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Published byJoanna Berry Modified over 9 years ago
Priority School (SIG) TA Session Cohort III & New Principals C Corbett Education Consulting LLC Virginia Department of Education VDOE — Office of School Improvement Holiday Inn Koger Center – Richmond, VA October 18, 2012 – October 20, 2012
Technical Assistance Sessions for Cohorts I & II October 18 th – 20 th (Thurs. – Sat.) Cohort III & New Principal Boot Camp January 2013 Tue. 01/08/13 – Building Autonomy, Leading Change and Establishing SIG Working Relationships March 6-7, 2013 (Wed.-Thurs.) Working with Stakeholders, Professional Development, and Reforming Instruction April 24, 2013 (Wed.) Increasing Learning Time and Reflections and Planning for 2013-14 2
Agenda (1 of 2) Thursday, Oct. 18 th Welcome & Intro to VA’s Turnaround Program5:30 – 6:30 PM Advice & Lessons Learned6:45 – 8:00 PM Friday, Oct. 19 th Optional Continental Breakfast8:00 – 8:30 AM Intro to SIG/Priority Schools8:30 – 9:30 AM Required Indicators9:30 – 10:15 AM Break10:15 – 10:30 AM Selecting & Working with LTPs10:30 – 12:00 PM Lunch12:00 – 1:00 PM Teacher & Principal Evaluations1:00 – 2:45 PM Quick Wins2:45 –4:00 PM Long Break4:00 – 5:30 PM 3
Agenda (2 of 2) Friday, Oct. 19 th Pick up Dinner5:30 – 5:45 PM Selecting and Working with External LTPs5:45 – 8:00 PM Saturday, Oct. 20 th Optional Continental Breakfast8:00 – 8:30 AM Leading Change & Communication8:30 – 9:30 AM Break10:15 – 10:30 AM Intro to Indistar®10:30 – 11:45 AM Pick Up Lunch11:45 – 12:00 PM Panel: Teacher Observations12:00 – 12:45 PM Transformation Toolkit, Intro to Goal Setting & Planning12:45 – 1:30 PM Breakout Sessions1:30 – 2:00 PM 4
Introduction to SIG Introduction to SIG In January 2010, the US Dept. of Education (USED) released revised guidance for use of the School Improvement Grants (under 1003(g) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) The $3.5 billion must be used to implement one of four models outlined by USED The revised guidelines significantly changed the roles and responsibilities for the school, district, state and partners In January 2010, the US Dept. of Education (USED) released revised guidance for use of the School Improvement Grants (under 1003(g) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) The $3.5 billion must be used to implement one of four models outlined by USED The revised guidelines significantly changed the roles and responsibilities for the school, district, state and partners 5 Fri: Introduction
Defining School Improvement School improvement: Is an intensive intervention effort in a school and often requires changes at the district level as well. Is not a short-term fix, but a long-term systemic solution to change how schools work. Can be accomplished by implementing a variety of strategies that vary in the level of prescriptiveness and intensity of support needed. Efforts will not always be successful, but in the majority of cases, current efforts to improve chronically low-performing schools are not producing the needed results. Why are the four proposed models so different from past improvement efforts? Past federal and state guidance allowed and promoted piecemeal efforts. In effect, few schools exited and stayed off “improvement” lists. Students are the focus of these improvement efforts – allowing schools to operate with limited effectiveness for multiple years drastically increases the likelihood of low-student achievement and high dropout rates. Fri: Introduction 6
Four Models to Improve Persistently Low- Performing Schools Turnaround Model Requires many specific actions, including: -Leadership & staff changes -New governance structure -New or revised instructional program & assessment system -Increased operating flexibilities -Increased student supports Turnaround Model Requires many specific actions, including: -Leadership & staff changes -New governance structure -New or revised instructional program & assessment system -Increased operating flexibilities -Increased student supports Restart Model Close failing school Reopen under education management organization (could be a charter) Must admit any former student who wishes to attend (within appropriate grade levels) Restart Model Close failing school Reopen under education management organization (could be a charter) Must admit any former student who wishes to attend (within appropriate grade levels) School Closure Close failing school Enroll students at higher-achieving schools in district School Closure Close failing school Enroll students at higher-achieving schools in district Transformational Model Reform plan must include specific actions to address: -Teacher and leader effectiveness -Comprehensive instructional strategies -Expanded learning -Increased operating flexibilities Transformational Model Reform plan must include specific actions to address: -Teacher and leader effectiveness -Comprehensive instructional strategies -Expanded learning -Increased operating flexibilities 7 Fri: Introduction
