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Kingdom Protista Anything but a prokaryote, fungus, plant or animal!

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Protista Anything but a prokaryote, fungus, plant or animal!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Protista Anything but a prokaryote, fungus, plant or animal!

2 Protozoans animal-like because they do not have a cell wall, heterotrophic & most have a structure for movement NOT like animals because they are single-celled TypesExampleHow they move ZooflagellatesTrypanosoma- causes African Sleeping Sickness- Tsetse flies transmit it Flagella- whiplike extension SarcodinesAmoebaPseudopod CiliatesParameciumCilia SporozoansPlasmodium- causes Malaria transmitted by mosquitoes- RBC bursts Non-motile- no structures for movement

3 Trypanosoma gambiense

4 Giardia lambila

5 Leishmania transmitted by sand flies

6 Flagellate Video Clip- only problem is Euglena it has flagella but is classified as a type of algae now! Protists\flagellates.asf

7 Amoeba proteus


9 Sarcodines Video Clip Protists\sarcodines.asf

10 Paramecium

11 Stentor

12 Ciliates Video Clip Protists\ciliates.asf


14 Plasmodium malariae

15 Algae plant-like because they have cell walls and are autotrophic NOT like plants because some algae are single-celled and the multicellular algae DO NOT have the complex structures that plants do such as roots, stems, and leaves….also the cell wall composition can be different as well. Red Algae- Rhodophyta Brown Algae- Phaeophyta Green Algae- Chlorophyta Euglena- Euglenophyta Golden Algae- Chrysophyta –Diatoms- in class Bacillariophyceae Dinoflagellates- Pyrrophyta

16 Rhodophyta- usually deeper in the ocean

17 Phaeophyta-usually floating near the surface Elk kelp (Pelagophycus porra)

18 ChlorophytaVolvox

19 Euglena- hard to classify because it has characteristics of BOTH plant-like AND animal-like protists

20 Chrysophyta Many have silica in the cell walls (Diatoms are in class Bacillariophyceae- your book lists it in a separate phylum)

21 Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates) causes red tides which kill other organisms and can harm us too! G. Gonyaulax Karenia brevis They produce a potent neurotoxin

22 Fungus-like Fungus-like because they are heterotrophic- food breakdown outside cell and they absorb the nutrients, they act as decomposers- of dead/decaying matter, and grow in damp environments Not like fungus because these protists DO NOT have chitin in their cell walls, they have centrioles- (which help separate chromosomes during cell division) and some can move during their lifetime Examples –cellular slime molds –acellular slime molds –water molds

23 cellular slime molds Most are single-celled and are like amoebas in the soil They can when needed come together in a large colony and work together ACELLULAR SLIME MOLDS Like amoebas but when they come together the cells fuse and are known as Plasmodial slime molds Phytophthora infestans- 1846- close to 1million people died and another million emigrated to the US because this water mold infected the main crop WATER MOLDS

24 How are protozoans classified? How are algae classified? How are fungus-like protists classified? Why are these organisms NOT in the other Kingdoms? Why are these organisms SIMILAR to organisms in the other kingdoms?

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