Record: 650 $a Audiobooks Or In Item Record: 945 $l munav

30 Catalog Full Text Info for Discovery “ If you would like any catalog records to return when limiting to Full Text please tell us how EBSCO can identify a record as Full Text (For example: eBook, Audiobook, e-resource, etc)” The following text in 856 $z Maryville: Click here to access this online book

31 Catalog Location Lookup Table “ In order to display item/copy location information in user friendly form, EBSCO can expand coded location values in the holdings section of your MARC data via a lookup table.”

32 Catalog Location Lookup Table This location lookup table (an Excel spreadhseet) needs to include four columns: Location_Code, Copy_Display, Facet_Display, Limiter_Display

33 Catalog Location Lookup Table Location CodeCopy DisplayFacet Display Limiter Display mumcbMaryville Univ Book DisplayLibrary BooksBooks mumchMaryville Univ Hot ReadsLibrary Hot ReadsBooks mumcm Maryville Univ Main CollectionLibrary BooksBooks mumco Maryville Univ Main OversizeLibrary BooksBooks mumct Maryville Univ Main CollectionLibrary BooksBooks mumjmMaryville Univ Juvenile Library Juvenile BooksBooks mumjo Maryville Univ Juvenile Oversize Library Juvenile BooksBooks

34 Catalog Location Lookup Table Location CodeCopy DisplayFacet Display Limiter Display munavMaryville Univ Audio BooksLibrary CDsCDs muncdMaryville Univ Music CDsLibrary CDsCDs munctMaryville Univ Cassette Tapes Library Cassette TapesCassettes mundvMaryville Univ DVDs/VideosLibrary DVDs/VideosDVDS/Videos munlvMaryville Univ Movie CarouselLibrary DVDs/VideosDVDS/Videos munsdMaryville Univ Non-Music CDsLibrary CDsCDs

35 Catalog Real Time Availability Info for Discovery “EBSCO can connect to your z39.50 service to retrieve and display Real- Time Availability for items in your catalog. If you have holdings information (status, location, call number, etc.) available within your z39.50 service, please include authentication information below.”

36 Record Loads Test sample for the vendor Initial load of whole catalog Gap load Ongoing – these are our choices: – Daily adds – Weekly cancels

37 Records Not Sent to Discovery We’ve told MCO not to pull bib records where the bib suppress code (Bcode3) is n or s These suppress codes suppress in both the Union catalog and locally These keep ILL items and non-collection items (supplies, travel, etc.) from going into Discovery

38 MCO Pulls Records Based on Bib Codes For daily adds file: – Looks for bib records with a Maryville active bib code and with a bib update date since the last pull For weekly cancels file: – Looks for bib records where the only Maryville bib code is mzb (we defined this as our withdrawal bib code)

39 Maryville Active Bib Codes Active bib codes: – mu1 generated by item codes mumcb, mumcm, mumco, mumtm – mu2 generated by item codes mumra, mumri, mumro, mumrs – Etc.

40 Maryville Cancels Bib Code mzb – generated by item codes mzdii, mziii, mzwii

41 MCO Discovery Review Files

42 Bib Just Sent to Discovery


44 Bib To Be Deleted From Discovery

45 EBSCO Notice of MCO File Loads

46 Always Remember!!!! There is another copy of your database at your Discovery vendor Changes must be made in both places You can’t just delete bib records anymore Any new bib location codes, itypes, URL changes, etc. must be thought of in terms of “does this affect Discovery”

47 You Can’t Just Delete Bibs Anymore!! If you delete the item record for one copy or volume of a multi set, you still have a bib with holdings for the “real time” connection to find If you delete a bib record for any reason, EBSCO must also delete it; otherwise if a patron finds it in Discovery and follows the catalog link, there’s no longer a match in your catalog

48 To Delete a Bib at Maryville Code all items for mzdii (or delete all but one which is coded for mzdii) Move any attached orders off the bib These two steps cause the bib location code to convert to mzb only MCO pulls mzb-only bibs in the weekly cancels After MCO pulls, we can then go back and delete the bibs

49 eBooks and duplicate records Issues?

50 Journal level Search

51 Holdings display within the cluster

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