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L E T ‘ S W R I T E with a focus on MLA Mrs. Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "L E T ‘ S W R I T E with a focus on MLA Mrs. Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 L E T ‘ S W R I T E with a focus on MLA Mrs. Martin

2 Paragraphs consists of a group of sentences that share a common topic consists of a group of sentences that share a common topic must be 5 sentences must be 5 sentences each new paragraph gets indented each new paragraph gets indented each paragraph develops ONE idea each paragraph develops ONE idea

3 Paragraphs Paragraph Topic Sentence Restatement Example or Quote Ender

4 Topic Sentence first sentence in each paragraph first sentence in each paragraph tells exactly what the paragraph will be about tells exactly what the paragraph will be about Makes a statement/opinion Makes a statement/opinion

5 Restatement sentence after the topic sentence sentence after the topic sentence answers the who, what, why, how, when answers the who, what, why, how, when Longer, detailed topic sentence Longer, detailed topic sentence

6 Examples or Quotes after the restatement after the restatement Explains your topic Explains your topic Show your points Show your points What you know about the topic What you know about the topic i. give a reason/example ii. use a quote

7 Ender after the example after the example ties this paragraph with the next ties this paragraph with the next

8 Example Paragraph The ocean is beautiful. The ocean is beautiful because of the clear blue color. In Maryland, the ocean is so clear you can see all the multi-colored fish swimming around. Henry Beston believes that one of the greatest sounds is “the sound of outer ocean on a beach” (Beston 32). There are many things that are also beautiful like the ocean, such as butterflies.

9 Write your own paragraph here

10 The Order of An Essay 1. Introduction Paragraph 2. Body (2 nd Paragraph) 3. Body (3 rd Paragraph) 4. Body (4 th Paragraph) 5.Conclusion (5 th Paragraph)

11 Introduction Topic Sentence Central IdeaThesisEnder

12 Introduction the first paragraph of an essay always includes: a. topic sentence -ask a question -state a fact b. central idea -your opinion/what you are going to show c. thesis -reasons that support your opinion -your essay will follow that order d. ender

13 Introduction Paragraph There are many great books worth taking the time to read. The book, The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck was an excellent book. It is an excellent book because the characters were interesting, there is a lot of action, and the story never becomes boring. Kino, the main character, suffers many losses throughout the book.

14 Introduction Paragraph Computers have affected many people’s lives in a convenient way. Computers are very useful inventions. They make school work easier, finding information faster, and help people keep in touch with their family. Computers are a great benefit to society.

15 Write your own intro paragraph Topic: Topic: Central Idea: Central Idea: Reason 1: Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 2: Reason 3: Reason 3: Write paragraph here: Write paragraph here:

16 Body follow your thesis follow your thesis remember the order of paragraphs remember the order of paragraphs will consist of at least three complete paragraphs will consist of at least three complete paragraphs -consists of paragraphs 2,3, 4

17 Paragraph 2 focuses on reason one in your thesis focuses on reason one in your thesis -always includes: a. topic sentence b. restatement c. example/quote d. example/quote e. ender

18 Paragraph 3 focuses on reason two in your thesis focuses on reason two in your thesis -always includes a. topic sentence b. restatement c. example/quote d. example/quote e. ender

19 Paragraph 4 focuses on reason three in your thesis focuses on reason three in your thesis -always includes: a. topic sentence b. restatement c. example/quote d. example/quote e. ender

20 Conclusion The fifth (last) paragraph in an essay The fifth (last) paragraph in an essay Never begin with In conclusion Never begin with In conclusion must be 5 sentences must be 5 sentences Should restate the main points of your essay Should restate the main points of your essay rewrite your topic sentences rewrite your topic sentences Tie everything together Tie everything together Include text to self/society/text Include text to self/society/text

21 An Excellent Essay Uses: Focus Focus Content Content Organization Organization Style Style Conventions Conventions

22 Focus -essay writes about only ONE topic which is your central idea

23 Content -the presence of ideas developed through examples and reasons -use the reasons stated in your thesis -use examples/quotes/research -Show me/convince me you are right

24 Organization -the clear order of an essay Introduction Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3 Body Paragraph 4 Conclusion

25 Style -your own unique writing voice -use a variety of words -use similes and metaphors to describe something -do not repeat yourself -do not write like you talk or text or tweet

26 Conventions 1. Do not use I in an essay 1. Do not use I in an essay I like MTV. MTV is good. I love pizza. Pizza tastes good. I think school uniforms are a dumb idea. School uniforms are a dumb idea. 2. Do not use you in an essay 2. Do not use you in an essay Have you ever read such a wonderful book? There has never been such a wonderful book as this one. Have you ever experienced love? Many people have experienced love. -grammar, spelling, and mechanics are all correct

27 Conventions 3. Do not use in this essay in an essay 3. Do not use in this essay in an essay This essay will discuss why summer is the best season of all. Summer is the best season. 4. Do not use in conclusion in an essay 4. Do not use in conclusion in an essay In conclusion, winter is the best season. Winter is the best season.

