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Algae, Bryopytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

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1 Algae, Bryopytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
PLANT KINGDOM Algae, Bryopytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

2 PLANT KINGDOM classification Artificial system of classification- only superficial characters, equal weightage to sexual and vegetative characters- Linnaeus Natural system of classification- external and internal characters- Bentham and Hooker Phylogenetic system of classification- based on evolutionary relationships Numrical taxonomy- using computers Cytotaxonomy- cytological information Chemotaxonomy- chemical constituents

3 PLANT KINGDOM ALGAE Chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic, aquatic. Moist stones, soil and wood. With animals or plants. Filamentous- Ulothrix Unicellular- chlamydomonas Colonial= volvox Kelps

4 ALGAE Reproduction: vegetative, asexual, sexual.
PLANT KINGDOM ALGAE Reproduction: vegetative, asexual, sexual. vegetative- fragmentation Asexual- zoospores Sexual reproduction- isogamous, anisogamous, oogamous

5 ALGAE Importance As food= Laminaria, Sargassum
PLANT KINGDOM ALGAE Importance About half of CO2 fixation by algae As food= Laminaria, Sargassum Hydrocolloids- algin, carrageen Agar- Gelidium, Gracilaria SCP- chlorella, spirulina

6 Chlorophyceae ALGAE Classes: Green algae
PLANT KINGDOM ALGAE Classes: Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae Chlorophyceae Green algae Unicellular, colonial, filamentous Chlorophyll a,b- in chloroplasts Discoid, plate, reticulate, cup, spiral, ribb0n

7 Chlorophyceae ALGAE Class: Storage bodies- pyrenoids PLANT KINGDOM
Vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction Chlamydomonas, volvox, spirogyra

8 Phaeophyceae ALGAE Class: marine Brown algae PLANT KINGDOM
Simple branched to kelps ( even 100 meters Chlorophyll a,c, carotenoids and xanthophylls

9 Phaeophyceae ALGAE Class: Vegetative, asexual and sexual
PLANT KINGDOM ALGAE Phaeophyceae Class: Food is stored as laminarin or mannitol Algin coating over cellulosic cell wall Body- holdfast, stipe and frond Vegetative, asexual and sexual Gametes are pyreform Ectocarpus, dictyota

10 Rhodophyceae ALGAE Class: Multicellular, complex Gracilaria, Gelidium
PLANT KINGDOM ALGAE Rhodophyceae Class: Red algae- due to phycoerythrin Marine- deeper ocean to surface Multicellular, complex Food is stored as floridean starch Gametes are non-motilie Gracilaria, Gelidium

11 BRYOPHYTES Includes mosses and liverworts Amphibians of plant kingdom
Play a major role in plant succession Body is thallus like, lack true roots, stem or leaves. Plant body is haploid- called gametophyte Male sex organ- antheridium Female sex organ- archegonium

12 BRYOPHYTES Zygote is formed- diploid Spores produce gametophyte
PLANT KINGDOM BRYOPHYTES In water- antherozoids are transported to egg Zygote is formed- diploid Produce sporophyte- dependent on gametopyte Undergoes reduction division- spores( haploid) Spores produce gametophyte Fuel, packing material, succession

13 liverworts Plant body is thalloid Moist shady places. Marchantia
PLANT KINGDOM BRYOPHYTES liverworts Plant body is thalloid Moist shady places. Marchantia Thallus is dorsiventral Asexual reproduction- gemmae sexual reproduction-same or different thalli- sex organs- sporophyte

14 mosses Gametophyte is predominant Funaria, Sphagnum
PLANT KINGDOM BRYOPHYTES mosses Protonema – first stag- creeping Gametophyte is predominant Funaria, Sphagnum Vegetative reproduction- fragmenation and budding Sexual reproduction- antheridia, archaegonia Sphorophyte is more elaborate- Foot seta and capsule

15 PTERIDOPHYTES Includes horsetails and ferns
PLANT KINGDOM PTERIDOPHYTES Includes horsetails and ferns For medicinal purpose and as soil binders First terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues Found in cool damp shady places Sporophyte- true root, stem and leaves Leaves- microphylls or macrophylls

16 PTERIDOPHYTES PLANT KINGDOM Sporophytes bear sporangia in sporophylls
Sporophylls from compact bodies- strobili or cones Produce haploid spores- produce inconspicous gametophyte- prothallus-

17 PTERIDOPHYTES PLANT KINGDOM Zygote form sporophyte
Antheridium and archaegonium are produced in prothallus Zygote form sporophyte homosporous Heterosporous- selaginella, salvinia- precursor to seed habit Classified into Psilopsida, Lycopsida, sphaenopsida, Pteropsida

18 GYMNOSPERMS Naked seeded plants Trees and shrubs PLANT KINGDOM
Tallest tree- Sequoia

Roots have fungal association- pinus- mycorrhiza Cycas – croralloid roots- cyanobacteria Needle like leaves, sunken stomata, thick cuticle- conifers

20 GYMNOSPERMS PLANT KINGDOM Heterosporous- haploid micro and mega spores
Spores are produced in sporangia in cones/strobili Male strobili- microsporophyll- pollen grain female strobili- megasporophyll-ovule- archegonia

Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytes, gametophytes have no independent existence Pollen grains are released from microsporangium- carried by air After fertilization zygote develop into embryo and the ovules into seeds which are not covered female strobili- megasporophyll-ovule- archegonia

22 ANGIOSPERMS PLANT KINGDOM Monocotyledons and docotyledons
Seeds are enclosed in fruits Male sex organ- anther; female sex organ- pistil Eight celled embryosac

23 ANGIOSPERMS Double fertilization PLANT KINGDOM Triple fusion
Egg+ male gamete= zygote- embryo Primary endosperm nucleus + gamete = PEN

24 PLANT KINGDOM ANGIOSPERMS Life cycle- alternation of generations

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