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 Is an ancient land.  History dated back more than 4,000 years.  India is a blend of many different customs and traditions.

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2  Is an ancient land.  History dated back more than 4,000 years.  India is a blend of many different customs and traditions.

3 EARLY HISTORYEUROPEANS ARRIVE  Indian civilization began in the Indus valley around 2500 B.C INVADERS  Invaders crossed the mountains of the Hindu Kush and spread across Northern India.  The Aryans established small kingdoms on the Ganges plain.  They went to India looking for spices, cloth, and other goods not available in Europe  Soon established trade relations with India’s rulers. INDEPENDENCE  Brought the division of India.  The Muslim’s of west and east Pakistan decided to separate from India.  This division caused violence to break out between Hindus and Muslim’s.

4 INDIAN DEMOCRACY DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGES  Reflects elements of both the American and the British systems.  India is a federation of states held together by a strong central government.  Another challenge is to promote economic growth and raise a standard living.

5 DEPENDENCE ON FARMING GROWING INDUSTRY  The majority of farms are very small and crop yields are low.  Most farm families struggle to survive on what they can grow for themselves. AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENTS  One solution being considered for this problem is land reform a more balanced distribution of land among farmers that now exists.  Cotton textiles have long been a major product of India.  India is now a major producer of iron and steal, chemicals, machinery, and food products.

6 DAILY LIFEEDUCATION  Marriage and family remain at the center of Indian life.  Indian families are large.  Often many relatives from several generations live under one roof.  Most Indian’s still work on farms or in small craft industries.  People are finding work in factories and offices.  Most middle class children attend school

7 MANY LANGUAGESCASTE SYSTEM  They speak English and Hindi. HINDUISM  Is a complex religion with roots in Aryan culture.  They believe in many gods and they believe in reincarnation.  The moral consequences of a persons actions, known as karma helps determine how a person is reincarnated.  The Aryan system of social classes.  It remains one of the cornerstones of Hinduism.  There’s four basic castes OTHER RELIGIONS  Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism Christian’s, Islam.  Islam also exerts a strong cultural influence in certain parts of the country.  Millions of Muslim’s left the country after India won independence in 1947.

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