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Economics of the Nonprofit Sector - Introduction.

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1 Economics of the Nonprofit Sector - Introduction

2 Introduction Syllabus Class format Key topics: Funding mechanisms employed by nonprofits/charitable organizations The relationship that exists between the government sector and the Nonprofit Sector Details of the organizational characteristics of effective and ineffective charitable organizations New forms of philanthropic organizations The implications of agency problems and possible solution Comprehensive analysis of how charitable organizations are assessed

3 Funding of Nonprofits Four major sources of funds and funding Individual Corporate Foundations Bequests Altruism(?) Donor control – do donors get what they want?

4 What Motivates Giving Individuals: – Altruism – Social Stature – Warm-glow Businesses: – Altruism of Managers – Profit Motive Foundations – Altruism – Social Goals

5 Discussion Should donations be tax-deductible?

6 Looking Towards Meeting #2 Familiarize yourself with Blackbaud Index, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Giving in Numbers These are major sources of data on charitable giving and philanthropy Read Ott & Dicke, Chapters 10, 13 and 22. Read Van Slyke and Brooks piece and McClelland and Brooks Student Presenters:

7 Meeting 2 Ott & Dicke – Chapter 10, The Fundraising Process (Lindahl) Planning for fundraising: SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Analysis of a well-known local charity Based on SWOT outcome, setting of goals Operating, endowment, capital (facilities) Establishing an Action Plan Including cultivation and solicitations Cultivation of long-term donors

8 Evaluation of Fundraising Steps Achievement of goals within certain constraints Achieved within a reasonable time Frugality – were goals achieved without spending large proportion of raised funds to conduct campaign Don’t want to end up on this list:

9 Worst Charities RankCharity nameTotal raised by solicitorsPaid to solicitors% spent on direct cash aid 1Kids Wish Network$137.9 million$115.9 million2.5% 2Cancer Fund of America$86.8 million$75.4 million1.0% 3 Children's Wish Foundation International $92.7 million$61.2 million10.6% 4 Firefighters Charitable Foundation $62.8 million$53.8 million7.4% 5 International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO $66.6 million$50.4 million0.5% 6 Breast Cancer Relief Foundation $63.9 million$44.8 million2.2% 7 American Association of State Troopers $48.1 million$38.6 million8.9% 8 National Veterans Service Fund $70.2 million$36.9 million7.8% 9 Children's Cancer Fund of America $43.7 million$34.4 million4.6% 10 Children's Cancer Recovery Foundation $38.5 million$28.9 million0.7%

10 Ott & Dicke, Chapter 13 – Foundations (Boris) Types of Foundations Private foundations A private foundation is a legal entity set up by an individual, a family or a group of individuals, for a purpose such as philanthropy or an object legal in the economic operation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation in the U.S. with over $38 billion in assets. [1] However, most private foundations are much smaller. Approximately two- thirds of the more than 84,000 foundations which file with the IRS, in 2008, have less than $1 million in assets, and 93% have less than $10 million in assets. [1] In aggregate, private foundations in the U.S. control over $628 billion in assets [1] and made more than $44 billion in charitable contributions in 2007Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [1] -Tax Laws more stringent: Deduction limited to 30% of income

11 Public foundations A public foundation is also called a grantmaking public charity. They raise money from the public (individuals, corporations, and other foundations) to provide grants. The IRS does not consider these as private foundations since their base of support is typically broad. Community foundations are recognized as “public”.grantsprivate foundationsCommunity foundations Tax Laws less stringent: Donations up to 50% of income

12 Government Foundations Funded through tax dollars Fund through grant-making process

13 Foundation Governance Corporate Governance Donor Small Foundations – managed by family and small set of donors Administrator Board makes decisions on funds – Administered by small professional staff Director Executive Director manages funding process Presidential Model Managed primarily by Nonprofits CEO ? Impact on the administrative costs of nonprofit?

