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1 Challenges Facing Teacher Education Today A presentation to the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations by Sharon P. Robinson AACTE President.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Challenges Facing Teacher Education Today A presentation to the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations by Sharon P. Robinson AACTE President."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Challenges Facing Teacher Education Today A presentation to the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations by Sharon P. Robinson AACTE President and CEO April 20, 2006 Columbus, Ohio

3 2 The State of Teacher Education

4 3 Adjusting to a Rapidly Changing World

5 4 Most new population growth will occur among the least educated populations The U.S. has lost its leadership role as the most highly educated nation in the world Rising trend of income inequality The National Center on Public Policy in Higher Education, Nov. 2005 Seismic Demographic Shifts

6 5

7 6 Increasingly valued Teacher Education is…

8 7 Undergoing Scrutiny

9 8 Accountable Teacher Education is …

10 9 Under-Funded

11 10 Teacher Education is … Innovating, transforming

12 11 Teacher Education is … Facing Competition

13 12 What AACTE is Doing

14 13 AACTE is: Promoting the profession’s value Encouraging scrutiny & accountability Supporting innovation Listening, learning, and responding to criticism and competition Advocating for needed funding

15 14 AACTE’s Mission: Promote the learning of all PK-12 students through high-quality, evidence-based preparation and continuing education for all school personnel

16 15 AACTE’s Strategic Goals I.Build Consensus on Professional Issues II.Advocate in State and Federal Policy Arenas III.Strengthen Programs and Enhance Their Capacity IV.Improve All Educators' Ability to Serve Diverse Learners

17 16 AACTE’s Response to Competition

18 17 Program Parity All must teach all children coming to school All must model evidence-based effective programs –A common core curriculum –Well-defined standards of practice and performance –Extended clinical experiences –Strong university-school relationships –Use of methods that relate learning to practice All must be subject to legal requirements

19 18 Accountability Applies to All We all must document the quality of our candidates We all must show our candidates make a difference in student learning We all must avoid putting the least qualified teachers in charge of the neediest students

20 19 A View of the Profession Source: National Academy of Education Committee on Teacher Education. “Preparing Teachers for a Changing World.” February 2005.

21 20 Recommended Components of Alternative Preparation Programs 1.Selective admissions standards including: BA degree and assessments of subject matter competency, personal characteristics, and communications skills 2.A curriculum providing essential knowledge and skills needed to help students reach the state’s curricular standards 3.Assurance of candidates’ understandings of students’ differing learning approaches and how to use various instructional strategies to encourage the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills in all children 4.A supervised internship in which candidates demonstrate competency, jointly developed and supervised through cooperative university-school arrangements 5.Assessment of profession competency in the subject field and in professional studies… not limited to a paper and pencil test but rather should employ an array of sophisticated techniques that allow assessment in a supervised classroom over time.

22 21 It’s Not ‘ Us and Them’ Traditional programs not so ‘traditional’ Adapting to customer needs Often a fine line Major differences: target audience, training design, length of preparation More blending of clinical/content experience by both types

23 22 Universities [content mastery; theoretical understanding] Schools/Districts [skill mastery; positive dispositions] Current Roles in Clinical Preparation Along the Professional Development Continuum Pre-Service In-Service Induction NBPTS Preparation Master/Mentor Teaching Ongoing Professional Development

24 23 Universities [content mastery; theoretical understanding] Desired Roles in Clinical Preparation Along the Professional Development Continuum Pre-Service In-Service Induction NBPTS Preparation Master/Mentor Teaching Ongoing Professional Development Schools/Districts [skill mastery; positive dispositions]

25 24 Additional AACTE Priorities Increase service to state chapters: Additional offerings at annual meeting Enhanced research services for state chapter needs Capacity-building on effective communications with state legislatures Support with membership recruitment

26 25 Additional AACTE Priorities Expand the AACTE Fold: Increase the membership to 800 institutions Continue improving services that add value Encourage community colleges as affiliates Support recruitment efforts of state chapters and dean-alike groups

27 26 Federal Update Higher Education Act Reauthorization Higher Education Appropriations for FY 2006 President’s Budget Request for FY 2007 Higher Education Appropriations for FY 2007 NCLB Reauthorization

28 27 “Day on the Hill” June 14 th -15 th in Washington This is a critical time for teacher education The Ohio delegation is pivotal! A unique opportunity to impact on Congress Let your congressional reps know your successes

29 28 A to Z to ‘Day on the Hill’ 1.Complete Registration Form 2.Reserve hotel room at AACTE discount 3.Arrange for your travel 4.Arrive DC Wednesday June 14 th for a 3:00 pm Workshop to prepare for Congressional delegation meetings 5.Attend Reception on the Hill for AACTE members, Members of Congress and their staff (5:30-6:30 pm) 6.Attend Thurs. morning AACTE Congressional Briefing to inform Members and staff of your innovative programs 7.Later that day, Meet with your Congressional Delegation 8.At end of the day, Debrief with your AACTE colleagues and staff

30 29 New AACTE Membership Benefit: Grant-Seeking Service To help you identify education R&D grant & contract opportunities at selected federal agencies and international organizations No cost for: –Newsletters & bulletins highlighting offerings –Workshops at regularly scheduled AACTE events For a service fee: –Targeted assistance to find specific opportunities –Developing and presenting proposals –Negotiating grants/contracts –Gaining visibility for your work

31 30 What the Profession Needs to Do

32 31 Teacher Education Imperatives Increase the diversity of teacher candidates Strengthen our curricula Know precisely our impact on candidate knowledge and skills Get serious about clinical development Ensure our graduates can teach any child Justify our existence by our impact on Pre K-12 learners

33 32

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