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Digestates: Characteristics, Processing and Utilisation Dr Julie Williams & Dr Sandra Esteves Inaugural Bio-Methane Regions Event Training the Trainers.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestates: Characteristics, Processing and Utilisation Dr Julie Williams & Dr Sandra Esteves Inaugural Bio-Methane Regions Event Training the Trainers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestates: Characteristics, Processing and Utilisation Dr Julie Williams & Dr Sandra Esteves Inaugural Bio-Methane Regions Event Training the Trainers 26-27 th May 2011 - University of Glamorgan, South Wales PHOTO OF RELEVANCE FOR TALK

2 Contents Characteristics of digestates Nutrient content (NPK) Digestate as a soil conditioner/fertiliser Other potential markets Impacts when applied to land Stability of digestates Digestate Processing

3 Anaerobic DigestionHydrolysisAcidogenesisAcetigenesisMethanogenesis Carbohydrates Proteins Fats In solution: Short chained sugars Amino acids Fatty acids Short chained acids, Alcohols CO2 and H2 Acetic acid and alcohols H2S CO2 and H2 CH4, CO2 and H2O Homoacetigenesis NH4, NH3 Sulphate reduction Protein Breakdown Products Complex Substrate Water Lignin Light and heavy metals (P, K, Na, Ca etc.) Water Digestate Organics Inorganics BiogasBiogas

4 Characteristics of Digestates Can vary according to input material and operating conditions Low dry matter (typically between 1-8 % solids) High water content Undigested material e.g. lignins and cell debris Inorganic nutrients (ammonium-N and P) May contain potentially toxic elements (PTEs) e.g. heavy metals Whole digestate can be separated into fibre and liquid fractions Classed as a waste or non-waste

5 Nutrient content of digestates

6 Fertiliser Manual (RB209) Defra June 2010 ( soil/nutrient/documents/rb209-rev-100609.pdf)



9 Potential Markets Land applications e.g. Fertiliser Soil conditioner Converted to compost Growing medium for plants Land regeneration projects Building materials (pressed into blocks) Drying and pelletizing for use as a solid fuel or dried fertiliser AgroEnergien


11 Impacts when applied to agricultural land May affect the nutrient balance of soil Risk of phytotoxicity Nitrate leaching Risk of methane and ammonia emissions Odour Risk to the public e.g. pathogens,allergens and Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) May affect microbial activity in soils Transportation costs (carbon footprint)


13 Losses of methane from digestate stores Stability of digestates 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Hydraulic retention time (d) 10 8 6 4 2 0 Residual methane potential (% of methane yield) Weiland P (2009). Biogas- Messprogramm I 61 Biogasanlagan im Verlich. Erstellt durch Johann Heinrich von Thunen-Institut (VTI), Gulzow, Germany

14 NH 3 Emissions Dissociation balance between ammonia/ammonium depending on pH and on temperature (calculated according to Kollbach et al., 1996) Fricke et al., 2007 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 pH Ammonia proportion 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Ammonium proportion

15 Odorous compounds in digestates Hydrogen sulphide Ammonia Amines Volatile organic acids – Propionic acid – Butyric acid Reduced sulphur compounds

16 Emissions and Odour Control Digestate storage tanks covered Sealed tankers for transporting liquor digestates No spreading of digestates, shallow injection will minimise emissions and odours

17 Whole digestate land application Solid-liquid separation solid fraction drying composting land application liquid fraction recirculation to process Membrane technologies land application disposal to sewer Digestate processing

18 Dewatering technologies for solid-liquid separation of manures/digestates Sedimentation Flotation Screen separator Belt press Centrifuges Screw press Drying/evaporation technologies

19 Dewatering technologies: Screw press

20 Dewatering technologies: Decanter centrifuge

21 Solar drying of digestate Fuchs & Drosg, 2010 Technologiebewertung von Garrestbehandlungs- und Verwertungskonzepten. Eigenverlag der Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien Processes for further treatment of the solids: Composting and drying Feed-and-turn dryer Belt dryer

22 Dewatering technologies: Evaporator unit Source: HRS

23 Summary of parameters using different solid-liquid separation technologies Technology Input DM (%) Output DM Solid fraction (%) Energy consumption kWh/t Typical throughput m 3 / h Sedimentation0.55 Flotation0.55 Screen sieves0.5 - 5100.2 – 0.910 Belt press3 - 721 – 250.08 – 0.1210 - 40 Centrifuge1.7 – 8.118 – 301.8 – 70.7 – 40 Screw press1 - 1625 - 400.24 – 1.12 – 100 Data collated from several studies

24 Choice of methodology to employ for dewatering Type of feedstock treated Characteristics of the digestate Financial considerations Throughput Energy requirements Chemical addition requirement Separation efficiency in terms of solid or mineral removal

25 Effectiveness of the technologies for water removal Water is present in many different forms: Free water Bound water (intracellular water or within extracellular polymers) Mechanical separators can remove the free water Bound water may require drying (evaporation) or disruption of the cells

26 Efficiency of solids separation Depends on the separator employed e.g. Separation efficiency of the screw press is low because it only retains particles > 1mm in diameter. Compare with decanter centrifuge retains all particles >0.02 mm Depends on the composition of the digestate TS and fibre content particle size distributions Treatment with flocculants

27 Efficiency of solids separation Depends on the physical and chemical composition of the digestate TS and fibre content particle size distributions Stability of the particles (Zeta potential) Depends on the separator employed as well as by the settings e.g. Separation efficiency of the screw press is low because it only retains particles > 1mm in diameter. Compare with decanter centrifuge retains all particles > 0.02 mm. Treatment with flocculants

28 TechnologyDMNPK Belt press65322927 Centrifuge54-6820-4052-785 -20 Screw press20-655-287-335 -18 Separation efficiencies (%) for DM, N, P and K of various manures and digestates using various technologies (Data collated from several studies) The proportion of a constituent partitioned to the solid fraction, relative to the amount in the slurry or digestate

29 Processes for the treatment of the liquid phase Fuchs & Drosg, 2010 Technologiebewertung von Garrestbehandlungs- und Verwertungskonzepten. Eigenverlag der Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien

30 concentrate REVERSE OSMOSIS ULTRAFILTRATION 10 228 3 186 10 228 3 186 Units in kg/t Nutrient flows during the digestate treatment process Source. Fuchs et al (2010) Digestate treatment: comparison and assessment of existing technologies. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Venice.

31 Conclusions Consider the available options for the use of the digestate. Is their a sustainable market? Digestates contain valuable nutrients that make them a suitable alternative to chemical fertilizers. Separation technologies may be employed for partitioning of solids and nutrients (NPK) An important consideration when deciding on the choice of separator will be the intended application for the digestate

32 Abbreviations BCSBiofertiliser Certification Scheme CFUColony Forming Units CHPCombined Heat & Power DAFDissolved Air Flotation DMDry Matter NPKNitrogen Phosphorous Potassium PTEPotentially Toxic Elements SLSeparated Liquor SFSeparated Fibre

33 Thank You Questions PHOTO OF RELEVANCE FOR TALK " The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein."

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