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Ch 61 Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S. Ch 62 Overview Will continue to work with internal commands that help manage and manipulate files.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 61 Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S. Ch 62 Overview Will continue to work with internal commands that help manage and manipulate files."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 61 Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S

2 Ch 62 Overview Will continue to work with internal commands that help manage and manipulate files.

3 Ch 63 Overview Will focus on the following commands: è DEL è REN è MOVE è RD /S

4 Ch 64 Overview Why and how to back up specific files, or an entire disk, so as to not lose important data will be discussed.

5 Ch 65 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command Keep only the files you need on your disk.

6 Ch 66 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command è DEL command used to erase unwanted files. è ERASE command works the same way DEL command works.

7 Ch 67 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command A file deleted at the command line is not physically removed from the disk.

8 Ch 68 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command è It is sometimes possible to recover a file deleted at the command line. è However, when DEL is used the file/s are deleted.

9 Ch 69 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command File deleted from hard drive using My Computer or Windows Explorer is recoverable.

10 Ch 610 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command Files not recoverable are those deleted from: è Removable disk/s è Floppy disks è Command prompt

11 Ch 611 Eliminating Files with the DEL Command DEL command syntax: DEL [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A [[:] attributes]] names Names refers to [drive:] [path] filename

12 Ch 612 Activity—Using the DEL Command KEY CONCEPTS: è Function of DIR è Why drive letter and path not included è DEL does not confirm prior to deletion

13 Ch 613 Deleting Multiple Files DEL can be used to delete multiple files. è Separate (by spaces) files to be deleted.

14 Ch 614 Activity—Using DEL with Multiple Parameters KEY CONCEPTS: è Using DIR è Deleting multiple files with DEL

15 Ch 615 Deleting Files on Other Drives and Directories The DEL command can be used to eliminate files on other drives and subdirectories.

16 Ch 616 Deleting Files on Other Drives and Directories DEL command syntax: DEL names Names refers to designated drives, subdirectories, and names of files you wish to delete.

17 Ch 617 Deleting Files on Other Drives and Directories Order and logic of syntax are important when keying in command.

18 Ch 618 Deleting Files on Other Drives and Directories è Common error: DEL GONE.FIL B: è Should be: DEL B:GONE.FIL

19 Ch 619 Activity—Using the DEL Command with Individual Files KEY CONCEPTS: è Using proper syntax è Use of second backslash è Using COPY gives two identically named files on different drives è DIR - shows file is there è DEL - deletes file

20 Ch 620 Using Wildcards with the DEL Command To delete many files at one time use wildcards with the DEL command.

21 Ch 621 Activity—Using the DEL Command KEY CONCEPTS: è Use DIR prior to global erase è Files deleted with DEL and wildcards not recoverable è Wildcards can be used when files are in subdirectory

22 Ch 622 The /P and /S Parameters with the DEL Command /P parameter with DEL command verifies prior to each file deletion.

23 Ch 623 The /P and /S Parameters with the DEL Command The /S parameter traverses the directory tree so files do not need to be deleted individually throughout disk structure.

24 Ch 624 The /P and /S Parameters with the DEL Command Again, DEL command syntax: DEL [/P] [/F] [/S] [/Q] [/A [[:] attributes]] names Names refers to [drive:] [path] filename

25 Ch 625 Activity—Using /P and /S with the DEL Command KEY CONCEPTS: è Use of /P parameter è Use of /S parameter è Use of DIR command è Can use more than one parameter at a time

26 Ch 626 Changing File Names Rename file because: è File contents changed è Want the name for another file è File named incorrectly è You think of a better name

27 Ch 627 Changing File Names COPY command: è Create another file with same contents but a different name è End up with file and copy of file with another name

28 Ch 628 Changing File Names RENAME command: è Changes name of file - contents remain the same è End up with same file with a new name

29 Ch 629 Changing File Names RENAME command has two forms: è RENAME è REN

30 Ch 630 Changing File Names REN/RENAME syntax: REN [drive:] [path] [directoryname1 | filename1] [directoryname2 | filename2]

31 Ch 631 Changing File Names Renaming files: è Two step process in My Computer/Windows Explorer è One step process at command line

32 Ch 632 Activity—Using the REN Command to Rename Files KEY CONCEPTS: è When destination and *.* assumed è REN command vs. COPY command

33 Ch 633 Changing the Names of Subdirectories è Prior to Windows 95, REN command only worked with files. è Windows 95 REN command also used to rename subdirectories.

