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Baby Boom Teenagers in Canada

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1 Baby Boom Teenagers in Canada
HSB4U Chapter 5 Day 3

2 “My Generation” Song and album by The Who, 1965 Lyrics on page 156
My Generation, Album. (2014, Oct). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

3 Conservative Parents Great Depression WWII

4 Go Canada! CBC/Radio Canada. (2011) Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

5 American Culture Woodstock poster, 1969. 1968 poster.
Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library. (2009, Dec. 16). The psychedelic 60s: literary tradition and social change. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

6 Beatlemania Hits Toronto, 1964
Zoomer Mag. (2011, Dec. 8). John Lennon: our favourite Canadian moments. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

7 Rock n Roll Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones at a concert in Toronto in 1965. CBC TV 75th Anniversary. (2011, Aug. 16). Image of the day: satisfaction. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

8 Music Hop 1966 ad for CBC tv show, Music Hop, featuring live music. Alex Trebek was the first host. CBC TV 75th anniversary. (2011, July 28). Lively music for the teen set. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

9 Rock n Roll The Doors on CBC program Rock Scene Like It Is, filmed at the O’Keefe Centre in Toronto in 1967. CBC TV 75th Anniversary. (2011, July 5). Rocking the rock scene. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

10 Counterculture Defined on page 156
Of course not every baby boomer teenager expressed aspects of counterculture Not everyone was into sex, drugs and rock and roll

11 Hippies in Yorkville CBC Digital Archives. (N.d.). Yorkville: Hippie haven. Retrieved from Story from 1967

12 Political Activism Martin Luther King, Jr., on the CBC program Sunday, His Massey Lectures, Conscience for Change, also aired on the CBC in 1967. CBC TV 75th Anniversary. (2011, Aug. 15). Image of the day: conscience for change. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

13 Civil Rights Movement This Hour Has Seven Days, Civil rights leader debates with KKK Grand Dragon. CBC TV 75th anniversary. (2011, July 23 ). Image of the day: taking on the grand dragon. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

14 Canada and Vietnam War Canadians volunteered to fight as part of the US military “draft dodgers” became Canadians CBC Radio - Rewind. (2011, April 15). Canada’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

15 Anti-War Protests Anti-Vietnam War activist Claire Culhane, 1969 at a Montreal protest. McMaster University Libraries. (N.d.). Claire Culhane: Canadian peace activist and humanitarian. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

16 Student Activism Canadian-American Committee to End the Vietnam War poster, 1969, Toronto. Pamphlet by Joe Young, 1969. McMaster University Libraries. (N.d.). The Vietnam War: popular protest comes of age. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

17 Draft Dodgers Love In, Queen’s Park, Toronto. Booth of Union of American Exiles. Protest at US Consulate in Toronto. John F. Philipps Photography. (N.d.). Draft dodgers and deserters from the war in Vietnam, Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

18 “Ohio” 1970 song performed by CSNY and written by Neil Young
written in response to Kent State University shooting where 4 young anti-Vietnam war protesters were shot and killed by National Guardsmen

19 Red Power Just Society for Aboriginal People, 1965
CBC Digital Archives. (N.d.). Our Native Land: American Indian Movement shakes up Canada. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

20 Sexual Revolution Definition on page 159

21 Your Freedoms Related to Sexuality or Gender

22 Sexual Revolution Model Twiggy in mini-dress, London, 1967.
Kazakina, K. (2010, Sept. 13). At fashion week, hemlines are up and down, just like markets. Bloomberg. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

23 Second Wave Feminism First wave was late 19th century to early 20th century when women got the right to vote. Second wave was more about social, economic and other forms of equality. The famous book by Boston Women’s Health Collective first appeared as a pamphlet in 1969, then went through nine editions, selling four million copies. CBC Books. (2011, Oct. 31). Our Bodies, Ourselves; 40 years later. CBC Books. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

24 Women’s Rights Protest, York University, 1970
Fawcett, B. (2009, June 19). Canada’s 1960s: book review. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

25 Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada
Prime Minister Pearson announced the commission in 1967 and it reported in It was led by Florence Bird. CBC Radio. (2012, March 8.) International Women’s Day. Rewind. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from

26 Royal Commission’s Key Findings
Women should be free to choose whether or not to take employment outside their homes. The care of children is a responsibility to be shared by the mother, father, and society. Society has a responsibility for women because of pregnancy and childbirth. In certain areas women will, for an interim period, require special treatment to overcome the adverse effects of discriminatory practices. Royal Commission quoted in Applied History Group – University of Calgary. (1997). Calgary and Southern Alberta: time of change, 1960s to present; Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Retrieved from

27 Birth Control Canadian Press. (2010, May 10). Birth control pill turns 50. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from 1964 CBC Report: 2001 CBC report on 40th anniversary: (University of Minnesota, 2011)

28 Sexual Revolution Activity
Main Inquiry Questions: What impact did the Sexual Revolution have on baby boomers, and what impact did they, the boomers, in turn have on society? 7 groups each with its own focus: 1. Statistics on Women in the Workforce 2. Second Wave Feminism Matching 3. Timeline of Second Wave Feminism 4. Moments in the History of Birth Control 5. Marriages in Canada 6. Average Age at First Marriage by Gender 7. Births in Canada You may also want to look at page 159 in the textbook.

29 HW Read 156 to 159 (skip 158). Answer Questions 2, 3 and 4 on page 160. For question 2 you might want to watch the Hippies in Yorkville video on the PPT slide.

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