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Introduction to TKT: CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to TKT: CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to TKT: CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning
This is an introductory module for TKT CLIL and lasts for 30 minutes. It can be used as a standalone presentation, or with Module B as a 90 minute event.

2 Aims of the presentation
to agree what CLIL is to understand the TKT:CLIL test to look at some test tasks and items Explain the aims of the seminar. Ask participants to raise their hands if they have any experience of teaching in CLIL programmes. Then ask them to exchange three pieces of information about their CLIL experience with the person beside them. (if no-one has any experience of CLIL move on to Slide 3.)

3 What is CLIL? Content and Language Integrated Learning
An approach in which a f……... language is used as the m…………….. for teaching a c……………. subject such as S…………, H………... or …………..t. The target language and the subject content have a j……………. role in the learning. Take feedback, then check the answers. KEY: 1. foreign 2. medium 3. curricular 4. Science 5. History 6. Art 7. Joint Ask them to read the full definition again to themselves to compare it with their own ideas . This will re-enforce the concept of CLIL. Ask them to work with a partner and write down what they think four main aims of CLIL are. Then show next slide.

4 What are the main aims of CLIL? Change slide to triangle p.12?
To develop… C………………: subject knowledge and skills C………………: meaningful interaction C………………: thinking skills C………………: an awareness- of other societies of what it is to be a responsible citizen of being part of local and global communities ‘the 4Cs’ (Coyle, 1999) KEY; Content, communication, cognition, culture Explain that you are going to look at each one of these in turn. First, content. Ask them which subjects are taught in CLIL. Elicit ideas from participants. Then either show Slide 6 OR read out the list and ask participants to raise their hands if they teach the subject as you mention it.

5 Why CLIL? Learners: become more sensitive to vocabulary and ideas in their L1 as well as in the target language gain more extensive and varied vocabulary in the target language reach proficiency levels in all four skills and in ICT skills far beyond what is expected in ELT programmes are more cognitively active during the learning process develop intercultural understanding and community values Johnstone, R. & and R. Mckinstry. (2008) and Van de Craen, P.; Mondt, K; Allain, L and Gao,Y. (2008) Ask them if they would like to add any more from their own ideas. Ask if they predicted the proven advantages correctly.

6 TKT:CLIL Who is TKT:CLIL for? What does TKT:CLIL test?
How is TKT:CLIL tested? How is TKT:CLIL marked? Now you are going to move on to TKT:CLIL, and answer the questions on the slide.

7 What is TKT:CLIL? TKT:CLIL is NOT a test of knowledge about CLIL
an optional module of TKT independent of TKT TKT:CLIL is NOT a test of subject knowledge a test of language proficiency a test of teaching skills Go through the points on the slide. Then ask them to predict who TKT:CLIL is for. Take feedback, then reveal the bullet points on the next slide one by one and ask the participants to raise their hands if they come under any categories on the slide.

8 Who is TKT:CLIL for? subject teachers who use English as a medium of study English language teachers who teach curriculum subjects classroom teachers who teach curriculum subjects in English classroom assistants working in CLIL contexts English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers who work with non-native speaker learners in mainstream classes Ask if any participants belong to a category not on the slide. So what does TKT:CLIL test?

9 What does TKT:CLIL test ?
Part 1 Knowledge of CLIL and Principles of CLIL Part 2 Lesson Preparation Lesson Delivery Assessment Go through the points on the slide. Then explain that you are going to show an example of what knowledge TKT:CLIL tests and how. Show next slide.

10 Part 1 Sample task Main aims of CLIL Classroom activities A
to focus on content vocabulary B to develop communication skills C to develop cognitive skills D to raise awareness of culture Read the instructions out to participants (explain that these are normally on the exam paper but you have taken them off the slide to make it look less ‘busy’.) For questions 1-7, match the classroom activities with the main aims of CLIL listed A, B, C or D. Mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet. You need to use some options more than once. Ask participants to answer the 7 questions. If they have a problem reading the slide, then read out the classroom activities one by one while they decide what the main aim is. Take quick feedback, then show Slide 6. Classroom activities 1 Learners discuss in groups how they set up their science experiments. 2 Learners find out about different ways of celebrating spring festivals. 3 The teacher highlights the parts of a river from a geography text which the class has just read. 4 Learners give poster presentations about their group projects. 5 Learners classify plants according to several criteria. 6 Learners predict the outcome of an electricity experiment. 7 Learners do a web search to find out about traditional recipes for bread-making.

