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DARING TO BREAKDANCE New Password 2-Chapter 1-prereading-vocabulary-TF-reading skills.

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Presentation on theme: "DARING TO BREAKDANCE New Password 2-Chapter 1-prereading-vocabulary-TF-reading skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 DARING TO BREAKDANCE New Password 2-Chapter 1-prereading-vocabulary-TF-reading skills


3 1.Do you like to dance? 2. Do you like to watch people dance? TALK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS.

4 3. Do you like to listen to music? 4. What kind of music or dancing do you like? TALK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS.

5 5. What do you see in these photos?

6 TALK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS. 6. Can you breakdance? 7. Did you watch somebody breakdance before?

7 FAST READING Before you read, Let’s look at the words next to the reading.

8 MARTIAL ARTS Fighting sports like karate and judo.



11 Simple past tense of THINK THOUGHT

12 = I can’t hear as well as most people can. I’M HEARING IMPAIRED

13 FAST READING 1.Read the text as fast as you can. 2.Do not use dictionary. 3.Do not ask your teacher about the vocabulary. 4.Do not follow with a pen or your finger. It slows you down. 5.After fast reading, you just need to find the topic & main idea. You don’t have to understand every word or sentence. 6.You have 3 minutes.

14 TOPIC & MAIN IDEA Topic: What is the reading about? Main idea: What does the reading say about the topic?

15 WHAT IS THE TOPIC? a.How to learn to dance b.Breakdancers c.John Ying

16 WHAT IS THE TOPIC? a.How to learn to dance b.Breakdancers c.John Ying

17 WHAT IS THE MAIN IDEA? a. Learning to dance is fun and easy. b. Breakdancers have to find their own style. c. John Ying worked hard to learn to breakdance.

18 WHAT IS THE MAIN IDEA? a. Learning to dance is fun and easy. b. Breakdancers have to find their own style. c. John Ying worked hard to learn to breakdance.



21 Because you need to learn guessing meaning from context. You will always have words that you don’t know in your tests, so it is very important to learn guessing.


23 The words and sentences before and after the word. Context helps you guess the meaning. For example, look at the context of describe. “It is not easy to describe breakdancing. John calls it part dance, part martial arts, and part gymnastics.” In the second sentence, John is giving information about breakdancing. Describe=tell what something is like

24 VOCABULARY Now, we can talk about the vocabulary before careful reading.

25 Tell what a person or thing looks like, or is like. Can you describe your best friend? DESCRIBE (V.)

26 Forming the main part of something Girls generally don’t like soccer because they don’t know the basic soccer rules. BASIC (ADJ.)

27 Put things together to get more I need to add more sugar to my coffee. ADD (V.)

28 Related to a person, another way to say my, your etc. This is my own car. It is not my husband’s. OWN (ADJ)

29 a way of doing something I always use powerpoints. This is my teaching style. STYLE (N.)

30 have a feeling about someone that he/she is a good person and does something very well My students show respect for me as a teacher. = My students respect me as a teacher. RESPECT (N./V.)

31 from one person to a second person and from the second person to the first In class, you should talk to each other in English. EACH OTHER (PRONOUN)

32 Another way to say me By myself/himself/t hemselves = alone. I sometimes talk to myself. My sister lives by herself. MYSELF (PRONOUN)

33 Quiet with other people, maybe a little afraid She doesn’t dance because she is very shy. She doesn’t want other people to watch her. SHY (ADJ.)

34 Not with any other people I live alone. I don’t live with my parents. ALONE (ADJ./ADV.)

35 Starting to like something In the university, I got interested in Spanish and started to learn Spanish. GET INTERESTED IN (V.)

36 Do something again and again to get better at it I am learning to drive, so I practice everyday. PRACTICE (V.)


38 1.Read the text carefully. 2.You can ask your teacher if you don’t understand words and sentences. 3.After careful reading, you need to answer questions about details.

39 TRUE/FALSE You need to show the reason for your answer. (for example, paragraph 2, sentence 1.)

40 TRUE? FALSE? 1. In the beginning, John was afraid to breakdance.

41 TRUE 1. In the beginning, John was afraid to breakdance.

42 TRUE? FALSE? 2. He doesn’t like to dance with other people.

43 FALSE 2. He doesn’t like to dance with other people.

44 TRUE? FALSE? 3. John is a high school student.

45 FALSE 3. John is a high school student.

46 TRUE? FALSE? 4. Breakdancers do not all dance the same way.

47 TRUE 4. Breakdancers do not all dance the same way.

48 TRUE? FALSE? 5. He learned from watching videos of breakdancers.

49 TRUE 5. He learned from watching videos of breakdancers.

50 TRUE? FALSE? 6. John started learning to breakdance at his university.

51 FALSE 6. John started learning to breakdance at his university.


53 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH ONE? a.John’s start in breakdancing b. How John learned to breakdance c. Who John Ying is d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now e. What breakdancing is

54 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH ONE? a.John’s start in breakdancing b. How John learned to breakdance c. Who John Ying is d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now e. What breakdancing is

55 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH TWO? a.John’s start in breakdancing b. How John learned to breakdance d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now e. What breakdancing is

56 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH TWO? a.John’s start in breakdancing b. How John learned to breakdance d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now e. What breakdancing is

57 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH THREE? a.John’s start in breakdancing b. How John learned to breakdance d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now

58 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH THREE? a.John’s start in breakdancing b. How John learned to breakdance d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now

59 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH FOUR? b. How John learned to breakdance d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now

60 WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF PARAGRAPH FOUR? b. How John learned to breakdance d. John’s feelings about breakdancing now

61 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV.

62 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV. high school=college

63 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV. last year=when he was 13

64 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV. happy=afraid

65 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV. reading books =watching videos

66 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV. with his girlfriend= alone

67 SOME OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SUMMARY IS WRONG. FIND AND CORRECT SIX MISTAKES. John Ying is a high school student in the US. In his free time, he loves to breakdance. He started breakdancing last year. At first, he was happy to try it because he is hearing-impaired. He learnt to do it by reading books about breakdancing and teaching himself. He was shy, so in the beginning, he practiced with his girlfriend. Now, he likes to breakdance with his friends and on TV. On TV= at parties or with his breakdance group at his university

68 POST-READING Talk about these questions in pairs.

69 PARTNER A: ASK THESE QUESTIONS TO PARTNER B. 1.Who do you feel respect for? 2.Which one is better? Living with your parents? Living by yourself? 3.When do you like spending time alone? 4.What do you need to practice?

70 PARTNER B: ASK THESE QUESTIONS TO PARTNER A. 1.Can you describe yourself? Are you a shy person? 2.When do you have free time? 3.What do you like to do in your free time? 4.Do you usually spend your free time alone or with other people?


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