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Broadwater School History Department 1. 2 “Only a townsman …” Did the towns make people free? Page 34 Think Question The two people in the picture might.

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1 Broadwater School History Department 1

2 2 “Only a townsman …” Did the towns make people free? Page 34 Think Question The two people in the picture might be arguing about prices / princes. I know this because it is a picture of a shop / supermarket and because it shows a shopkeeper selling something to a customer / custard pie. Late C14th hose & hood shop

3 Broadwater School History Department 3 “Only a townsman …” Keeping up the standard Page 35 Think Question Apart from the noise, there were other reasons why a guild might not want people to work at night. The real reason why the Guilds did not like people working at night was to do with keeping their members rich. Clue: Use this list to help you to writing out your own answer. For a really good answer, link the ideas together and explain how they kept the guild members rich. people who weren’t guild members might be working if people worked at night they would make more goods if there were too many goods, selling prices would fall.

4 Broadwater School History Department 4 “Only a townsman …” Keeping up the standard Page 36 Think Questions The real reason why the Guilds were keen to control the people who practiced their craft was to do with keeping their members rich. Clue: Use this list to help you to writing out your own answer. For a really good answer, link the ideas together and explain how they kept the guild members rich. if non guild members worked there would be more goods for sale the guilds could not control the quality, so goods might not sell if there were too many goods, selling prices would fall. Now try your own answer explaining why guilds wanted to keep women out. The reasons are almost the same!

5 Broadwater School History Department 5 “Only a townsman …” Keeping up the standard Step One The guilds controlled the making and sale of goods very tightly. Little points: the guilds controlled the prices that were charged for goods the guilds controlled the number of apprentices the guilds said that only guild members could practice their craft the guilds controlled the quality of work of guild members the guilds kept out people they didn’t trust the guilds did not allow women to become members. Clue: to write a really good answer, explain why the guilds did all of these things.

6 Broadwater School History Department 6 “Only a townsman …” Keeping people in order Page 37 and 38 Think Questions The scales above the baker’s head suggest that he … Clue: select the two correct endings and put them into a piece of your own writing. has not been selling the right measures has cheating his customers is overweight. No one from outside the town was allowed to but cloth because … Clue: all of these endings are correct. Link them together into a piece of your own. the guilds controlled all the buying and selling in a town the guilds did not want outsiders making money in the town towns grew strong because of buying and selling outsiders would mean that the town lost money

7 Broadwater School History Department 7 “Only a townsman …” Keeping people in order Step Two The rich and important townsmen passed laws which helped to protect the freedom of everyone in the town, but they stayed firmly in control. Little points: the chief townsmen were the rich guild members the chief townsmen bought a charter the charter released the town from the lord’s control the charter allowed the town to set up a council the town council made rules that kept everyone safe the rules were about hygiene, health, fires and defending the town the council was made up of the rich and important me, so they were in control the guilds controlled the council the council made rules that made sure the town stayed prosperous Clue: to write a really good answer, link the ideas together into a piece of writing of your own.

8 Broadwater School History Department 8 “Only a townsman …” Keeping people out Page 40 Think Questions The people of London and York became angry with the Jews because … Although the Jews had lived peacefully in these towns, some people may have turned against them because … Clue: all of these are correct reasons for both questions. To do a good answer, link them together into a piece of your own writing. they had a different religion they kept themselves to themselves they were often successful businessmen some Jews were very rich some people were jealous of the success of the Jews some rich and powerful people owed Jews a lot of money anti-Jewish riots broke out.

9 Broadwater School History Department 9 “Only a townsman …” Keeping people out Step Three Towns were places where outsiders came to trade and where people could gain freedom from the lord, but outsiders were sometimes mistrusted, treated cruelly or kept out. Little points: towns relied on attracting people to trade to attract traders towns had to be safe places to make towns safe, rules were made to keep some people out anyone who was strange or different was kept out if there was a war, foreigners might be attacked and killed in 1189 there were anti-Jewish riots Clue: to write a really good answer, link the ideas together into a piece of writing of your own.

10 Broadwater School History Department 10 “Only a townsman …” Thinking Your Enquiry Through: How free were the townspeople? Paragraph Two: The guilds controlled the making and sale of goods very tightly. Explain how and why the guilds controlled the making of goods, giving some examples to support what you say. Make sure to explain about how this made people more free! Paragraph Three: The rich and important townsmen passed laws which helped to protect the freedom of everyone in the town, but they stayed firmly in control. Explain how and why the rich and important townsmen bought a charter and elected a council that made rules. Explain how this made people more free! Paragraph Four: Towns were places where outsiders came to trade and where people could gain freedom from the lord, but outsiders were sometimes mistrusted, treated cruelly or kept out. Explain how and why towns were places where people could gain their freedom, but how keeping some people out kept the towns strong, so the townspeople could be free. Conclusion: Explain what the townspeople were free to do (buy and sell goods and land). Explain how some people had more freedom than others (guild members). Explain whose freedom was limited by the rules and why.

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