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100 Million Trees Forest 2017 ENO Programme. Environment Online - ENO A global virtual school and network for sustainable development, founded in 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "100 Million Trees Forest 2017 ENO Programme. Environment Online - ENO A global virtual school and network for sustainable development, founded in 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 100 Million Trees Forest 2017 ENO Programme

2 Environment Online - ENO A global virtual school and network for sustainable development, founded in 2000 A global virtual school and network for sustainable development, founded in 2000 Activities on the website, based on global campaign weeks in the end of each theme Activities on the website, based on global campaign weeks in the end of each theme Climate change, ecological footprint, forests, water and cultural development as regular themes Climate change, ecological footprint, forests, water and cultural development as regular themes Tree planting as the core activity Tree planting as the core activity Administrated and coordinated by ENO Programme Association in Finland Administrated and coordinated by ENO Programme Association in Finland

3 The progress of ENO Started in 2000 with 50 schools in 30 countries : today 5 000 schools in 150 countries Started in 2000 with 50 schools in 30 countries : today 5 000 schools in 150 countries Country coordinators and secretaries in 134 countries Country coordinators and secretaries in 134 countries ENO has received several national and international recognitions (Stockholm Challenge Award, Global Junior Challenge Winner 2007, WWF Panda Award, ”Cyber Oscar in UN Summit 2003, national eLearning award of quality etc). ENO has received several national and international recognitions (Stockholm Challenge Award, Global Junior Challenge Winner 2007, WWF Panda Award, ”Cyber Oscar in UN Summit 2003, national eLearning award of quality etc). an official status in Israel (Nov 2010), soon in other countries an official status in Israel (Nov 2010), soon in other countries

4 ENO FOREST 2017: OBJECTIVES ENO FOREST 2017: OBJECTIVES To plant 100 million trees, in co-operation with institutions and experts, with a focus on developing world To plant 100 million trees, in co-operation with institutions and experts, with a focus on developing world To learn about sustainable development and all of its dimensions through trees and forests To learn about sustainable development and all of its dimensions through trees and forests To get children and youth interested in forests To get children and youth interested in forests To make concrete deeds against the climate change and biodiversity To make concrete deeds against the climate change and biodiversity To create a unique network of forest know-how, teaching, technology and research, based on interactive web portal and constant communication To create a unique network of forest know-how, teaching, technology and research, based on interactive web portal and constant communication To act towards the UN Millennium Goals (environment, education, global partnership) To act towards the UN Millennium Goals (environment, education, global partnership)

5 Our approaches to sustainable development through forests Ecological sustainability: biodiversity, climate change, ecosystems, sustainable way of living Economical sustainability: forest products and income, new ways to use forests (bioenergy etc), climate change, biodiversity Social and cultural sustainability: global responsibility, cultural heritage& forest, ethics, peace and tolerance

6 ENO FOREST Forest know-how Education/ eLearning An active global network of schools and institutions Climate change, biodiversity S U S T A I N A B L E D E V E L O P M E N T C H I L D R E N A N D Y O U T H Peace, tolerance ethics Technology

7 TIMETABLE PHASE I (2009 - 2011): 2009: building the network and defining the roles of actors, activity packages for different levels, web portal, tree planting with two campaign days in a year (22 nd of May, 22 nd of Sept) 2010: recruiting more schools, preparations for challenging next year, 5 million trees planted 2011: The International Year Of Forests: Schools will plant altogether 5 million trees in every country of the world ENO Conference in Finland 13-17 September 2011 PHASE I (2009 - 2011): 2009: building the network and defining the roles of actors, activity packages for different levels, web portal, tree planting with two campaign days in a year (22 nd of May, 22 nd of Sept) 2010: recruiting more schools, preparations for challenging next year, 5 million trees planted 2011: The International Year Of Forests: Schools will plant altogether 5 million trees in every country of the world ENO Conference in Finland 13-17 September 2011 PHASE II (2012 - 2014): developing services, research, training, more participants PHASE II (2012 - 2014): developing services, research, training, more participants PHASE III: (2015-2017) Strengthening the action to every country in the world, 100 million trees forest by December 2017. PHASE III: (2015-2017) Strengthening the action to every country in the world, 100 million trees forest by December 2017.

8 Number of trees to be planted 2011-2017 Number of trees to be planted 2011-2017

9 ORGANISATION ENO Headquarters, Finland: Co-ordination Nucleus, ENO Association, ENO Advisory board ENO Headquarters, Finland: Co-ordination Nucleus, ENO Association, ENO Advisory board Global level I (actors ): own secretaries in different continents ( ENO Americas, ENO Europe, ENO Africa, ENO Asia) that work independently but under the control of ENO Headquarters Global level I (actors ): own secretaries in different continents ( ENO Americas, ENO Europe, ENO Africa, ENO Asia) that work independently but under the control of ENO Headquarters Global level II (supporters): Global Advisory Board, Expert Consultant Group Global level II (supporters): Global Advisory Board, Expert Consultant Group

10 ENO Conferences 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011 Global Advisory Board Under planning (Nov 2010) Expert Consultant Group NATIONAL ENO ADVISORY BOARD ENO Association A tool for funding Even based in Finland it can have members and donations globally ENO Americas (including Caribbeans) in 21 countries ENO Africa in 39 countries ENO Europe in 42 countries ENO Asia & Oceania in 48 countries ENO Headquarters; FINLAND

11 More information ENO website: ENO Tree Planting Campaign: ENO Programme Association/ENO-verkkokoulun tuki ry Tel +358 40 5070725 email:

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