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1 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec ExoMars 2018 Rover Operations Control Centre Available Tools for planning and Data Processing I. Musso

2 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr.  ROCC Layout  ROCC Tools for Planning and Data Processing  HMI for TM acquisition and data processing monitoring  Science Data Assessment HMI  Planning and Scheduling Software  Mars Geographic Information System (GIS)  Software Simulators  Mars Terrain Simulator and Rover Ground Test Model Date Page 2 Table of Contents

3 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 3 The layout of the ROCC infrastructure is based on the following rooms:  Main Control Room: it is the biggest room of the ROCC and it is designed to host the flight team for mission operations but also a larger team during plenary events if necessary  Planning Room: for the planning team and the planning operations when needed, both tactical and strategic  Engineering Support Room: to host the engineering support team and telemetry analysis activities  Science Operations Room: to host the science teams during data assessment and planning activities  Science Operations Working Team Room: to be used during the SOWG meetings, for the generation of the Integrated Science Plan  Meeting Rooms: to allow separate meetings when needed  Science Themes Rooms and Offices: for ESA representatives and for small separate working groups Tools for Planning and Data Processing

4 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 4 The layout of the ROCC described before is expected to allow two kinds of operations: Separate Activities Like NASA / MER experience, the operations can be done by the engineering team, science teams and support teams in an independent environment, working in different rooms. Later all the inputs and / or requests converge toward the Main Control Room and the Planning Room for the generation of the Activity Plan, Validation and uplink of the TCs. This approach allows a clear subdivision of the teams Joint Activities We expect to have wrap-up and coordination meetings when representatives of all the teams will meet. Then, due to the communication scenario, it could happen that time is short to allow all the teams to work autonomously and collect and provide contributes working alone as during MER missions. It could also happen that during the initial operations or under anomalous conditions experts and representatives of specific disciplines will join the flight team to analyze and discuss about the status and plan. For these reasons the Main Control Room is going to be designed to host not only the flight team but a larger number of persons in order to allow plenary events when needed Tools for Planning and Data Processing

5 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 5 Almost all the data shall be available at a mouse click, the user will access to it pointing to the place where the product was acquired. It is important the functionality provided to inspect the visual data, or data more easily understandable in visual form. The main data to be analyzed visually are: Image data, either Rover or Orbiter, image derived data such as 3D, some science data sets (metadata, telemetry, calibration data, etc.), annotations in the images, Gantt- like displays of the proposed plan. Tools for Planning and Data Processing GMV / Trasys: ROCS Design Report

6 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 6 Spatial context View could use either orbital images or/and pre-existing or computed DEMs. It is based on a Mars Geographic information system (GIS). It could display: Path, Targets / features, Geographical planet features with their names, Images or science products footprint, Rover activities by instrument shown where they took place as an icon or glyph, ground track of Orbiters, Forbidden Areas. Tools for Planning and Data Processing GMV / Trasys: ROCS Design Report

7 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 7 Planning and Scheduling Software has HMI for representing the activities:  in an expandable menu-like display ordered per ‘planet day’ or sol with the activities sorted chronologically within each of them  in a Gantt chart display  on the Context View or 3D View representation with activities associated to locations  in a tabular form by selecting the corresponding plan allocated to a period  a simple query window to enter a time to display the activities taking place at that time. By clicking on an activity the user may want to see further information, explained in the next subsection. Tools for Planning and Data Processing GMV / Trasys: ROCS Design Report

8 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 8 Software Simulators (ROSEX/TAPS) and 3D Visualization tools are used during the simulation and validation of the partial and complete Activity Plan. The Operator has the possibility to monitor on-line the evolution of the state of the system. The functional simulation provides an immediate feedback on effect of the defined Activity Plan. The state of the system is logged allowing, if needed, comparing simulated data against the downlinked ones. Tools for Planning and Data Processing GMV / Trasys: ROCS Design Report

9 All rights reserved © 2014 - Altec Ref. Nr. Date Page 9 The ROCC will be provided with a Mars Terrain Simulator and a Rover Ground Test Model to execute real tests and simulations when needed. The GTM could be used also for training. The MTS will be managed by a dedicated Control Room interfaced with the Main Control Room of the ROCC as it is expected for the real Rover. Tools for Planning and Data Processing

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