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Presented by: Rajashree Pande & Moiz Raja Shaikh Centre For Learning Resources 3 rd TEC, Hyderabad 16 th – 18 th March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Rajashree Pande & Moiz Raja Shaikh Centre For Learning Resources 3 rd TEC, Hyderabad 16 th – 18 th March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Rajashree Pande & Moiz Raja Shaikh Centre For Learning Resources 3 rd TEC, Hyderabad 16 th – 18 th March 2013

2 About CLR A technical support organisation for: ◦ Programmes for Early Childhood development and education. ◦ Improving functional English skills of children, youth and teachers ◦ Teacher development. ◦ School education and support classes. ◦ The CLR works primarily with those involved in the development and education of economically and socially disadvantaged children.

3 Areas of Work Early Childhood Care and Development: ◦ Targeting Caregivers of Children in the Birth-3 Years Age Group ◦ Training Programmes for Organizations Implementing Caregiver Education ◦ In service Training of Anganwadi Workers and Balwadi Teachers.

4 Areas of Work (cont’d) English Specific Projects: ◦ Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) ◦ Improving English Proficiency of Elementary School Teachers. ◦ Improving English language skills of students in government schools. ◦ Improving English Proficiency of Post-Secondary Youth

5 Importance of English ◦ Will help in higher education. ◦ Will help to get a job. ◦ Will help get status and respect.


7 Teaching of English in regional medium schools ◦ Most teachers have limited English language skills. ◦ Mostly done by rote learning of texts, answers and essays. ◦ Stress on grammar as it is seen as ‘the scoring’ part. ◦ Students have inadequate exposure to English in the classroom and in the immediate environment.

8 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age? 3. Where do you live? 4. Which school do you go to? 5. Which class are you in? 6. What’s your father’s name? 7. How many sisters do you have? 8. Do you have a cycle? 9. What do you like to play? 10. When do you come to school? English Listening and Speaking Skills of 90 Rural and Urban Students from Government Regional Medium Schools About to Appear For Class 10 Board Examinations in 2008 Replying in Correct Sentences Number (Out of 90) Percentage 100% 15-20 questions 11% 10-14 questions only 1213% 5-9 questions only 4247% 0-4 questions only 3539% 11. Which class were you in last year? 12. How do you go home yesterday? 13. At what time did you go home yesterday? 14. What did you do last Sunday? 15. What will be the date tomorrow? 16. What was the day yesterday? 17. What is the time on this clock? 18. At what time will you go home today? 19. You have 10 rupees. What will you buy? 20. How much does a pencil cost?

9 English Writing Skills of 90 Rural and Urban Students from Government Regional Medium Schools About to Appear For Class 10 Board Examinations in 2008 Able to write in correct sentences Number (Out of 90) %age 100 Unable to write a single correct sentence 4651% 1 sentence only1416% 2-5 sentences only2326% More than 5 simple sentences 78% Write Sentences Based on the Picture

10 Why does this happen? ◦ Teachers themselves have very limited skills of English. ◦ Limited knowledge of teaching English as a second language.

11 As a result……. ◦ Inspite of learning English for at least 7-8 years most learners are unable to frame even a few sentences in English. ◦ They have very less confidence to speak in English ◦ They develop a fear for the language. ◦ They are unable to read with understanding.

12 Pedagogy of ‘Yuva English’ ◦ Learner centered ◦ Interactive ◦ Bilingual

13 About the Instructor…. ◦ The instructors should have good English communication skills. ◦ They should have complete familiarity with the home language (L1) of the learners. ◦ They should have good idea about teaching English as a second language. ◦ Should be able to handle a class of adult learners.

14 We therefore…. ◦ Have an Instructor Selection test. ◦ We conduct an orientation session with the selected instructors. ◦ A training DVD is used to show actual classroom and key dos and don’ts ◦ We observe and guide the instructor in the initial part of the course.

15 Content of the course ◦ Targets all four skills, but the focus is on Speaking. ◦ Includes Grammar and Vocabulary. ◦ Review and Evaluation modules. ◦ Functional English. ◦ Dictionary Skills

16 Revelations of the Pre-Test…. ◦ We conducted a Pre-Test for learners and the results gave an insight into the reality of the situation we spoke earlier. ◦ The test was conducted on more than 1500 learners across 5 cities in India. ◦ It tested all the four skills- Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. ◦ We analysed each question in each skill.

17 Q1-Answering &asking questions in present tense (with cues) Q2-Answering &asking questions in past tense (with cues) Q3-Picture led basic grammar concepts (prepositions, adjectives, pronouns ) Q4- Free speech- present tense Q5-Free speech- Past tense Average percentage score Questions Total No. of learners = 1750

18 Q1-Answering questions based on a listening text using picture clues Q2- Short dialogues Q3 Announcement Average percentage score Questions Total No. of learners = 1750

19 Q1&2- Interpreting Signs and Notices Q3- Understanding a letter written by a friend. Q4- Understanding a short paragraph with factual details. Q5- Understanding a long paragraph with conversations. Average percentage score Questions Total No. of learners = 1750

20 Q1- Writing personal information. Q2- Writing a message to a friend based on the inputs given. Average percentage score Questions Total No. of learners = 1750

21 The post test revealed….. ◦ After 140 hours of intervention a post test was given to around 1500 learners. ◦ It was the same as the Pre-Test. ◦ We analysed each question in every skill. ◦ The result was then compared along with the Pre- Test.

22 Q1-Answering &asking questions in present tense (with cues) Q2-Answering &asking questions in past tense (with cues) Q3-Picture led basic grammar concepts (prepositions, adjectives, pronouns ) Q4- Free speech- present tense Q5-Free speech- Past tense Average percentage score Questions Pre- Test Vs Post Test- Speaking Total No. of learners = 1750

23 Q1-Answering questions based on a listening text using picture clues Q2- Short dialogues Q3 Announcement Average percentage score Questions Pre- Test Vs Post Test- Listening Total No. of learners = 1750

24 Q1&2-Interpreting Signs and Notices Q3-Understanding a letter written by a friend. Q4-Understanding a paragraph with factual details. Q5- Understanding a long paragraph with conversation. Average percentage score Questions Pre- Test Vs Post Test- Reading Total No. of learners = 1750

25 Q1- Writing personal information. Q2- Writing a message to a friend based on the inputs given. Average percentage score Questions Pre- Test Vs Post Test- Writing Total No. of learners = 1750


27 To conclude…. Our study has revealed that given the circumstances, learner profile, instructor profile and orientation and the ESL teaching pedagogy as mentioned; a short course can help learners reach a point where they can begin to engage with the English language be it in educational place or at a job!

28 Questions?

29 Contact: Ms. Rajashree Pande- Mr. Moiz Raja Shaikh-

30 Thank you!!!!

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