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Yaza Tint Swe at IUPUI, October 4, 2012.

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1 Yaza Tint Swe at IUPUI, October 4, 2012

2 Exodus Refugee Immigration, Inc. Indianapolis, Local refugee resettlement agency Burmese American Community Institute., Indianapolis, Community Based Organization The National League for Democracy, Rangoon, Burma. Political party led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Disclaimer: This presentation is my personal opinion only and does not necessarily represents any of these organizations’ policy or position.

3  The U.N.H.C.R. decides on who becomes “refugees.”  It gives referrals on who should resettle to third countries. Those countries are largely led by the U.S. with around 70,000 refugees intake per year. (ORR, UNHCR)  Each year, U.S. State Dept. decides how many people it will accept and Congress passes the law and the President has to sign it into law.  In the process, a bunch agencies are involved: IOM, ORR, USCIS, national resettlement agencies (EMM, CWS, etc.), State govts., State Welfare office, local health depts., local resettlement agencies, existing communities, etc. as well as dedicated individuals.

4 More than 3 million refugees have been resettled by the U.S. since 1975. (ORR) Burmese from Malaysia/India/Thailand/Burma Bhutan, Somalia, Eretria, Congo, Iraq, Syria, etc. Also Exodus clients are: Asylees and Victims of Human Trafficking. More info on refugee resettlement: Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services More than 3 million refugees have been resettled by the U.S. since 1975.

5 Recent political reforms from late 2011 have been very positive.  It is still in very baby-step stages.  Military group still controls the power.  “Rule of Law still needs in place.” (Suu Kyi) In the very long past …  The military has governed Burma since 1962.Oppressive military regime.  Civil wars in ethnic minorities regions.  Imprisonment of pro-democracy/freedom activists from 1988-2006  Unanswered reports by Christianity organization on “religious persecution” made by authorities.  Bad human rights record (Amnesty Intl., HRW, UN General Assembly)

6 Facts:  The Constitution was drafted by the military regime, not the people’s reps. It has guaranteed 25% seats in the parliament with voting rights. (2008 Union of Myanmar Constitution)  Hundreds of thousands of Burmese refugees are still in Thailand, Malaysia, India. (UNHCR) My analysis …  There is not a system and situation in place for refugees’ (and political activists’) safe return to homeland.  No replacement yet for lost homes and communities in the border areas.  Political freedom/rights are still questionable.  Business opportunities are still controlled by cronies of the military.

7 Availability of various interpreters:  Languages from Burma: Chin dialects, Burmese, Karen, Karenni, Kachin, etc.  Arabic, Nepali, Hindi, Eritrean, Farsi, Tigrinya, Spanish, etc.  Established Burmese and other communities from resettlers from early 2000s  Affordable housing  Employment opportunities (entry level jobs in distribution centers)

8 Organizations:  Resettlement Agencies: Exodus, Catholic Charities  CBO -- Community Based Organizations: Chin Community of Indiana, BACI, Burmese Community Center Education, etc.  Churches formed by communities that speak the same languages: about 20 in number now  Others: State refugee coordinator, Marion County Health Dept., Welfare office, Township School Districts, etc..

9 Services:  Confidentiality, Social Work ethics  Cultural assimilation education  English classes  Employment Services  Employer side: job development, job placement, job follow up, interpreting, transportation (temp and long)  Clients’ side: employment readiness training, basic skill trainings provided by contracted companies  Reception and Placement (R&P):  Housing, Health/medical appointments,  welfare, SSN, EAD, IDs, immunization shots,  School enrollment of children 18 and under. Contd…

10 Child Care vs. employment Transportation English

11  Teaching English  Housing setup help  Medical and other appointment transportation  Employment transportation  Employment search  Airport pick up … and many others! Contact: Megan Hochbein 317-921-0836

12 ► Money that goes directly the refugees ► In-kind contributions (volunteer hours, etc.) ► Basic housing items - Dining chairs, Children’s winter wears, lamps, dining tables, etc. Contact: Laurie Cueller ( (317) 921-0836 James Budden (

13 When:Thursday, October 25, 2012 6-10 PM Where: Athenaeum 401 E. Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Ticket:$35 in advance $45 at the door But… there are free tickets opportunities at our FACEBOOK.

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