14 Ott & Dicke (Drapkin and Hayden), Chapter 22 Managing Volunteers Nonprofit sector typically highly dependent on volunteers Lowers cost of operation – makes nonprofit expenditures a lower proportion of donations Authors note the complexity of the volunteering population ex. Coerced versus free-will Politically motivated volunteerism Volunteers are not “free”, as supervision consumes staff time Ott & Dickey note that increased lifespan produces a larger pool of potential volunteers Government programs such as AmeriCorps are providing more outlets for volunteering

15 What Does philanthropy mean?

16 READINGS 3 of 5 assigned readings are primary data sources for information on nonprofits and charitable giving: (Reading 2) Blackbaud Index (charitable giving report) Provides statistics on charitable giving by source, purpose and by method by which it was raised Major findings are the rapidly rising importance of online giving, along with a trend towards giving towards “international affairs” causes Blackbaud targeted more towards nonprofits managers, less towards researchers

17 Reading #3 Chronicle of Philanthropy Comprehensive data on giving, including corporate giving (key corporate donors) Includes the Philanthropy 400 – interactive database of organizations Filtered by cause, location + information on America’s top donors Considered the premier source of data

18 Reading #4 Conference Board, Giving in Numbers Best source of data on corporate giving Gives numbers by industry cross-referenced with cause E.g. what firms in the petroleum industry give to artistic causes Figures help illuminate corporate goals: Firms with P.R. problems (tobacco firms) might give to causes that are highly visible and enlightened (the arts) Firms that need highly trained labor might give to educational causes Further Reading: LeClair, M. and Gordon, K. (2000), “Corporate Support for Artistic and Cultural Activities: What Determines the Composition of Corporate Giving?” Journal of Cultural Economics, 24(3), 2000.

19 Article presentation Van Slyke and Brooks “Why do People Give?” A.Point of article is to understand what motivates giving, and how nonprofit managers can use that information 1.Authors note that philanthropy is no longer a private concern – part of civil society 2.Competition among nonprofits for donors’ dollars is increasing 3.And, through the tax code, the public IS paying for part of each nonprofit’s budget 4.Article focuses on which strategies work for which donors B.Page 201 notes that the increasing availability of data means that nonprofit managers have much more information to utilize in setting strategies (e.g. Giving USA) C.Page 202: Factors that correlate with giving Age, gender, religiosity, income, wealth (difference?), taxes and volunteerism

20 +Tax Implications – note that if you do not itemize, the tax deduction is of no value Up to 50% of AGI – anything near this will get you audited! Authors then apply empirical test to determine what variables best determine giving (Page 308) >>>brief explanation of regression…… Results on page 309 indicate that the following are significant: Income, age, Christian (5%), college-educated, married, nonwhite (5%), civically active, volunteer Rest are at 1% level These can become the basis for targeted fund-raising Authors note that in some cases, the results may simply indicate that potential donors had never been approached.

21 Looking towards next meeting Class Discussion on Effective Charitable Organizations Visit Charity Navigator and Charity Watch Pick one charity that is highly ranked and another that is poorly ranked Find out why! Literature assignments: Bradshaw, P., Hayday, B. and Armstrong, R. (2007), “Nonprofit Governance Models: Problems and Prospects,” Christopher Bernard Bekkers, R. and Wiepking, P. (2011). “A Literature Review of Empirical Studies of Philanthropy: Eight Mechanisms that Drive Charitable Giving, Chris Cahill “How to Determine if a Charity is Effective,” online at: 634, Jack Delaney 634

22 Effective and ineffective nonprofits – Meeting #3 TOPICS: Fundraising – methods and effectiveness Fundraising costs as a percentage of donations (or budget) Effectiveness of programs Who benefits in short- and long-run Management accountability and reporting Dedication to charter – do nonprofits follow the intentions of their donors (financers)?

