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Earth day The use of inputs. The fertilization 0 To fertilize agricultural systems and to enhance agricultural productivity, farmers use fertilizers.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth day The use of inputs. The fertilization 0 To fertilize agricultural systems and to enhance agricultural productivity, farmers use fertilizers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth day The use of inputs


3 The fertilization 0 To fertilize agricultural systems and to enhance agricultural productivity, farmers use fertilizers. These fertilizers come from animals or plants. The mixture of animal excrements and urine compose the manure which is rich in nitrogenous organic matter. Mineral fertilizers are produced from minerals from subsoil (phosphate, potash) or from nitrous. Mineral fertilizers can contain only one chemical element: nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), potassium (K) or are composed of several chemical elements NPK.



6 Pesticides 0 When applying pesticides, a party does not reach the plant. A part of it is scattered in the atmosphere and falls later with rains and another one is found on the ground. 0 In this case, the chemicals can be washed off by rains and transported by runoff to surface water or penetrate in the ground. One might wonder about the consequences of the use of these pesticides on the soil. 0 In addition, via the food chain pesticides can affect many living beings. The organisms absorb the toxic substances at the same time that the water and the nutrients. 0 The concentration of toxins in the tissues increases for each trophic level. 0 Pesticides represent a real danger for the environment.

7 Conclusion 0 The use of pesticides has increased considerably during the second half of the 20th century. The growing awareness of the risks they can generate for the environment and for people’s health leads to the development of new strategies. So, the plan Ecophyto ‘s aim is reduce by 50% the use of pesticides until 2018. It conveys to reason the use of pesticides : reduction of the frequency of the treatment, the reduction of applied doses…

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