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Private Whys? An Integrated Discovery Unit. Private Whys? Cast of Characters  Writers: –Deanna Blackmon, retired teacher, writing specialist –Sandy Hughes,

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Presentation on theme: "Private Whys? An Integrated Discovery Unit. Private Whys? Cast of Characters  Writers: –Deanna Blackmon, retired teacher, writing specialist –Sandy Hughes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Private Whys? An Integrated Discovery Unit

2 Private Whys? Cast of Characters  Writers: –Deanna Blackmon, retired teacher, writing specialist –Sandy Hughes, retired teacher, Gifted and Talented –Ruthanne “Rudi” Thompson, EdD, teacher  Graphic Designer: Karen Dorph  Funded by: The Copper Development Association  Produced by the University of North Texas, Elm Fork Education Center

3 The Why behind Private Whys?  Kids love to explore and make discoveries.  Teachers enjoy teaching kids who are interested and excited about learning.  National and state standard require kids to master certain content and process skills.  K-4 teachers are required to teach all content to all students in a very short period of time... Thus, the development of Private Whys?

4 The Why behind Private Whys?  Private Whys? uses guided inquiry – which is recommended by the national standards.  Private Whys? USES the content areas when necessary to answer leading questions – thus achieving a level of true content integration.  Private Whys? uses the context of minerals as a unifying thread, weaving through each of the content areas.

5 The Why behind Private Whys?  Private Whys? uses the theme of private investigation to gain students interest, provide challenge, and create a sense of intrigue, which sets the stage for using problem solving skills.  Private Whys? is both based on and aligned with national standards, so that it can be utilized throughout the United States.

6 The Why behind Private Whys? Development of National Standards – "All states and schools will have challenging and clear standards of achievement and accountability for all children, and effective strategies for reaching those standards." -- U.S. Dept. of Education

7 The Standards  National Science Standards K-4 –Science as Inquiry –Physical Science –Life Science –Earth & Space Science –Science and Technology –Science in Personal & Social Perspectives –History and Nature of Science

8 The Standards  National Language Arts Standards K-12 –Reading for Perspective –Understanding the Human Experience –Evaluation Strategies –Communication Skills –Communication Strategies –Applying Knowledge –Evaluating Data

9 The Standards  National Language Arts Standards K-12, cont. –Developing Research Skills –Multicultural Understanding –Applying Non-English Perspectives –Participating in Society –Applying Language Skills

10 The Standards  National Math Standards (Numbers) - PK-5 –Understand numbers –Understand meanings of operations –Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates

11 The Standards  National Math Standards (Algebra) - PK-5 –Understand patterns, relations, and functions –Represent and analyze mathematical situations –Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships –Analyze change in various contexts

12 The Standards  National Math Standards (measurement) PK-5 –Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement –Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements

13 The Standards  National Math Standards (Data Analysis & Probability) - PK-5 –Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer –Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data –Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data

14 The Standards  National Math Standards (Problem Solving) - PK- 12 –Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving –Solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts –Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems –Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving

15 The Standards  National Health Standards - K-4 –Health promotion and disease prevention –Health information, products and services –Reducing health risks –Health influences –Using communication skills to promote health –Setting goals for good health –Health advocacy

16 The Standards  National Social Sciences (Geography)-K-12 –The world in spatial terms –Places and regions –Physical systems –Human systems –Environment and society –Uses of geography

17 The Standards  National Social Sciences (US History) - K-4 –Living and working together in families and communities, now and long ago –The history of students’ own state or region –The history of the US: Democratic principles and values and the people from many cultures who contributed to its heritage –The history of peoples of many cultures around the world

18 The Standards  National Social Sciences (World History) - 5-12 –Era 1: The beginnings of human society –Era 2: Early civilizations and the emergence of pastoral peoples, 4000-1000 BCE –Era 3: Classical traditions, major religions, and giant empires 1000 BCE-300 CE –Era 4: Expanding zones of exchange and encounter 300-1000 CE

19 The Standards  National Social Sciences (World History) - 5-12 –Era 5: Intensified hemispheric interactions, 1000-1500 CE –Era 6: The emergence of the first global age, 1450-1770 –Era 7: An age of revolutions, 1750-1914 –Era 8: A half-century of crisis and achievement, 1900- 1945 –Era 9: The 20th century since 1945

20 We Need You!  We believe Private Whys? is unique and we believe Private Whys? will be a useful tool for teaching the process skills kids are required to learn but... We need to know what YOU think?!?  Practice with us here today and then take the Investigator’s Kit with you and try it with your students. All we ask is that you evaluate Private Whys? and share with us your thoughts and insights about the discovery unit Private Whys?

21 How to Contact Us!  Contact Deanna, Sandy, and Rudi care of Rudi Thompson –  UNT/IAS/Elm Fork Education Center P.O. Box 310559, Denton, Texas 76203  940-565-2994

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