23 Case Studies – The Best Charities (source: CS Monitor) RANKNAMEWEBSITE CATEGORY TOTAL INCOME IN MILLIONS (2011) PUBLIC SUPPORT IN MILLIONS (2011) PERCENTAG E OF TOTAL EXPENSES SPENT ON PROGRAMS † SALARY & BENEFITS OF HIGHEST- PAID OFFICIAL† CHARITYWA TCH‡ GRADE WISE GIVING ALLIANCE ‡‡ CHARITY NAVIGATOR † 1 YMCA of the USA Social services $5986.1$823.487.4$441,438A MEETS STANDARDS ★★★★ 2 Goodwill Industries International Social services 4,437.0778.089.0‡‡$508,571A MEETS STANDARDS NO RATING 3 Catholic Charities USA catholicchari Social services 4,422.8679.279.6$265,356NO RATING MEETS STANDARDS ★★★★ 4United Way unitedway.or g Social services 4,139.93,903.290.6$763,394NO RATING ★★★★ 5 American Red Cross Social services 3,453.0945.992.2$568,594A MEETS STANDARDS ★★★ 6 The Salvation Army salvationarm Social services 3,203.81,697.684.0$216,182A / A– MEETS STANDARDS NO RATING

24 Examination of American Red Cross Website includes state goals and pricinples +Governance Documents Committees: Audit and Risk Management Committee Quality and Regulatory Compliance Subcommittee Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund Compensation and Management Development Committee Executive Committee Governance and Board Development Committee

25 Posted Ethical Rules by which the organization is run Strict guidelines and oversight have protected the organization from scandal 92.2% of raised funds go to programs Volunteers used extensively to keep costs down Auditing process includes external oversight

26 The Bad – Angel Food Ministries Georgia-based nonprofit that used donations to buy food at wholesale and sell it to the needy at bargain prices Operated out of numerous churches At pinnacle, Angel Food was providing discounted food to 500,000 families Problem: Cash-based business with poor accountability Also: Run entirely by close circle of family members with no external auditing process Cash was siphoned off to purchase cars, real estate and even a private jet. Raided by FBI in 2011 – had received substantial federal funding ($7 million), so federal government got involved.

27 Ultimately led to jail time for those involved Most unfortunate part was loss of service to ½ million beneficiaries Other very bad nonprofits: Foundation for New Philanthropy (Ponzi scheme) United States Navy Veterans Association – Collected $100 million dollars over 10 years – no charitable activity of any kind

28 Readings for the week Ott & Dickey (Eadie): Chapter 2 – Governance Models Boards may be high impact or at arms length Meddlesome or arms length Authors note (page 20) that boards of small organizations may find it difficult to separate themselves from day-to-day operations of the entity, instead of providing oversight. Ideally, boards should provide oversight on: Strategic questions Operational questions Accountability questions – is the organizational accountable to its stakeholders and the broader public

29 Four “Streams” of governance identified by eadie Board self-management (who serves and what is expected of them) Planning stream: strategic goals, annual budgets Performance oversight and monitoring stream External stakeholder stream – How to communicate with donors and the community

30 high impact board High-stakes issues are addressed fully and in a timely fashion Board members (not bored members) are fully invested in the success of the enterprise Board members work effectively with CEO of organization

31 The “old” model – The passive- reactive board Board stays out of decision-making process (allows wide leeway to CEO) until crisis Then reacts to problem rather than providing leadership CEO now views board action as interference – defensive posture inevitable If CEO and Board are in partnership, this is avoided.

32 The high-impact board Requires: Strong mission statement to provide guidance Standing committees so the board’s work does not take place 4 days out of the year.

33 Class exercise Samaritan’s Purse v. Wishing Well Foundation Address four issues in group: Overall and categorical rating of each Effectiveness Governance model Malfeasance – is nonprofit doing anything under-handed? clue: answer for one of these is “yes”

34 Ott & Dickey, Chapter 3 (American Bar Association) Author provides look at impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on nonprofits 10 General principles off corporate governance: Role of the Board – should provide oversight that ensures effective and ethical management Importance of Independent Directors – Directors should not be subservient to management, as is frequently the case when nominated and appointed by management Need for an Audit Committee – lack of independent auditing and cross-checking of finances a major source of problems Existence of a nominating committee for the Board Compensation Committee: Independent directors that examine pay and compensation issues Should have intervened in United Way scandal

