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Bosnian World Diaspora (SSDBIH)- Away day 9 th December 2011 Your consultant- Mark James

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Presentation on theme: "Bosnian World Diaspora (SSDBIH)- Away day 9 th December 2011 Your consultant- Mark James"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bosnian World Diaspora (SSDBIH)- Away day 9 th December 2011 Your consultant- Mark James

2 The Brief How to get the direction right Internal and External environment What options and choice Planning & implementation Evaluation Next steps

3 How to get the direction right Organisations need to develop and achieve key milestones to further the objectives of the organisation These need to be broken down into specific areas These areas include

4 Key Organisational Milestones Vision and Mission Aims and Objectives Leadership and Organisational structure Key people Strategy Partnerships, resources and processes Products and services

5 Vision and Mission What is your vision for BWD- a vision statement is ‘what you want your organisation wants to become’ Split into groups- as directed –Write a draft vision statement in 5 minutes An example: ‘To develop an international organisation to represent the interests of the BWD’

6 Mission statement A mission statement is how you will implement the vision for the organisation Again as directed- split into groups and write a short mission statement- in 5 minutes An example- The BWD will provide, charitable, representation, advocacy and development support to its members; to help meet the needs of the Bosnian communities they represent.’

7 Leadership To make your vision a reality you will need the Leadership to deliver it The Leadership would then work with the trustees to develop an organisational structure Funding should be sought to fund officials and volunteers

8 Organisation & Structure

9 Organisational Structure Can you suggest any alternative structures ? Or are you in agreement with the structure advocated by Sadida Trozic Is anything missing?

10 Location for BWD Location-BrusselsCurrent Members

11 Funding To deliver your aims and objectives you need funding Where could funding come from Donations and membership fees Charitable Foundations Private sector EU and governments Any other sources?

12 Hierarchy of Development First – establish your MISSION Your MISSION statement spells out what you want to achieve – your AIMS Once you have established your key purpose – you need to define your OBJECTIVES

13 Objectives Key stepping stones to achieve your aspirations Should be SMART = specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time - bound Should be active How many? – 5 key objectives Example – Promote Bosnia to the European Union to seek full membership

14 Objectives Exercise Split into groups Come up with 1 Objective for BWD

15 Strategy Think of a strategy as a battle plan Key features are: WAYS – how you will do it MEANS – what resources you will need ENDS – what you will achieve

16 Development Plan Your chart Objective Activities By whom? By WHEN?

17 Evaluation Evaluation is a process by which we measure achievement of goals and quality of services provided A number of processes are involved Should be based on achievement of the aims and objectives of the organisation Once they are set- then evaluation can start

18 Next Steps Review material from today Refer back key issues to the BWD Develop Forward Strategy

19  Largest civil society organisation representing the interests of 1,3 million of Bosnians living world wide, who left the country as refugees during the war in Bosnia 1992-1995.  The only organisation bringing together Bosnian networks and its members from different countries world wide.  Strategic partner for Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially during euro – integration  Strategic partner for European Union SSDBiH’s Potential

20  Mission, vision and values of SSDBiH  Behaviour that underpins the values  Carry out need analysis o current situation and the needs of BiH Diaspora in each country  Produce 3-5 year forward strategy  Secure funding for core costs  Increase the membership and mobilise Diaspora  Develop the profile of SSD BiH using the media and VIP individuals- lobby  Communicate regularly to all members all developments and progress made against set goals  Introduce 1 euro membership fee for individuals Future work plan proposal for SSDBiH

21  Management concept review of SSDBiH  Commit to “European Excellence Model” quality mark  Develop existing partnerships and establish new with different sectors both in BiH and World wide  SSDBiH needs to become member of different and powerful networks of civil society organisations, i.e NCVO  explicit benefits and fees for SSD BiH member organisations, individuals and corporations  Redesign logo and develop the website inclusive of online donations Future work plan proposal for SSDBiH

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