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Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 2001 in Review and Changes in 2002 December 2001.

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1 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 2001 in Review and Changes in 2002 December 2001

2 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 OASIS’s –Introduced in June 1999 by OASIS to help minimize overlap and duplication in XML languages and standard initiatives by providing public access to XML information in a centralized XML repository. –Through its evolution, has emerged as comprehensive XML in Industry portal and a valuable public resource and clearinghouse of XML-based information for the XML business community at large.

3 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Mission –To accelerate the global utilization and adoption of XML by providing an open and not-for-profit industry portal that brings together all members of the XML community-at-large.

4 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Will achieve this mission by: Providing an open registry and repository for XML specifications, schemas, and other information consistent with our mission Offering resources such as XML news, information, tools, education/training, and other references Building an online environment to facilitate collaboration and convergence Maintaining a respected profile as a non- commercial, high-quality information base supported by corporate sponsors committed to the advancement of open XML standards

5 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 The Importance of open XML Standards To enable effective and universal interaction and communication in industry, common and open technology languages must be used. –The value of implementing and adopting XML-based standards in industry is paramount to accelerate universal use and acceptance, especially now, as we evolve into the next-generation of e-business and dynamic interoperability.

6 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Sponsorship Model – Exclusively funded by corporate donations – Value-added proposition to sponsors: Exposed as a thought leader within the XML business community-at-large. Branded as a XML innovator and a next-generation technology leader. Recognized as an adopter of open XML-based standards. Identified as an advocate of XML convergence initiatives. Acknowledged as a supporter of XML interoperability. Voice in molding, developing and shaping Networking benefits.

7 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 2001 Summary $537,000 of booked revenue – +38.6% year-over-year growth – +$149,500 year-over-year growth 13 sponsors and 9 new

8 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Page (impressions) views & hits +308% Growth +262% Growth

9 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Site visitors & length of stay +160% Growth +24% Growth after launch

10 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Sites global reach & subscribers +55% Growth +99% Growth

11 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 2001 Summary Acceptable results considering: – Site was re-designed & re-launched in June – Marketing sponsorship began in August – September 11 market impact – Significant technology downturn & layoffs – Limited sales & marketing resources – Reduced IT development support

12 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Proposed Site Enhancements Enhancements were a result of feedback we received from users. Overall General feedback –Too US centric –Need more business value propositions of XML –More comprehensive search capabilities –Improve and simplify navigation and layout –Difficulty in sharing and posting content –Does not provide a means for connecting with potential partners –Discovering many overlapping efforts and not being able to get an expert opinion on which efforts to follow

13 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Overall General Feedback Cont. –More focus on practical industry issues –Real life examples of who is doing what - which standards are organizations implementing today –Show Web Analytics –A means of contributing to the site and interacting with other members more effectively.

14 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML News Daily XML news of industry updates and developments (ScreamingMedia partnership) Syndicated Daily News from Robin Cover’s The XML Cover Pages Weekly newsletter “XML in Practice” (IT World) Monthly newsletter “ Newsletter” provided by user base E-mail news feed subscriptions service for Daily News and Newsletters Submit News capability

15 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML News (recommended changes) –Segment News Section XML Standard News, XML Articles, Press Releases and Announcements –Improve subscribe/unsubscribe process and better promote by enhancing visibility/location –Add search capabilities and archive by date –Change delivery of daily news- early AM, only today’s news abstract with each url –Change feed from ScreamingMedia to XML –Categorize XML standards news by industry –Provide “editorial” overview of articles –Seek to obtain more global news (too US Centric) –Move/remove contributing editor list –Weekly survey with dynamic presentation of results

16 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Resources XML Focus Topics ebXML XML Fundamentals & Programming XML Beginner's Guide, XML Tools XML Parsing, Processing and Databases XML Presentation XML Messaging, Metadata & Web Services XML Security, VoiceXML,... XML FAQ XML Featured Articles XML Sites XML White Papers (IT World) XML Expert Panel

