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The Delta Envisioning Support Tool Integrated Planning and Design in the Delta.

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Presentation on theme: "The Delta Envisioning Support Tool Integrated Planning and Design in the Delta."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Delta Envisioning Support Tool Integrated Planning and Design in the Delta

2 Outline 1.What about the Netherlands? safe but unnatural 2.Significance of a new approach: connecting people & interests 3.Surprising Solutions: safe and natural 4.Conclusion/discussion: promising but complex

3 17501850 19502010 explosive and vulnerable 1. What about the Netherlands?

4 The Netherlands are extremely vulnerable, because it is a densely populated area where 60 % live under sea level

5 1. What about the Netherlands? Severe floods in the years: 838 1170 – 1196 1214 – 1219 – 1262 – 1287 1334 – 1375 1404 – 1421 – 1424 1530 – 1532 – 1570 1675 – 1686 1703 - 1716 – 1717 1808 - 1825 – 1849 – 1855 1906 – 1916 – 1926 – 1944 - 1953

6 © IPDD Nijhuis & Pouderoyen 1953 A big storm flooded the South West part of the Netherlands Strait of Dover

7 Now NL is safe. Ports and agriculture flourish …

8 But this comes at a price …

9 50 AD1750 13001900 Land & Water Dikes and polders Ports Urban patterns Agriculture We see the Dutch delta as a Complex Adaptive System With contradicting interests and different rhythms 9 subsystems © IPDD TU Delft Urbanism / MUST Stedebouw 2. Significance of a new approach

10 The delta as a Complex Adaptive System


12 9 subsystems in different interaction to each other

13 Many different interests: stakeholders ambitions insights issues plans Some scheduling problems: Scale differences Long term - short term tensions

14 But also (hidden) opportunities: Co-operation possibilities Interests coming together Changing conditions Progressive insight

15 Flood-defense Urbanization Port-economy To overcome the contradictions & to recognize the synergy we developed the Delta Envisioning Support System

16 DENVIS is set up as: 1.a design Studio 2.with decision support techniques, 3.around a geo-design setting as used in serious gaming 16

17 DENVIS game rounds: 1. Joint fact-finding 1 around tasks and ambitions: What do they see as the core values of the area and the challenges? The individual stakeholders share their ambitions Together they select the main challenges/tasks for the area 2. Joint fact-finding 2: detecting synergies and conflicts

18 DENVIS game rounds: 3. Envisioning: Connecting short term initiatives to long term solutions Debating the synergies ‘Mapping’ solutions & agreements Result: a shared vision 4. Implementation Discussing the relevant governance arrangements How to get on?

19 ? ? ? Long term uncertainties: Future discharges 12,000 m3/sec ? Or >18.000 ? Confront characteristics of the long-term delta issues Local scale: many different initiatives With the actual interests and positions

20 based on initiatives 1990 – 2010

21 Temporary water storage between dikes

22 Tidal movement restore

23 New nature networks

24 New urban settlements by old port channels

25 Recreation … and 50 more thinkable interventions

26 Solutions found Information and knowledge are linked to ideas and interests

27 27 3. Surprising solutions Particularly promising are the edges of the islands. Around the islands in the estuary are usually several levees in succession, due to the gradual reclamation

28 EMU project Joon Kim 2012 Between those levees we find areas where various new forms of land/water transitions seems possible

29 4. Discussion DENVIS: connecting people – interests – solutions – short term/long term – scales DENVIS is an integration tool: > Using design methods > Using a touchtable > Using stakeholder analysis and participation How does it fit in the UDW project? DENVIS is a complex tool. It needs a lot af preparation and expert guidance What is the relevance of the tool in the Bangladesh Delta Plan process?

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