28 Conventions THERE,THEIR, THEY’RE 5. Know the difference between their, there, they're 5. Know the difference between their, there, they're their-Is that their book on the floor? a. possessive/ownership there-Are you going over there? a. shows location they're-They're going to the movies tonight. a. they are YOUR, YOU’RE 6. Know the difference between your and you're 6. Know the difference between your and you're your-Is that your book on the floor in the corner? a. possessive/shows ownership you're-You're a wonderful person! a. you are

29 Conventions 7. Do not use slang in an essay 7. Do not use slang in an essay-gonna,gunna-ain't-like-becuz -U R 2 kool 8. Do not begin a sentence with and, because, so 8. Do not begin a sentence with and, because, so 9. Check your spelling 9. Check your spelling 10. No contractions 10. No contractions

30 Writing Prompt Think about inventions that have affected our lives. Select an invention and write to explain why this invention has been good or bad for society.

31 -Modern Language Association

32 MLA Modern Language Association they create the "writing rules" ensures that everyone is graded on the same standards MLA IS USED IN ALL TYPES OF ESSAYS a. literary analysis essays b. research essays c. character analysis essays d. compare/contrast essays e. persuasive essays f. informative essays

33 Page One Staple goes in left hand corner Staple goes in left hand corner No cover sheets No cover sheets Guide words are double spaced Guide words are double spaced Pagination includes last name and page number Pagination includes last name and page number Double space the rest of the essay after the title Double space the rest of the essay after the title NameMartin 1 Teacher Class Date essay is due Title of your Essay

34 Page Two Double space entire essay Double space entire essay Type in 12 point font Type in 12 point font Use Times New Roman type Use Times New Roman type Pagination Pagination Do not add extra spaces in between paragraphs Do not add extra spaces in between paragraphs Martin 2 Essay goes here.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

35 Page Three Work Cited page Work Cited page 1.5 spaced 1.5 spaced Martin 3 Work Cited

36 MLA Writing Rules double-spaced double-spaced 12 font 12 font Times New Roman Times New Roman Black ink Black ink Left margin only Left margin only Staple is put in the left hand corner of the essay Staple is put in the left hand corner of the essay i. no cover sheet ii. no plastic -the whole essay is

37 MLA Writing Rules name, teacher, class, date essay is due placed in the upper left hand corner name, teacher, class, date essay is due placed in the upper left hand corner you must always use at least three quotes you must always use at least three quotes i. “quote quote” (Shakespeare 4). you must always have a work cited page you must always have a work cited page i.Last name, First name. Title of Book. Where: Who, Year. book titles get italicized book titles get italicized short stories, internet articles, movies get quotation marks " " short stories, internet articles, movies get quotation marks " "

38 MLA Writing Rules type double spaces after a period, question mark, exclamation point type double spaces after a period, question mark, exclamation point type one space after a comma type one space after a comma do not forget the header/pagination on far right side do not forget the header/pagination on far right side Need your own title always Need your own title always i. be creative ii. the title of your essay does not get underlined, bolded, italicized, or quotation marks iii. is centered

39 Quotes are placed in the body of the essay are placed in the body of the essay at least one quote per paragraph at least one quote per paragraph a. 3 quotes total b. quotes are never placed in the introduction or the conclusion of an essay quotes help to prove your thesis (opinion) quotes help to prove your thesis (opinion) a."quote quote quote quote" (Author's last name space page number). b."The sky is blue" (Lowry 8). b."The sky is blue" (Lowry 8). c."It was a dark and stormy night in the cave" (King 96).

40 Quotes need a lead-in before the quote using either a comma or a colon need a lead-in before the quote using either a comma or a colon The setting was beautifully described, "the day was warm and the sun shone hues of pink, blue, and orange while the trees were alive with green" (Liss 98). OR The character named Brad had a lot of attitude when talking to his teachers: "So teach, you need to lighten up. No homework tonight. Even so, I won't do it" (Polks 345).

41 Work Cited last page of your essay (gets its own page) last page of your essay (gets its own page) books get underlined (this also goes for your entire essay) books get underlined (this also goes for your entire essay) Work Cited page is 1.5 spaced Work Cited page is 1.5 spaced Work Cited is centered on the top of the page Work Cited is centered on the top of the page a. does not get underlined b. does not get special treatment if more than one book, the books are arranged in alphabetical order if more than one book, the books are arranged in alphabetical order

42 Work Cited Book: Last name, First name. Title of Book. Where: Who, Year. King, Stephan. The Shining. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

43 Literary Analysis Essay The literary analysis essay breaks down important literary aspects about a book. The literary analysis essay breaks down important literary aspects about a book. These details help other people to understand the work as a whole together These details help other people to understand the work as a whole together

44 Introduction Introduction –Topic sentence –Central idea –Author –Title –Literary element which your essay will focus on Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, focused on the theme of friendship. John Steinbeck, in his novel, Of Mice and Men, used the setting to promote action in his book. –Thesis -Your supporting reasons –These reasons will be the order of your essay –Ender

45 Introduction Topic Sentence: Central Idea: Thesis Sentence: Ender:




49 Body ___ Reason __ Your example from the novel here. Lead-in, Quote: “ “ (Steinbeck 78).




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