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Backyard Composting Producing your own “Black Gold” MECKLENBURG COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY.

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Presentation on theme: "Backyard Composting Producing your own “Black Gold” MECKLENBURG COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Backyard Composting Producing your own “Black Gold” MECKLENBURG COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY

2 The Natural Cycle

3 Leaves Decomposing

4 The breakdown releases nutrients

5 Backyard Composting

6 Where to place your compost pile Within reach of a garden hose Convenient to your house If possible, away from trees or bushes (roots will find compost) At least 30’ from streams, wells or lakes (nitrogen runoff) Be considerate of your neighbor’s view Think: Two Piles

7 Materials for making a bin

8 Measure out 12 ½ feet of wire

9 Cut one end flush, one w/prongs

10 Set upright forming a cylinder

11 Fasten ends w/prongs facing out

12 Completed bin

13 Start with a layer of leaves

14 Easy measuring: 3 sections = 1’

15 Break up any clumps

16 50 lbs provides organic nitrogen

17 Sprinkle some on top of first layer

18 Use pellets instead of meal

19 Mix pellets into the leaves

20 As damp as a wrung out sponge

21 Add another layer of leaves

22 Each layer approximately 1’

23 More pellets

24 Mix together

25 Add water to each layer

26 Cap with final layer of leaves

27 Completed batch

28 Adding kitchen scraps

29 Place scraps into the hole

30 Push down into the pile

31 Cover scraps with leaves

32 Mark the spot for reference

33 Pile heats up, volume decreases

34 Turning the pile Turn one week after assembling Turn at least every three to four weeks The more you turn the pile, the faster it will decompose If you have more than one pile, you can combine piles as they decrease in volume

35 Unfasten the prongs

36 Unwrap the pile

37 Set up near first pile

38 Toss the pile back into the bin

39 Add water, if necessary

40 Pile starting to breakdown

41 Worms love compost

42 Compost in action

43 Less fertilizer needed

44 Compost loosens our clay soils

45 What can go into a compost pile? Leaves Fruit/vegetable peels, stems Spoiled fruit and vegetables Egg shells Coffee grounds and filters Tea leaves and bags Hard-shelled nuts (crushed)

46 What can go into a compost pile? Peanut Shells Clam and oyster shells (ground) Canning/preserving wastes Stale bread Used napkins/paper towels Manure from horses, cows and chickens Recycled compost

47 What should not be included: Dog droppings Cat litter and droppings Charcoal Ashes Chemically treated plant material Invasive weeds and plants Diseased or infested plants Glossy slick paper Poisonous or thorny plants

48 Where to use your compost New garden beds and plantings –Dig in 2-3” of compost in top 6” Vegetable gardens/transplants –2-3” on beds and some in each hole Existing garden beds –1” layer around plants

49 Where to use your compost Natural areas –½” under mulch Side dressings trees/shrubs –Scratch ½” from 1” out from the stem or trunk of plant out to drip line Lawns –After aeration, spread ½” of compost and rake in Houseplants –2/3 potting soil, 1/3 compost

50 Other uses: Compost Tea Unfinished Compost

51 Vermicomposting Worms: Can be bred easily at home or school Can be used to recycle organic waste from your kitchen into valuable fertilizer Produce castings which have a neutral pH (around 7) Castings increase the amount of nutrient available to your plants by up to 10 times. Castings increase crop and pasture yields Increase the level of essential microbial activity in the soil Consume their own body weight in food every day Double in population every 2-3 months, in ideal conditions


53 What do I need? – An aerated container – Bedding such as shredded newspaper – Moisture and proper temperature – Small amount of soil – Redworms (Eisenia fetida)

54 Q&A Mecklenburg County Solid Waste Authority CAROL BUIE-JACKSON 704 814 0877 GARDENHABITAT@GMAIL.COM Compost Central 704 588 5898 Steve Elliot

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