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“ What I Wish My Teacher Knew… ” An Experiment With Gifted Eighth Graders Dispelling Myths in Gifted Education.

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Presentation on theme: "“ What I Wish My Teacher Knew… ” An Experiment With Gifted Eighth Graders Dispelling Myths in Gifted Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ What I Wish My Teacher Knew… ” An Experiment With Gifted Eighth Graders Dispelling Myths in Gifted Education

2 Jenni James Clark Gifted Education Specialist ~ Admiral Moorer Middle School Web Site: Email: Facebook: Jenni James Clark Twitter: @JenniJamesClark, @AMMSGiftedEd Instagram: jennijamesclark

3 Definition of Giftedness Intellectually gifted children and youth are those that perform or have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared with others of their age, experience and environment. These children and youth require services not ordinarily provided in the regular school program. Children and youth possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, across all economic strata and in all areas of human endeavor. ~Alabama Gifted Code

4 Things you may have noticed… Intellectual Intensities Imaginational Intensities Sensual Intensities Psychomotor Intensities Emotional Intensities ~

5 The Experiment “What do you wish your regular classroom teacher knew about you?”

6 Gifted kids will do fine on their own. Would you send a star athlete to the Olympics without a coach? Gifted students need guidance from well-trained teachers who challenge and support them in order to fully develop their abilities. “Just because I am gifted doesn’t mean I already know the material. Please teach me.” ~ Gifted 8 th Grader

7 Teachers challenge all students all the time so gifted kids will be fine in the regular classroom. Although teachers try to challenge all students, they are frequently unfamiliar with the needs of gifted children and do not know how to best serve them in the regular classroom. “Just because we are advanced doesn’t mean we can do everything very fast.” ”Just because I am in gifted doesn’t mean I know everything.” ~Gifted 8 th Graders

8 Gifted students make everyone in the classroom smarter because of their good example. Average or below average students do not look to gifted students as role models. Gifted students benefit from interaction with peers at a similar performance level. “Take me off your pedestal….don’t call on me every time I raise my hand. I may know the answer, but some kids that sit in the back need help too”. ~Gifted 8 th Grader

9 All children are gifted. The term “Gifted” does not mean good or better. It is a term that allows students to be identified for services that meet their specific learning needs. “I want my teacher to understand that questions are asked because a student does not know. I’m not dumb because I don’t know the answer. I’m smart because I ask.” ~Gifted 8 th Grader

10 Accelerated placement options are socially harmful to gifted students. Gifted students benefit from being with their intellectual peers, some of which are older. ECS has a program for acceleration. It is very detailed and specific. I am available to help. “I wish you knew how much I would love college level math.” ~Gifted 8 th Grader

11 Gifted education programs are elitist. ECS Child Find Procedure Lee vs. Macon “Please don’t sit me beside ______________. I am bullied and can’t pay attention.” ~Gifted 8 th Grader

12 “He can’t be gifted…his grades are awful!” Underachievement describes a discrepancy between a student’s performance and his actual ability. The roots of this problem differ, based on each child’s experience. Boredom, masked performance, learning disabilites “Everyone makes a bad grade every once in a while.” ~Gifted 8 th Grader

13 Gifted students are happy, popular and well-adjusted in school. Many gifted students flourish in their school environment. Some gifted children differ in terms or their emotional and moral intensity, sensitivity, perfectionism, etc. For some, school must be endured rather than celebrated. We are not Einstein’s descendants….we need your help, your time and your attention. ~Gifted 8 th Grader

14 “This child can’t be gifted, she has a disability.” It’s important to focus on the students’ abilities and allow them to have challenging curricula in addition to receiving help for their learning disability. “I need special help with my ADHD.” “I don’t want to name names but I wish this one teacher would know I can learn even thought I get distracted. Sincerely, Me” ~Gifted 8 th Grader

15 EHS has a gifted program. We offer AP courses. While AP classes offer rigorous, advanced coursework, they are not a gifted education program. The gifted students at EHS are still on my caseload and if I can help with the support of their academic, social or emotional needs, please let me know.

16 Last thoughts… “I may be an advanced student, that doesn’t mean I can process things at the speed of light.” “We are gifted students…not Stephen Hawking.” ~Gifted 8 th Graders

17 Jenni James Clark Gifted Education Specialist ~ Admiral Moorer Middle School Web Site: Email: Facebook: Jenni James Clark, AMMS Gifted Education Twitter: @JenniJamesClark, @AMMSGiftedEd Instagram: jennijamesclark

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