17 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Resources (recommended changes) Expand and update content XML Focus Topics Add company specific case studies/showcases Expand XML Featured Articles and add user comment capabilities to each article Expand links to other XML sites/resources Add a buyers guide section with user review, rating and feedback with product comparisons Add an Learning Center Tutorials, Courses, Certification, Web Casts Remove XML Expert Panel Add Web-metrics (rating/popularity) Improve visual navigation (topic maps)

18 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Marketplace Place where vendors and providers of XML services and solutions can connect with those who have a particular or unique requirement for these services. –A place for companies to register products and services –Sort and search by company, product, service, or industry sector. Created by-the-industry for-the-industry –companies submit and update content posted in this section

19 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Marketplace (recommended changes) –Merge as sub-section in XML in Industry –Add networking contact info to each company –Require companies to post more specific product, service how they are using XML and contact detail. –Categorize products and services. –Move XML specs, schema … in Marketplace to Registry –Include information about what companies are aligned with what standards –Cross link products supporting the specifications –Require submitters to describe the kind of partners/customers they're looking for.

20 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML in Industry Promoting industry collaboration by publishing XML information within vertical industry sectors Listing of XML Initiatives cataloged by Industry Vertical that includes: –Related standards in Standard Guide –Related analyst commentary and reports –Related companies and organizations –Related products and services –Related submission in Registry Collaboration tools: Discussion Groups, Mailing Lists and Message Boards

21 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML in Industry (recommended changes) –Merge XML Marketplace into this section –Improve visualization of collaboration tools (message boards, e-mail list discussion groups) –Promote and provide transversal link collaboration tools to Industry sectors –Establishing industry group leaders in each industry sector with the goal of broadening content depth and promoting collaboration –Showcase a specific company in a given industry each month & overview their XML implementation(s) / initiative(s) –Categorized XML Technology Section –Promote OASIS TC with related links –By beginning to translate in foreign languages

22 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Registry Cross-industry, vendor-neutral registry and repository –allows individuals, organizations, and corporations to register their XML vocabularies, specifications, DTDs, schema… in a central location. Users can search and retrieve –information is openly available for use in inter- or intra-organizational exchange. –Search by key word, industry, last update, document type

23 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Registry (recommended changes) –ebXML Registry & Repository Specs –Merge registry related content into XML Registry from Standards Guide & Marketplace –Add Web-metrics (rating/popularity) to each standard listed –Add content from GE Global eXchange –Increase participation by increasing promotion –Add user our comments register and customer testimonials –Change “submit schema” to “submit content” –Gateway to other registry and repositories –Transversal links with the XML in Industry section

24 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Calendar Showcase of various XML activities Constantly updated Calendar of Events Conferences, workshops, educational seminars, training classes, regional user group meetings, and other events that are directly relevant to the XML field. Calendar serves the real-time needs of the XML community because users can submit listings to be included and viewed by all.

25 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 XML Calendar (recommended changes) –Change default country field code to USA –Add a view of events in calendar format –Add a summary of each event section –Change date to universal format –Hyperlink references to events in a new window. –Add editorial summary of events past to help user determine if they are worth attending. –More event content especially in other parts of the world –Offer a database of people's reactions and thoughts to conferences attended. –Clearly marked who should attend or who each event is geared towards and include pricing

26 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 My A personal contact profile List of subscriptions List of submissions Proposed Changes –Remove section and move the left nav bar –Improve usability and navigation

27 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Sponsor Section Sponsors and sponsorship levels Sponsorship Agreements Sponsorship benefits Site Statistics Proposed Changes –Remove section and move the left nav bar –Improve and enhance site statistics

28 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Other Recommended Changes Add Web Services Section in place of My XML section Add a networking Section in place of Sponsor section Partner with Amazon on promoting XML-based book resources under a revenue sharing arrangement Partner with eLance on promoting a XML-based development marketplace under a revenue sharing arrangement Partner with e-learning and XML certification firms under a revenue sharing arrangement

29 Hosted and Provided by Copyright OASIS, 2001 Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsorship Levels: –Premier Sponsor: $100,000 /yr –Gold Sponsor: $50,000 /yr –Silver Sponsor: $25,000 /yr –Contributing Sponsor: $2,500 /yr For a limited time only, certain sponsorship are available on quarterly and semi annual basis. For sponsorship visit or contact

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