Strands & Indicators (Transformation Model) StrandContent Area# of Indicators A Establishing & Orienting the District Transformation Team 4 B Moving Toward School Autonomy 6 C Selecting a Principal & Recruiting Teachers 8 D Working with Stakeholders & Building Support for Transformation 7 E Contracting with External Providers 8 F Establishing & Orienting the School Transformation Team 2 G Leading Change 6 H Evaluating, Rewarding, and Removing Staff 22 I Providing Rigorous Staff Development 11 J Increasing Learning Time 8 K Reforming Instruction 11 Total93 8 Fri: Introduction
Overview of the SIG Process & Expectations Overview of the SIG Process & Expectations Fri: Process & Expectations 9
3 Year Process to Build Capacity I do We do You do Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 10 Fri: Process & Expectations
Shifting State Role: Compliance to Support Conference Calls & Webinars Technical Assistance Sessions VDOE Liaisons/Facilitators Indistar Reporting & Comments 11 Fri: Process & Expectations
Roles & Responsibilities School Principal External Lead Partner Internal Lead Partner VDOE Liaison /Facilitator Have the authority & direct contact with the superintendent to make timely decisions Communicate with superintendent & school board about process and changes Facilitate changes within the district to allow autonomy at the school level Have the authority & direct contact with the superintendent to make timely decisions Communicate with superintendent & school board about process and changes Facilitate changes within the district to allow autonomy at the school level Monitor implementation of all action steps, work of partners, and obligations noted in the MOU Communicate needs from the field to the VDOE Share learnings with other facilitators Connect the local team to other supports and services at VDOE (help streamline the system) Monitor implementation of all action steps, work of partners, and obligations noted in the MOU Communicate needs from the field to the VDOE Share learnings with other facilitators Connect the local team to other supports and services at VDOE (help streamline the system) Lead collaborative school-based improvement team Develop leadership skills of strong teachers and junior administrators Communicate regularly with all other team members to ensure school needs are addressed Act as the Change Leader Lead collaborative school-based improvement team Develop leadership skills of strong teachers and junior administrators Communicate regularly with all other team members to ensure school needs are addressed Act as the Change Leader Provide overall guidance, timeline, resources, & support for implementation Provide additional staff and capacity building services, with decreasing intensity over time Provide overall guidance, timeline, resources, & support for implementation Provide additional staff and capacity building services, with decreasing intensity over time 12 Fri: Process & Expectations
Expectations 1.Work in the best interest of the students 2.Contribute to a collaborative environment 3.Challenge the status quo 4.Attend & participate in all required Technical Assistance sessions, meetings and conference calls 5.Implement with fidelity 6.Everyone must do the work 7.Ensure efforts are aligned & work towards the same goals 8.Over communicate with each other & outsiders 9.Work towards sustainability 10. Picking and choosing indicators is not an option, all 93 must be included in the overall plan, but focus on the ones that directly address the school’s needs 13 Fri: Process & Expectations
Selecting & Working with an External Lead Turnaround Partner? Fri: LTPs 14
Hiring Process Hire or Appoint the division’s Internal Lead Partner – Develop scope of work, roles & responsibilities, reporting structure, etc Define hiring process Complete a high-level needs assessment to determine your school and district’s most relevant strengths and weaknesses Release an RFP based on your division’s needs Score proposals – Proposal evaluation template (CDE Guide, pages 30-34) Invite finalists to present their proposals – Sample interview questions (CDE Guide, pages 35-36) Call references! Determine finalist and begin contract negotiations 15 Fri: LTPs
Contract Include in the contract: – Scope of work – Deliverables – Timeline – Personnel – Expectations/needs of the district & school (from the vendor) – Goals and performance management – Rewards and consequences – Renewal process – Cost – IP Rights – Contract amendment process 16 Fri: LTPs
Moving Forward & Hints 1.Work with the LTP to hire the core-LTP staff to ensure a good fit 2.Ensure the division’s Lead Turnaround Partner has the authority and autonomy to make decisions 3.Define relationships and boundaries of all on the team 4.Jointly complete the diagnostic/needs assessment 5.Determine priorities 6.Create implementation plan for year 1 17 Address challenges and communication problems ASAP If you don’t ask, you won’t get it Always keep on eye on sustainability Ask for help when needed Communicate, communicate, communicate Remember that it’s about the students and the education they receive Moving Forward Hints Fri: LTPs
