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The Integration of Geography and Language Arts Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "The Integration of Geography and Language Arts Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Integration of Geography and Language Arts Standards

2 Why GeoLiteracy? 4To increase student achievement on state- mandated tests 4To promote geographic education 4To practice reading and writing skills 4To maximize classroom instruction time

3 Why GeoLiteracy? Ü To assist in meeting North Central Accreditation goals Ü To help students with limited English language skills Ü To create a link between tested language arts skills and geography standards

4 What are GeoLiteracy lessons? K-8 lessons that: HIntegrate geography standards with reading and writing standards HImprove student skills HMotivate student learning HAssess student achievement

5 How do GeoLiteracy Lessons Motivate? GeoLiteracy lessons motivate students through: HOral histories HHands-on activities HMap making activities HShort writing projects such as public service announcements and newspaper articles

6 How do GeoLiteracy Lessons Assess Student Achievement? GeoLiteracy lessons assess achievement in reading, writing, and geography by using: HThe 6 Trait Writing Rubric HThe format of Stanford Achievement Test questions HObservation assessments HMultiple choice tests

7 Who created the lessons? - Teacher Consultants from the Arizona Geographic Alliance - National Board Certified Teachers - An Assessment Specialist from Mesa Public Schools - Department of Geography personnel from Arizona State University

8 Who funded the development of the GeoLiteracy Project?

9 What are some of the 23 lessons for grades K-3? FIf These Walls Could Talk: Learning about human features of a community FA Walk Around School: Mapping how to get from one place to another FCatch Me If You Can: Recognizing relative location terms FMe on a Map: Comprehending that homes make neighborhoods and neighborhoods make a community FRecycle, Reduce, Reuse, and Save Trees: Conserving natural resources FSticks, Stones, Sinews and Stuff: Using the environment to meet basic needs FNina Bonita: Mapping Nina’s world and understanding tolerance FI Am a Rock. I Am an Island: Identifying landforms and water bodies

10 What are some of the 25 lessons for grades 4-5? sWestward Ho: Reading fictional diaries and mapping a journey on the Oregon Trail sBirth of a Rocky Mountain Town: Learning how humans respond to natural features sLet’s Travel: Creating a travel brochure of state landmarks explaining why tourists should visit them sTake Me to The River: Recognizing how a dam has affected the humans living in the area sThe Mountain Community: Understanding how physical landscapes and economic conditions influence the settlement of people sMaize to Maquiladoras: Tracking the historical movement of people, ideas, and goods from Mexico to the U.S. sBut We Need More: Examining pollution and water conservation issues

11 What are some of the 33 lessons for grades 6-8? nOver and Through: Categorizing physical geography terms nIs There a Map in That Story? Drawing a map from a written description nName that Place: Discovering the word origins of place names in the U.S. nLetter from a Leader: Writing a letter as if students lived in an ancient civilization nWho’s a Noodlehead? Examining cultures to find commonalities nWelcome to My World: Learning how being born male or female in some countries can influence a person’s future nDesertification: Determining the causes and effects of desertification nThree Gorges Dam: Analyzing the pros and cons of building a controversial dam

12 Wow! 4A total of over 80 lessons 4Each is classroom ready 4Available on CD ROM or as paper copies

13 And Wow!! Student samples for some of the lessons!

14 How do I know the lessons work? DPiloted with over 5,300 AZ students DPiloted by 100+ AZ teachers DPiloted in more than 20 AZ school districts

15 How do I know the lessons work? Piloted with diverse ethnic populations

16 How do I know the lessons work? Piloted with economically diverse populations

17 What are the language backgrounds of the piloted students?

18 What are the grade level distributions of the ESL students?

19 How successful were the lessons? Preliminary piloting showed: 85% s 85% of students scored 80% or higher on geography the geography assessment 84% s 84% of students scored 80% or higher on reading the reading assessment 78% s 78% of students scored 80% or higher on writing the writing assessment

20 What are the costs of implementing GeoLiteracy? ONLY ALL ðGrades K-5 would ONLY need GeoLiteracy to teach ALL of the AZ geography standards Cost per school for GeoLiteracy materials for grades K-5 are Approximately $475 BOTH ðGrades 6-8 would enhance BOTH their social studies and language arts curriculum with GeoLiteracy Approximately $635 Cost per school for GeoLiteracy materials for grades 6-8 are Approximately $635

21 What do the costs include? High quality children’s books  National Geographic series: Windows on Literacy Reading Expeditions  Familiar children’s literature

22 How can the costs be reduced? MANY library MANY of the GeoLiteracy materials are in your library:  River Ran Wild  Ramona Quimby books  Gingerbread Man  Red Riding Hood  The Lorax  The Cherokee  Nina Bonita  Year of the Ranch  Noodlehead Stories  Edward and the Pirates  Talking Walls  Alejandro’s Gift  Me on the Map  The Desert is Theirs  Rosie’s Walk  Roxaboxen  This is the Tree

23 How can the Arizona Geographic Alliance help you? We can: è Provide expert training for using the GeoLiteracy program è Offer more components as they are developed è Provide maps and information on our website

24 How can the Arizona Geographic Alliance help you? Included on the CD are over 60 COPYRIGHT FREE maps that have been produced by Arizona State University, Department of Geography Cartographer, Barbara Trapido-Lurie and her staff.

25 Which districts have lent support to GeoLiteracy? uAvondale uBisbee uCartwright uCottonwood uDeer Valley uFlagstaff uGilbert uHebrew Academy of Tucson uHomeschoolers uMadison uMarana uMesa uKyrene uOsborn uPage uParadise Valley uPeoria uPrivate Schools uSacaton uSierra Vista uSomerton uSunnyside uTanque Verde uTempe uTucson uWashington

26 Why should you consider GeoLiteracy? HInnovative approach to integrating geography and language arts HBased on Arizona and national standards HBased on mandated tests HPreliminary results show it teaches geography as well as reading and writing

27 Thank you for considering our GeoLiteracy Program.

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