34 Ch 634 Changing the Names of Subdirectories Partial syntax for renaming subdirectories: REN [drive:] [path] [directoryname1] [directoryname2]

35 Ch 635 Activity—Using REN Command to Rename Subdirectories KEY CONCEPTS: è Command executed if no error message è Can rename subdirectories that are within other subdirectories

36 Ch 636 Using REN with Wildcards Multiple files on the same drive or directory that have a common element can be renamed using REN command with wildcards.

37 Ch 637 Activity—Using REN with Wildcards KEY CONCEPTS: è Compare ???.NEW with *.NEW è Renaming multiple files in same directory with one command

38 Ch 638 Using RENAME on Different Drives & Directories The REN command can be used to rename any file on any drive or directory.


40 Ch 640 Using RENAME on Different Drives & Directories è COPY - end up with two identical files in different locations. è REN - changes name of an existing file in a specific location.

41 Ch 641 Activity—Using Rename on Different Drives KEY CONCEPTS: è OS will not put a drive designator before new file name in REN è REN å Changes names not file contents å Does not move files è DIR vs. TYPE commands

42 Ch 642 Moving Files and Renaming Directories Review of commands: è MOVE used to rename a directory è REN/RENAME used to rename files and subdirectories

43 Ch 643 Moving Files and Renaming Directories MOVE command: è Move group of files or subdirectories - cannot change names è Move individual file/subdirectory - can change name of moved file or subdirectory è Move files/directories from one directory to another, from one drive to another

44 Ch 644 Moving Files and Renaming Directories Syntax to move one of more files: MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:] [path] filename1 [,…] destination

45 Ch 645 Moving Files and Renaming Directories Syntax to rename a directory: MOVE [/y | /-y] [drive:] [path] dirname1 dirname2

46 Ch 646 Activity—Moving Files & Renaming Directories KEY CONCEPTS: è Differences between syntax of MOVE and REN è When do you use MOVE? REN? è Move file in same drive/directory - eliminates first file and replaces contents of second file with contents of first file

47 Ch 647 Activity—Moving Files & Renaming Directories KEY CONCEPTS: è MOVE åUsed instead of COPY, REN, DEL åCan act like COPY åCannot change file names when used with wildcards åCannot concatenate files åCan move entire subdirectory structure along with files with one command

48 Ch 648 RD /S Revisited Two ways to remove a directory: è RD (two-step process) è RD /S (one-step process)

49 Ch 649 Activity: Using RD and RD /S KEY CONCEPTS: è Using RD command è Using RD /S command

50 Ch 650 Backing Up Your DATA Disk è Always back up all data files. è Backing up application program disks can be tricky, especially copy- protected disks

51 Ch 651 Backing Up Your DATA Disk Special operating commands and procedures must be used to back up a hard disk.

52 Ch 652 Backing Up Your DATA Disk Three ways to back up data files: è DISKCOPY è COPY è XCOPY

53 Ch 653 Backing Up Your DATA Disk Never use the MOVE command for backup purposes.

54 Ch 654 Backing Up Your DATA Disk è Develop a regular backup routine. å Can use “tape backup”. å Use writable CD if available è Message is BACK UP DATA FILES

55 Ch 655 Backing Up Your DATA Disk Application programs can usually be reinstalled from original disks.

56 Ch 656 Activity—Backing Up with the DISKCOPY Command KEY CONCEPTS: è How to not accidentally copy hard drive è Use DISKCOPY - get 2 copies of DATA disk

57 Ch 657 Activity—Backing Up with the DISKCOPY Command è Backup disk å Keep current å Have two or more å Check backup disk regularly è Some organizations need to recreate records å Need archival backup å Need transaction history

58 Ch 658 Backing Up Files with the COPY Command DISKCOPY: è Backs up entire floppy disk è Formats new disk

59 Ch 659 Backing Up Files with the COPY Command COPY: è Used to backup specific files è Copy files from one floppy to another è Does not format new disk è Must not be used to copy all files from hard disk to floppy

60 Ch 660 Backing Up Files with the COPY Command Do regular backups: è Back up files that have changed or are new

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