Teacher & Principal Evaluations Fri: Evaluations 18
Quick Wins What actions demonstrate the change in culture? Sat: Quick Wins 19
Quick Wins Purpose Evidence that significant change is occurring Timeline Within the first two months Outcome Observable Benefits Signify change in culture Bring positives to potential opponents Examples Paint walls/murals, clean facilities, complete easy structural improvements (water fountains, bathrooms, flickering lights) Have all teachers/administrators greet students at the beginning of the day Rearrange faculty lounge, provide coffee/breakfast for the first week (ask for local donations) Frequency September and January of each year Anytime there is a lull in confidence or implementation fidelity 20 Fri: Quick Wins
Prioritize the Indicators Within each strand, please rank each indicator in priority order (1 = top priority) Please determine the level of difficulty for implementation o 1 = easy win & little to no controversy o 3 = requires a great deal of planning, input, numerous action steps & could be controversial o 4 = could be a potential barrier to the work or requires major changes to division practices/policies 3. Indicate a general timeline for completion (including the month in year 1, ongoing, or years 2/3. 21 Sat: Toolkit & Planning
What does it Mean to be a Change Leader? Sat: Leading Change 22
Leading Change “Even positive change can be stressful. An effective change leader can maximize the opportunities of change while minimizing the risks.” – Jody Spiro Prepare for: Unforeseen circumstances Participants who feel uncertain & unprepared for what is to come Stakeholders who oppose disruption of their current influence People who feel disempowered People will not make the changes, no matter what Prepare by: Continuous analysis Mid-course corrections Plan ahead Act quickly Commit to the goals Support each other Resources: Spiro, Jody. Change Leader Handbook, 23 Sat: Leading Change
Change Action Steps Be clear and specific Start from where you are (assess readiness of participants & stakeholders) Plan & complete early wins Anticipate resistance Use collaborative planning Develop ways to scale up & sustain over time Build in on-going monitoring and make mid-course corrections 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 Resources: Spiro, Jody. Change Leader Handbook, 24 Sat: Leading Change
Readiness and Structure Low readiness = HIGH STRUCTURE Leader initiated Specific, clear outcomes with timelines and evaluation criteria Templates for work plans and budgets Written meeting agenda including ground-rules for participation Written records of decisions reached at meeting Continuous review of progress and mid-course corrections through a defined structure, such as regularly-scheduled meetings Structured questioning to lead group conversations Low readiness = HIGH STRUCTURE Leader initiated Specific, clear outcomes with timelines and evaluation criteria Templates for work plans and budgets Written meeting agenda including ground-rules for participation Written records of decisions reached at meeting Continuous review of progress and mid-course corrections through a defined structure, such as regularly-scheduled meetings Structured questioning to lead group conversations Medium-readiness = MODERATE STRUCTURE Decision-sheets, perhaps written by each participant on a rotating basis for a series of meetings Jointly-set meeting agendas and ground-rules Collaborative planning Medium-readiness = MODERATE STRUCTURE Decision-sheets, perhaps written by each participant on a rotating basis for a series of meetings Jointly-set meeting agendas and ground-rules Collaborative planning High-readiness = LIGHT STRUCTURE Jointly set the objectives Let the group decide how to achieve objectives, divide responsibilities, & determine action plans High-readiness = LIGHT STRUCTURE Jointly set the objectives Let the group decide how to achieve objectives, divide responsibilities, & determine action plans READINESS STRUCTURE Resources: Spiro, Jody. Change Leader Handbook, 25 Sat: Leading Change
Stakeholder Engagement Who should be involved in this work? Who and what could prohibit this work from happening? How do we involve stakeholders? What actions demonstrate the change in culture? Who should be involved in this work? Who and what could prohibit this work from happening? How do we involve stakeholders? What actions demonstrate the change in culture? Sat: Stakeholders 26
Identifying and Planning with Stakeholders Which groups will gain or lose from this initiative or aspects of this work? Which groups could prohibit or thwart the work from happening? How? What incentives could be used to engage opponents? What are the priorities for each group and how can they be incorporated into the action plan? Identify your school’s stakeholders and develop messages or action plans to educate the stakeholders and get them to assist the turnaround process. SUPPORTERS OPPONENTS 27 Sat: Stakeholders