35 Complete and accurate disclosure of the financials of the nonprofit Appropriate business conduct and ethics codes in place Executive compensation should reflect responsibilities and backgrounds of executive - problems arise when Board members are appointed by executives and OK excess compensation Procedures should be in place to receive and respond to complaints (ethical, financial) Document retention rules should be in place – rules should lay out when documents may be destroyed

36 Looking towards Next week Begin look at effective fundraising, including new forms of securing donations e.g. Crowd-funding First cover chapters 10-12 as background (O&D) Then, each group will design an on-line fundraising for a designated charity I will be handing out assignments Work will be presented next week

37 Meeting #4 – Designing an effective fundraising model O&D, Chapter 10 (Lindahl): The Fundraising Process Chapter emphasizes research on process, prospects, etc. Also, fully understanding one’s own organization, so its goals, etc. can be explained to potential donors Lindahl, Page 119 – goal-setting Facilities, Endowment and Operating Some donors may be much more responsive to one type of donation (e.g. some may only give to facilities improvement) Steps: Cultivation Fairfield example Solicitation

38 Types of solicitations: Planned giving Major gift solicitations Role of Stewardship: Possible alternative goals of managers Self-interest, social status Good stewardship requires goals of nonprofit are paramount Lindahl (page 124) note that a ex post evaluation of how well the fundraising worked is critical

39 O&D, Chapter 11 (Pratt) – Analyzing the Dynamics of Funding Key focus of chapter is on the reliability of fund-raising and the degree to which the funding binds the hand of the nonprofit Reliability: High: Individual donors, endowments, memberships, rental income, advertising Medium: fees for services, continuing government contracts, corporate charitable contributions Low: Government grants that are project-driven, foundation grants, corporate sponsorships

40 Autonomy: High: small- to medium-sized individual contributions, foundations, fees for service, endowments, memberships Medium: large individual contributions, corporate contributions Low: project grants, government contracts, United Way support Pages 130-31 – Eight forms of funding and resulting reliability and autonomy Discussion – particularly the issue of government-funded nonprofits

41 Giving Circles and “crowdfunding” What happens when charity becomes a social act? Chapter12 focuses on giving circles: Groups that pool resources to leverage donations Eikenberry notes that these groups are educational in nature, and that giving becomes part a member’s social life Giving can be more informed and members can find new ways to engage with issues they are interested in Forms: Page 136 – Organizational form Most operate on a “fee” basis (which funds donations) Large donation groups typically have a more formalized grant-making procedure Some are formal groups that meet, some are loose networks

42 Eikenberry Provide 2 case studies Shared Giving: Small (16 members) group that focuses on leveraging individual donations Started by couple that realized they were giving away a lot of money, but randomly and in small amounts Decided to increase the impact of giving by organizing and targeting contributions Womenade: 38 giving circles under this name. Join for a small fee ($35) – Money used to provide small donations to women (families) experiencing financial stress Such as paying an over-due utility bill

43 Benefits of giving circles Charity as a way of life Giving is consistent and targeted More informed! Social aspect encourages participation List of Giving Circles can be found at:

44 Crowdfunding Means by which to draw in many donors at a very small price per donor. Cause and monetary goal posted on the web Rely upon social contacts to encourage participation Top ten sites can be found at: Example: Kickstarter – seeks individual donations to fund creative work that otherwise would not be funded (e.g. cinema)

45 Crowdfunding also used to fund medical treatment for those with serious long-term illnesses who are in financial stress Avoids costs of approaching donors, but visibility is an issue

46 Literature for Next Time 9. Heutel, Garth (2014). “Crowding Out and Crowding In of Private Donations and Government Grants,” Public Finance Review 42, 143-75. (Christina Howell) 10. Brokaw, L. (2012, November 28). “The ‘Benefit Corporation’ Movement,” MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved from (Julie Labbadia)

47 Class Exercise Donation effectiveness Design a website that: Promotes Cause Will be easily found by those searching Details finances of nonprofit Provides searchable statistics (why?) Stories of assistance Mission statement History Media resources Major Donors (why might you want to omit this?)

48 Web design session Handout

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