11 Part 1 Test Sample: Answers
1. B (Communication) 2. D (Culture) 3. A (Content) 4. B (Communication) 5. C (Cognitive) 6. C (Cognitive) 7. D (Culture) Give participants time to check answers, and answer any questions. Explain that you are going to move on to an activity focusing on Part 2 of TKT:CLIL – Lesson preparation. Point out that in this part, candidates may be tested on their knowledge of: planning a lesson and a series of lessons language needed to deliver subject content materials selection and adaptation activity types resources for CLIL including multi-media and graphic or visual organisers. Show Slide 7 which has examples of visual organisers

12 Task 2 Visual Organisers – lesson planning 1 2 5 3 4
Tell participants these diagrams are examples of visual organisers. Ask them what they think the visual organisers are used for. Elicit two or three ideas. Tell participants they can be used for: helping learners organise, understand and remember new information by making thinking visible supporting learners while taking notes supporting learners when they have to speak Ask participants to discuss what kinds of texts the organisers could represent. Allow 2 – 3 minutes for discussion. Take feedback and show Slide 8 with answers. 5 3 4

13 Task 2 Part 2: Answers 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
1, E (A time line is a useful way to record the order of historical events) 2, A (A Venn diagram is the best way to show the classification of a set of materials into different groups, especially when some members of the set have similar properties e.g those made of plastic, those made of wood, those made of metal. The parts of the circle which overlap show materials made of a combination of materials i.e. plastic and wood/ plastic and metal/ wood and metal) 3, C (A process is often represented as a cycle. Food is chewed, swallowed, digested and excreted then more food is eaten etc.) 4, B (Sorting a set of objects into three completely different groups can be show in a tree diagram e.g. musical instruments: those you vibrate = woodwind and brass / those you hit or shake = percussion / those you pluck or bow = stringed) NB there are more examples of musical instruments 5, D (The mind map here shows three separate facts which may or not be related e.g. Jupiter: biggest plant / fifth from the Sun / takes years to orbit the Sun)

14 Candidates are expected to be familiar with
the language of teaching represented in the separate TKT glossary as well as the terminology related to the description of language, subject vocabulary and concepts for TKT:CLIL. Point out that the TKT:CLIL glossary and wordlist and the TKT glossary are available on the NB: The PET wordlist is also available on the website. Apart from teaching specific vocabulary, TKT:CLIL operates within the PET wordlist.

15 How is TKT:CLIL tested? 80 items 80 minutes objective test format:
1-1 matching 3/4/5 option matching 3-option multiple-choice odd-one-out ordering sequencing separate answer sheet Go through the slide. Then explain that TKT:CLIL is marked by computer (one mark for each correct answer) and go through next slide.

16 How is TKT:CLIL graded? 4 3 2 1 Band
A candidate at this level demonstrates: 4 extensive knowledge of TKT: CLIL content areas 3 breadth and depth of knowledge of TKT:CLIL content areas 2 basic but systematic knowledge of TKT:CLIL content areas 1 limited knowledge of TKT:CLIL content areas Point out that: Results are reported in four bands. There is no pass or fail. Candidates receive a certificate stating which band has been achieved.

17 What teachers say about CLIL
“It would have been useful for us if during the last year of our degree we had had the chance to sit a test like this.” “I was surprised to find such a good mixture of methodological, psychological and technical questions, very good indeed” “TKT CLIL has made me reflect on my teaching style, methodology and the way I cater for my students’ needs.” Ask them to predict what teachers could say about the test now Reveal bullet point 2 Ask them to predict what a teacher said about the test now and for the future Reveal bullet point 3

18 Wordlist Sample Science Art and Craft/Design
abstract classical fabric painting Economics/Business Studies loss manufacture marketing negotiate Environment/Geography adapted atmospheric pressure carbon footprint climate change History ancient archaeologist coronation ICT application bullet points click and drag column database Mathematics angle bar graph calculator Science absorb / absorbent acceleration acid Tell participants this is a sample of vocabulary in the wordlist for the TKT:CLIL test. A full list is in the TKT:CLIL Handbook (available in print and on the website)

19 TKT:CLIL Glossary sample
code switching: moving between first and target language while teaching and learning compare and contrast: What is X and what is not X? To look for similarities and differences. content- obligatory language: language needed for subject matter mastery in the mainstream classroom. This language may be the primary focus of second language lessons visual organisers/ graphic organisers: aids which help learners to understand and remember new information by making thinking visible. They involve writing down or drawing ideas and making connections. They combine words and phrases, symbols and arrows to map knowledge. They include diagrams, tables, columns and webs. Tell participants this is a sample of the wordlist for the TKT: CLIL test. The full list is in the TKT:CLIL Handbook. The TKT:CLIL glossary is available on the website. Ask participants to think about the best ways for preparing for TKT:CLIL. Take feedback, then show Slide 24 with some ideas.

20 Resources TKT:CLIL Handbook TKT:CLIL Syllabus Sample Test
TKT:CLIL Wordlist FAQs Cambridge ESOL Website TKT:CLIL Glossary TKT Glossary The Teacher Portfolio PET Wordlist Point out the resources on Slides 26 and 27 Please note that the Handbook is also available on the website. NB: Apart from the teaching specific vocabulary contained in the TKT glossary and TKT:CLIL wordlist, TKT:CLIL operates within the PET wordlist.

21 University of Cambridge 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU, UK
Further information University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) Keep up to date with what's new via the Cambridge ESOL website Leave this slide up as participants leave the room. 21

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