Indistar’s Purpose What is it? How to use it (technically)? How does it guide the improvement process? What is it? How to use it (technically)? How does it guide the improvement process? 28 Sat: Indistar
Transformation Toolkit & Intro to Planning Transformation Toolkit & Intro to Planning 29 Sat: Toolkit & Planning Transformation Toolkit, Center on Innovation & Improvement Before making a detailed school and district improvement plan, we must determine: 1. What are our needs? (Diagnostic) 2.What are our strengths? (Diagnostic) 3.What gaps exist? (Diagnostic) 4.What should we tackle first? (Priorities Activity)
Questions for Consideration What’s the diagnostic process? What’s the timeline? Who’s in charge? Who’s involved? What’s the desired outcome? What’s done with the diagnostic after it’s completed? Discuss communication strategies & how you work best. Who should meet, with what frequency & for what purposes? 30 Sat: Toolkit & Planning
Moving Towards Actions 31 TaskAction StepsConstraintsResourcesResponsibleTimelineProcess Notes Paint mural in lobby Select students to help GraffitiSeek donations from local art & hardware store Asst. principal and art eacher Early-mid August Reveal mural 1 st day of school Asst. principal1 st day Greet students in the morning as they arrive Half of staff take turns each day Teachers not wanting to participate Department heads to divide staff mid-late August Provide breakfast for the day’s greeters Seek donations from local bakeries/cafes PTAmid-late August Task: Complete quick wins to change culture of school Person Accountable: Principal Indicator & Strand: G4 Sat: Toolkit & Planning
Resources (1 of 2) School Improvement & School Turnaround Brinson, D., & Rhim, L. M. (2009). Breaking the habit of low performance: Successful school restructuring stories, Case studies, examples of implementation, analysis and other publications are available in Mass Insight Education & Research Institute’s School Turnaround Resource Center, Hassel, B., Hassel, E. A., & Rhim, L. M. (2007). Introduction: Overview of restructuring. In H. Walberg (Ed.), Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement (pp. 1-14). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Also available at Improving Low-Performing Schools: Lessons from Five Years of Studying School Restructuring under No Child Left Behind. Center on Education Policy, 2009, http://www.cep-dc.org Lane, B. (2009). Exploring the pathway to rapid district improvement. Redding, S. The mega system. Deciding. Learning. Connecting. A handbook for continuous improvement within a community of the school. Lincoln, IL: Academic Development Institute, 2007. School Turnarounds: Actions and Results. Center on Innovation and Improvement & Public Impact, 2007. School turnarounds: A review of the cross-sector evidence on dramatic organizational improvement, Public Impact, 2007. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act. American Institutes for Research & U.S. Department of Education, 2007, http://www.air.org The Turnaround Challenge: Why America’s best opportunity to dramatically improve student achievement lies in our worst performing schools. Mass Insight Education & Research Institute, 2007. Wong, K. (2007). District-wide framework for improvement. In H. Walberg (Ed.), Handbook on restructuring and substantial school improvement (pp. 15-27). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Also available at Sat: Additional Resources 32
Resources (2 of 2) Community Engagement Starting fresh in low-performing schools: Engaging parents and the community. National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA). (2006). Steiner, L. and D. Brinson, Fixing Failing Schools: Building Family and Community Demand for Dramatic Change, Public Impact, May 2011. Expanded Time National Center for Time & Learning, http://www.timeandlearning.org Guidance Handbook on Effective Implementation of School Improvement Grants, Center for Innovation & Improvement, School Restructuring Guide. Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement & Public Impact, 2008, Toolkit for Implementing the School Improvement Grant: Transformation Model. Center for Innovation & Improvement, United States Department of Education Final Requirements for School Improvement Grants, January 15, 2010 Leadership & Professional Development Kowal, J. and J.Ableiding. Leading Indicators of School Turnaround: How to know when dramatic change is on track. Public Impact and UVA’s Partnership for Leaders in Education, Principal Effectiveness. New Leaders for New Schools, 2008, School Turnaround Competencies. Public Impact, Chicago Public Education Fund & DC Public Schools, 2008, Spiro, Jody. Leading Change Handbook: Concepts and Tools, Wallace Foundation, 2009. UVA Darden-Curry Partnership for Leaders in Education, http://www.dardencurry.org 33 Sat: Additional Resources
Contact Info Julie Corbett 312-479-7719 Wrap Up 34
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